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добрый день ситуация такова есть сайт создан на опенкарт 1.5 все хорошо работало на тестовом хостинге , я перенес сайт на https://mirohost.net/

подключил домен , залил БД , настроил config.php нооо как можно видеть перейдя по http://topsi.com.ua/ там ошибка 500, не знаю что делать кто поможет , хостинг говорит что ошибка в файле htaccess... вот собственно файл htaccess


RewriteEngine On
Options +SymLinksIfOwnerMatch
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www\.(.*)
RewriteRule (.*) http://%1/$1 [R=301,L]
# RewriteBase закоментирована, так как может оказаться, что оригинальный .htaccess настроен иначе
#RewriteBase /
### При вызове скрипта "позиции" он сразу запускается. Дальше .htaccess не обрабатываем [last]
RewriteRule ^(seo/.*\.php)$ - [last]
### При вызове скрипта "бутстрап" он сразу запускается. Дальше .htaccess не обрабатываем [last]
RewriteRule ^(mz-bootstrap\.php)$ - [last]
### Временное автоматическое отключение mz-бутстрапа в моменты загруженности сервера (долгий ответ, ошибки):
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} nc2 [OR]
RewriteCond %{THE_REQUEST} nc2
RewriteRule ^.*$ - [env=nomz:nomz]
### ОБХОД [то есть, skip] mz-бутстрапа - абсолютные правила выгрузки неизменной страницы в браузер:
##   - отсутствие файла mz-bootstrap.php;
##   - НЕ GET-метод запроса;
##   - в запросе присутствует строка "admin" "user" или "login";
##   - в параметрах присутствует строка "admin" "user" или "login";
##   - mz-bootstrap запросил исходную страницу через http.
RewriteCond %{ENV:nomz} ^nomz$ [OR]
RewriteCond %{DOCUMENT_ROOT}/mz-bootstrap.php !-f [OR]
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} (admin|user|login) [OR]
RewriteCond %{THE_REQUEST} (admin|user|login) [OR]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} ^SameServer
RewriteRule !^$ - [skip=1]
### Запуск СЕО-загрузчика mz-bootstrap для остальных php и html файлов.
RewriteRule ^.*\.(php|html)$ mz-bootstrap.php [qsappend,last]

AddDefaultCharset utf-8

# php 5 only, afaik. handy when your server isn't where YOU are.
# php_value date.timezone Europe/Moscow
# php_value memory_limit 128M

# 1.To use URL Alias you need to be running apache with mod_rewrite enabled. 

# 2. In your opencart directory rename htaccess.txt to .htaccess.

# For any support issues please visit: http://www.opencart.com

# Prevent Directoy listing 
Options -Indexes

# Prevent Direct Access to files
<FilesMatch "\.(tpl|ini|log)">
 Order deny,allow
 Deny from all

# SEO URL Settings
RewriteEngine On

RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www\.(.*)
RewriteRule (.*) http://%1/$1 [R=301,L]

# If your opencart installation does not run on the main web folder make sure you folder it does run in ie. / becomes /shop/ 

RewriteBase /

RewriteRule ^cart/add/1238\.html\?qty=1    /shopping-cart/ [R=301,L]

Options +SymLinksIfOwnerMatch

#RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^(.*)page=10$
#RewriteRule ^(.*)$ / [R=301,L]

#RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
#RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !\..{1,10}$
#RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !(.*)[^/]{1}$
#RewriteRule ^(.*)/$ /$1 [L,R=301]

RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^route=common\/home
RewriteRule ^index\.php /? [R=301,L]

RewriteRule ^product/(.*)\.html$ index.php?_route_=$1 [L]
#RewriteRule ^sitemap.xml$ index.php?route=feed/google_sitemap [L]
RewriteRule ^googlebase.xml$ index.php?route=feed/google_base [L]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !.*\.(ico|gif|jpg|jpeg|png|js|css)
RewriteRule ^([^?]*) index.php?_route_=$1 [L,QSA]

<FilesMatch "error.(txt)$">
Order Allow,Deny
Deny from all

#php_flag display_errors On
#php_value error_reporting 2047

### Additional Settings that may need to be enabled for some servers 
### Uncomment the commands by removing the # sign in front of it.
### If you get an "Internal Server Error 500" after enabling any of the following settings, restore the # as this means your host doesn't allow that.

# 1. If your cart only allows you to add one item at a time, it is possible register_globals is on. This may work to disable it:
# php_flag register_globals off

# 2. If your cart has magic quotes enabled, This may work to disable it:
# php_flag magic_quotes_gpc Off

# 3. Set max upload file size. Most hosts will limit this and not allow it to be overridden but you can try
# php_value upload_max_filesize 999M

# 4. set max post size. uncomment this line if you have a lot of product options or are getting errors where forms are not saving all fields
# php_value post_max_size 999M

# 5. set max time script can take. uncomment this line if you have a lot of product options or are getting errors where forms are not saving all fields
#php_value max_execution_time 200

# 6. set max time for input to be recieved. Uncomment this line if you have a lot of product options or are getting errors where forms are not saving all fields
#php_value max_input_time 200





а вот файл error.log 


[Sun Nov 12 23:50:43.199242 2017] [core:alert] [pid 31290] [client] /var/www/topsia/topsi.com.ua/.htaccess: Invalid command '\xef\xbb\xbfRewriteEngine', perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration
[Sun Nov 12 23:52:50.003522 2017] [core:alert] [pid 31290] [client] /var/www/topsia/topsi.com.ua/.htaccess: Invalid command '\xef\xbb\xbfRewriteEngine', perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration
[Mon Nov 13 00:30:23.777457 2017] [core:alert] [pid 32145] [client] /var/www/topsia/topsi.com.ua/.htaccess: Invalid command '\xef\xbb\xbfRewriteEngine', perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration
[Mon Nov 13 01:44:09.988071 2017] [core:alert] [pid 742] [client] /var/www/topsia/topsi.com.ua/.htaccess: Invalid command '\xef\xbb\xbfRewriteEngine', perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration
[Mon Nov 13 02:17:29.961516 2017] [core:alert] [pid 1793] [client] /var/www/topsia/topsi.com.ua/.htaccess: Invalid command '\xef\xbb\xbfRewriteEngine', perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration
[Mon Nov 13 03:19:14.052757 2017] [core:alert] [pid 3758] [client] /var/www/topsia/topsi.com.ua/.htaccess: Invalid command '\xef\xbb\xbfRewriteEngine', perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration
[Mon Nov 13 03:44:27.449088 2017] [core:alert] [pid 3902] [client] /var/www/topsia/topsi.com.ua/.htaccess: Invalid command '\xef\xbb\xbfRewriteEngine', perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration
[Mon Nov 13 04:43:07.424338 2017] [core:alert] [pid 5193] [client] /var/www/topsia/topsi.com.ua/.htaccess: Invalid command '\xef\xbb\xbfRewriteEngine', perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration
[Mon Nov 13 04:53:13.652165 2017] [core:alert] [pid 4975] [client] /var/www/topsia/topsi.com.ua/.htaccess: Invalid command '\xef\xbb\xbfRewriteEngine', perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration
[Mon Nov 13 04:56:18.623114 2017] [core:alert] [pid 5025] [client] /var/www/topsia/topsi.com.ua/.htaccess: Invalid command '\xef\xbb\xbfRewriteEngine', perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration
[Mon Nov 13 06:10:23.631860 2017] [core:alert] [pid 6630] [client] /var/www/topsia/topsi.com.ua/.htaccess: Invalid command '\xef\xbb\xbfRewriteEngine', perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration
[Mon Nov 13 06:47:08.817548 2017] [core:alert] [pid 7223] [client] /var/www/topsia/topsi.com.ua/.htaccess: Invalid command '\xef\xbb\xbfRewriteEngine', perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration
[Mon Nov 13 07:37:59.595229 2017] [core:alert] [pid 8201] [client] /var/www/topsia/topsi.com.ua/.htaccess: Invalid command '\xef\xbb\xbfRewriteEngine', perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration
[Mon Nov 13 08:52:01.503188 2017] [core:alert] [pid 9445] [client] /var/www/topsia/topsi.com.ua/.htaccess: Invalid command '\xef\xbb\xbfRewriteEngine', perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration
[Mon Nov 13 08:57:32.546755 2017] [core:alert] [pid 9820] [client] /var/www/topsia/topsi.com.ua/.htaccess: Invalid command '\xef\xbb\xbfRewriteEngine', perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration
[Mon Nov 13 10:10:23.864864 2017] [core:alert] [pid 11010] [client] /var/www/topsia/topsi.com.ua/.htaccess: Invalid command '\xef\xbb\xbfRewriteEngine', perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration
[Mon Nov 13 10:57:07.968289 2017] [core:alert] [pid 12020] [client] /var/www/topsia/topsi.com.ua/.htaccess: Invalid command '\xef\xbb\xbfRewriteEngine', perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration
[Mon Nov 13 10:57:10.859620 2017] [core:alert] [pid 12054] [client] /var/www/topsia/topsi.com.ua/.htaccess: Invalid command '\xef\xbb\xbfRewriteEngine', perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration
[Mon Nov 13 11:38:35.180636 2017] [core:alert] [pid 12663] [client] /var/www/topsia/topsi.com.ua/.htaccess: Option FollowSymLinks not allowed here
[Mon Nov 13 12:13:19.646563 2017] [core:alert] [pid 13297] [client] /var/www/topsia/topsi.com.ua/.htaccess: Option FollowSymLinks not allowed here
[Mon Nov 13 12:13:22.298738 2017] [core:alert] [pid 13324] [client] /var/www/topsia/topsi.com.ua/.htaccess: Option FollowSymLinks not allowed here
[Mon Nov 13 12:13:57.280578 2017] [core:alert] [pid 13297] [client] /var/www/topsia/topsi.com.ua/.htaccess: Option FollowSymLinks not allowed here
[Mon Nov 13 13:05:01.207776 2017] [core:alert] [pid 14489] [client] /var/www/topsia/topsi.com.ua/.htaccess: Option FollowSymLinks not allowed here
[Mon Nov 13 13:05:07.248562 2017] [core:alert] [pid 14494] [client] /var/www/topsia/topsi.com.ua/.htaccess: Option FollowSymLinks not allowed here
[Mon Nov 13 13:05:40.940439 2017] [core:alert] [pid 14561] [client] /var/www/topsia/topsi.com.ua/.htaccess: Option FollowSymLinks not allowed here
[Mon Nov 13 13:05:42.463063 2017] [core:alert] [pid 14562] [client] /var/www/topsia/topsi.com.ua/.htaccess: Option FollowSymLinks not allowed here
[Mon Nov 13 13:05:42.744871 2017] [core:alert] [pid 14561] [client] /var/www/topsia/topsi.com.ua/.htaccess: Option FollowSymLinks not allowed here
[Mon Nov 13 13:05:42.943462 2017] [core:alert] [pid 14562] [client] /var/www/topsia/topsi.com.ua/.htaccess: Option FollowSymLinks not allowed here
[Mon Nov 13 13:05:43.095684 2017] [core:alert] [pid 14561] [client] /var/www/topsia/topsi.com.ua/.htaccess: Option FollowSymLinks not allowed here
[Mon Nov 13 13:05:43.263960 2017] [core:alert] [pid 14562] [client] /var/www/topsia/topsi.com.ua/.htaccess: Option FollowSymLinks not allowed here
[Mon Nov 13 13:05:43.391782 2017] [core:alert] [pid 14561] [client] /var/www/topsia/topsi.com.ua/.htaccess: Option FollowSymLinks not allowed here
[Mon Nov 13 13:05:43.543491 2017] [core:alert] [pid 14562] [client] /var/www/topsia/topsi.com.ua/.htaccess: Option FollowSymLinks not allowed here
[Mon Nov 13 13:05:43.687463 2017] [core:alert] [pid 14561] [client] /var/www/topsia/topsi.com.ua/.htaccess: Option FollowSymLinks not allowed here
[Mon Nov 13 13:05:43.823834 2017] [core:alert] [pid 14562] [client] /var/www/topsia/topsi.com.ua/.htaccess: Option FollowSymLinks not allowed here
[Mon Nov 13 21:18:28.318631 2017] [core:alert] [pid 2514] [client] /var/www/topsia/topsi.com.ua/.htaccess: Option FollowSymLinks not allowed here
[Mon Nov 13 21:18:45.293876 2017] [core:alert] [pid 2508] [client] /var/www/topsia/topsi.com.ua/.htaccess: Option FollowSymLinks not allowed here
[Mon Nov 13 21:25:18.870930 2017] [core:alert] [pid 2510] [client] /var/www/topsia/topsi.com.ua/.htaccess: Option FollowSymLinks not allowed here
[Mon Nov 13 21:25:49.433355 2017] [core:alert] [pid 2514] [client] /var/www/topsia/topsi.com.ua/.htaccess: Option FollowSymLinks not allowed here
[Mon Nov 13 21:25:56.078384 2017] [core:alert] [pid 2510] [client] /var/www/topsia/topsi.com.ua/.htaccess: Option FollowSymLinks not allowed here
[Mon Nov 13 21:31:16.491400 2017] [core:alert] [pid 2901] [client] /var/www/topsia/topsi.com.ua/.htaccess: Option FollowSymlinks not allowed here
[Mon Nov 13 21:31:28.872038 2017] [core:alert] [pid 2514] [client] /var/www/topsia/topsi.com.ua/.htaccess: Option FollowSymlinks not allowed here
[Mon Nov 13 21:33:15.117463 2017] [core:alert] [pid 2901] [client] /var/www/topsia/topsi.com.ua/.htaccess: Option FollowSymlinks not allowed here
[Mon Nov 13 21:34:07.890290 2017] [core:alert] [pid 2904] [client] /var/www/topsia/topsi.com.ua/.htaccess: Option FollowSymLinks not allowed here
[Mon Nov 13 21:38:57.998476 2017] [core:alert] [pid 2901] [client] /var/www/topsia/topsi.com.ua/.htaccess: Invalid command '\xef\xbb\xbf##################', perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration
[Mon Nov 13 21:39:41.502170 2017] [core:alert] [pid 2903] [client] /var/www/topsia/topsi.com.ua/.htaccess: Invalid command '\xef\xbb\xbf##################', perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration
[Mon Nov 13 21:39:43.748380 2017] [core:alert] [pid 2901] [client] /var/www/topsia/topsi.com.ua/.htaccess: Invalid command '\xef\xbb\xbf##################', perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration
[Mon Nov 13 21:39:51.446445 2017] [core:alert] [pid 2904] [client] /var/www/topsia/topsi.com.ua/.htaccess: Invalid command '\xef\xbb\xbf##################', perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration
[Mon Nov 13 21:39:54.893462 2017] [core:alert] [pid 2904] [client] /var/www/topsia/topsi.com.ua/.htaccess: Invalid command '\xef\xbb\xbf##################', perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration
[Mon Nov 13 21:40:25.170929 2017] [core:alert] [pid 2904] [client] /var/www/topsia/topsi.com.ua/.htaccess: Invalid command '\xef\xbb\xbf##################', perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration
[Mon Nov 13 21:40:32.072938 2017] [core:alert] [pid 2901] [client] /var/www/topsia/topsi.com.ua/.htaccess: Invalid command '\xef\xbb\xbf##################', perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration
[Mon Nov 13 21:40:32.077364 2017] [core:alert] [pid 2903] [client] /var/www/topsia/topsi.com.ua/.htaccess: Invalid command '\xef\xbb\xbf##################', perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration
[Mon Nov 13 21:40:55.948137 2017] [core:alert] [pid 2901] [client] /var/www/topsia/topsi.com.ua/.htaccess: Invalid command '\xef\xbb\xbf##################', perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration, referer: http://www.google.com/search
[Mon Nov 13 21:44:58.912426 2017] [core:alert] [pid 2904] [client] /var/www/topsia/topsi.com.ua/.htaccess: Invalid command '\xef\xbb\xbf##################', perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration
[Mon Nov 13 21:45:02.815882 2017] [core:alert] [pid 2904] [client] /var/www/topsia/topsi.com.ua/.htaccess: Invalid command '\xef\xbb\xbf##################', perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration



файл config.php


define('HTTP_SERVER', 'http://topsi.com.ua/');
define('HTTP_IMAGE', 'http://topsi.com.ua/image/');
define('HTTP_ADMIN', 'http://topsi.com.ua/admin/');

define('HTTPS_SERVER', 'http://topsi.com.ua/');
define('HTTPS_IMAGE', 'http://topsi.com.ua/image/');

// DIR
define('DIR_APPLICATION',  '/var/www/topsia/topsi.com.ua/catalog/');
define('DIR_SYSTEM',  '/var/www/topsia/topsi.com.ua/system/');
define('DIR_DATABASE',  '/var/www/topsia/topsi.com.ua/system/database/');
define('DIR_LANGUAGE',  '/var/www/topsia/topsi.com.ua/catalog/language/');
define('DIR_TEMPLATE',  '/var/www/topsia/topsi.com.ua/catalog/view/theme/');
define('DIR_CONFIG',  '/var/www/topsia/topsi.com.ua/system/config/');
define('DIR_IMAGE',  '/var/www/topsia/topsi.com.ua/image/');
define('DIR_CACHE',  '/var/www/topsia/topsi.com.ua/system/cache/');
define('DIR_DOWNLOAD',  '/var/www/topsia/topsi.com.ua/download/');
define('DIR_LOGS',  '/var/www/topsia/topsi.com.ua/system/logs/');

//define('CACHE_DRIVER', 'memcached');
//define('MEMCACHE_HOSTNAME', 'localhost');
//define('MEMCACHE_PORT', '11211');
//define('MEMCACHE_NAMESPACE', 'opencart_test');
//define('DB_CACHED_EXPIRE', 3600);

// DB
define('DB_DRIVER', 'mysql');
//define('DB_DRIVER', 'mysql_cached');
//define('DB_CACHED_EXPIRE', 120);
define('DB_HOSTNAME', 'localhost');
//define('DB_HOSTNAME', '');

define('DB_USERNAME', 'u_topsie');
define('DB_PASSWORD', 'UPR673Q9');

define('DB_DATABASE', 'topsie');
define('DB_PREFIX', '');


Помогите кто чем может !!!! очень прошу , и к слову на сервере лимит php memory 96mb // сорян за ошибки 

Змінено користувачем zeus12
Поділитися на інших сайтах

  В 13.11.2017 в 20:23, Shureg сказав:

Ну, раз "сорян", то не буду вмешиваться в вашу беседу с пацанами-одноклассниками.


Ну извиняйте ! реально проблема очень уж достала , и я просто решил спросить знающих людей кто бы мог помочь ,потому что все что знал я не помогло !

Поділитися на інших сайтах

Во-первых, зачем делать новый сайт на ОС 1.5?

Во-вторых, попробовать стоковый .htaccess


А лучше, пока не поздно, переделать сайт на ocStore в котором уже правильный .htaccess (разве только редирект www добавить).

Поділитися на інших сайтах

Створіть аккаунт або увійдіть для коментування

Ви повинні бути користувачем, щоб залишити коментар

Створити обліковий запис

Зареєструйтеся для отримання облікового запису. Це просто!

Зареєструвати аккаунт


Уже зареєстровані? Увійдіть тут.

Вхід зараз
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Important Information

На нашому сайті використовуються файли cookie і відбувається обробка деяких персональних даних користувачів, щоб поліпшити користувальницький інтерфейс. Щоб дізнатися для чого і які персональні дані ми обробляємо перейдіть за посиланням . Якщо Ви натиснете «Я даю згоду», це означає, що Ви розумієте і приймаєте всі умови, зазначені в цьому Повідомленні про конфіденційність.