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Усі публікації користувача northboy87

  1. Здравствуйте, подскажите как работать модулем и товарами которые добавил своими руками? пытался добавить описание по seo , url, meta для товаров которые руками забивал - но не смог ни одну операцию произвести через модуль. Как быть?
  2. Помогите пожалуйста не как не получается спарсить атрибуты Есть уже похожие атрибуты поэтомы выбираю Стоящему в колонке слева или как спарсится Значение ставлю </td><td>,</td> Начало и конец tbody>,</tbody Уже кучу вариантов перепробовал, помогите с вариантами)
  3. с атрибутами у меня все нормально. Мне нужна помощь с опциями вот код сайта <span class="detail-tooltip"> <a href="/upload/uf/39f/39f200f7e56fae4d1f51e5181b6a41b2.jpg" class="fancybox-thumbs" rel="mats" title="Дуб выбеленый, венге"> <img src="/upload/uf/cd2/cd2448a88a3a5fe5e7a8566d83b38a0e.jpg" alt="Дуб выбеленый, венге"> </a> <span class="tooltiptext">Дуб выбеленый, венге</span> </span> то есть мне нудно спарсить картинку и alt
  4. как так получается Выбираю в инструментах Добавить к товару сумму как в поле 1, выбираю категорию и целевую категорию. так помимо того что он прибавляет к нужным товарам сумму так еще и к другим поставщикам просто ставит эту цену
  5. Как быть дальше OC 2.1 Notice: Indirect modification of overloaded property ControllerModuleImageOption::$data has no effect in C:\OpenServer\domains\localhost\normebel\admin\controller\module\image_option.php on line 12Notice: Indirect modification of overloaded property ControllerModuleImageOption::$data has no effect in C:\OpenServer\domains\localhost\normebel\admin\controller\module\image_option.php on line 14Notice: Indirect modification of overloaded property ControllerModuleImageOption::$data has no effect in C:\OpenServer\domains\localhost\normebel\admin\controller\module\image_option.php on line 15Notice: Indirect modification of overloaded property ControllerModuleImageOption::$data has no effect in C:\OpenServer\domains\localhost\normebel\admin\controller\module\image_option.php on line 16Notice: Indirect modification of overloaded property ControllerModuleImageOption::$data has no effect in C:\OpenServer\domains\localhost\normebel\admin\controller\module\image_option.php on line 17Notice: Indirect modification of overloaded property ControllerModuleImageOption::$data has no effect in C:\OpenServer\domains\localhost\normebel\admin\controller\module\image_option.php on line 18Notice: Indirect modification of overloaded property ControllerModuleImageOption::$data has no effect in C:\OpenServer\domains\localhost\normebel\admin\controller\module\image_option.php on line 19Notice: Indirect modification of overloaded property ControllerModuleImageOption::$data has no effect in C:\OpenServer\domains\localhost\normebel\admin\controller\module\image_option.php on line 21Notice: Indirect modification of overloaded property ControllerModuleImageOption::$data has no effect in C:\OpenServer\domains\localhost\normebel\admin\controller\module\image_option.php on line 22Notice: Indirect modification of overloaded property ControllerModuleImageOption::$data has no effect in C:\OpenServer\domains\localhost\normebel\admin\controller\module\image_option.php on line 23Notice: Indirect modification of overloaded property ControllerModuleImageOption::$data has no effect in C:\OpenServer\domains\localhost\normebel\admin\controller\module\image_option.php on line 24Notice: Indirect modification of overloaded property ControllerModuleImageOption::$data has no effect in C:\OpenServer\domains\localhost\normebel\admin\controller\module\image_option.php on line 26Notice: Indirect modification of overloaded property ControllerModuleImageOption::$data has no effect in C:\OpenServer\domains\localhost\normebel\admin\controller\module\image_option.php on line 28Notice: Indirect modification of overloaded property ControllerModuleImageOption::$data has no effect in C:\OpenServer\domains\localhost\normebel\admin\controller\module\image_option.php on line 30Notice: Indirect modification of overloaded property ControllerModuleImageOption::$data has no effect in C:\OpenServer\domains\localhost\normebel\admin\controller\module\image_option.php on line 36Notice: Indirect modification of overloaded property ControllerModuleImageOption::$data has no effect in C:\OpenServer\domains\localhost\normebel\admin\controller\module\image_option.php on line 42Notice: Indirect modification of overloaded property ControllerModuleImageOption::$data has no effect in C:\OpenServer\domains\localhost\normebel\admin\controller\module\image_option.php on line 48Notice: Indirect modification of overloaded property ControllerModuleImageOption::$data has no effect in C:\OpenServer\domains\localhost\normebel\admin\controller\module\image_option.php on line 50Notice: Indirect modification of overloaded property ControllerModuleImageOption::$data has no effect in C:\OpenServer\domains\localhost\normebel\admin\controller\module\image_option.php on line 54Fatal error: Call to undefined method ControllerModuleImageOption::render() in C:\OpenServer\domains\localhost\normebel\admin\controller\module\image_option.php on line 62
  6. поправил кодировку а фотки беру через скрипт т.к. прямых ссылок нету я так понимаю ругается на скрипт? The Product passed: Row ~= 0 parsing product price fail, price = 0 The Product passed: Row ~= 1 parsing product price fail, price = 0 The Product passed: Row ~= 2 parsing product price fail, price = 0 Can not get photo whith 'file_get_contents' function : http://xn--90aagfbtte2m.xn--p1ai/g;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m) %20})(window,document,'script','//www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js','ga'); %20ga('create',%20'UA-49803728-1',%20'мРI'll try get photo whith CURL curl error head = Illegal characters found in URL curl contens error = Illegal characters found in URL Download photo fails. Row ~= 4 Url = http://xn--90aagfbtte2m.xn--p1ai/g;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m) %20})(window,document,'script','//www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js','ga'); %20ga('create',%20'UA-49803728-1',%20'мРCan not get photo whith 'file_get_contents' function : http://xn--90aagfbtte2m.xn--p1ai/javascript:// I'll try get photo whith CURL Download photo fails. Row ~= 4 Url = http://xn--90aagfbtte2m.xn--p1ai/javascript:// Can not get photo whith 'file_get_contents' function : http://xn--90aagfbtte2m.xn--p1ai/g;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m) %20})(window,document,'script','//www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js','ga'); %20ga('create',%20'UA-49803728-1',%20'мРI'll try get photo whith CURL curl error head = Illegal characters found in URL curl contens error = Illegal characters found in URL Download photo fails. Row ~= 5 Url = http://xn--90aagfbtte2m.xn--p1ai/g;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m) %20})(window,document,'script','//www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js','ga'); %20ga('create',%20'UA-49803728-1',%20'мРCan not get photo whith 'file_get_contents' function : http://xn--90aagfbtte2m.xn--p1ai/javascript:// I'll try get photo whith CURL Download photo fails. Row ~= 5 Url = http://xn--90aagfbtte2m.xn--p1ai/javascript://
  7. поправил у себя сайт на кирилицу и спарсил 2 товара из 5 The Product passed: Row ~= 0 parsing product price fail, price = 0 The Product passed: Row ~= 1 parsing product price fail, price = 0 The Product passed: Row ~= 2 parsing product price fail, price = 0 Warning. Row ~= 4 SKU = ÐÐ /Ð -01-в Manufacturer: 'ноÑмебелÑ' not found Can not get photo whith 'file_get_contents' function : http://xn--90aagfbtte2m.xn--p1ai/g;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m) %20})(window,document,'script','//www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js','ga'); %20ga('create',%20'UA-49803728-1',%20'мРI'll try get photo whith CURL curl error head = Illegal characters found in URL curl contens error = Illegal characters found in URL Download main photo fails. Url: http://xn--90aagfbtte2m.xn--p1ai/g;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m) %20})(window,document,'script','//www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js','ga'); %20ga('create',%20'UA-49803728-1',%20'мРRow ~= 4 SKU = ÐÐ /Ð -01-в I'll try insert default photo Main photo not found. Row ~= 4 SKU = ÐÐ /Ð -01-в It used the default photo Can not get photo whith 'file_get_contents' function : http://xn--90aagfbtte2m.xn--p1ai/javascript:// I'll try get photo whith CURL Warning. Row ~= 5 SKU = ÐÐ -01-а Manufacturer: 'ноÑмебелÑ' not found Can not get photo whith 'file_get_contents' function : http://xn--90aagfbtte2m.xn--p1ai/g;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m) %20})(window,document,'script','//www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js','ga'); %20ga('create',%20'UA-49803728-1',%20'мРI'll try get photo whith CURL curl error head = Illegal characters found in URL curl contens error = Illegal characters found in URL Download main photo fails. Url: http://xn--90aagfbtte2m.xn--p1ai/g;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m) %20})(window,document,'script','//www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js','ga'); %20ga('create',%20'UA-49803728-1',%20'мРRow ~= 5 SKU = ÐÐ -01-а I'll try insert default photo Main photo not found. Row ~= 5 SKU = ÐÐ -01-а It used the default photo Can not get photo whith 'file_get_contents' function : http://xn--90aagfbtte2m.xn--p1ai/javascript:// I'll try get photo whith CURL
  8. The Product passed: Row ~= 0 parsing product price fail, price = 0 Warning. Row ~= 2 SKU = ÐÐ /Ð -01 Manufacturer: 'ноÑмебелÑ' not found Can not get photo whith 'file_get_contents' function : http://xn--90aagfbtte2m.xn--p1ai/g;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m) %20})(window,document,'script','//www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js','ga'); %20ga('create',%20'UA-49803728-1',%20'мРI'll try get photo whith CURL curl error head = Illegal characters found in URL curl contens error = Illegal characters found in URL Download main photo fails. Url: http://xn--90aagfbtte2m.xn--p1ai/g;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m) %20})(window,document,'script','//www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js','ga'); %20ga('create',%20'UA-49803728-1',%20'мРRow ~= 2 SKU = ÐÐ /Ð -01 I'll try insert default photo Main photo not found. Row ~= 2 SKU = ÐÐ /Ð -01 It used the default photo Can not get photo whith 'file_get_contents' function : http://ноÑмебелÑ.ÑÑ/image/no_image.png I'll try get photo whith CURL curl error head = Could not resolve host: ноÑмебелÑ.ÑÑ curl contens error = Could not resolve host: ноÑмебелÑ.ÑÑ Download default photo fails. Url: http://ноÑмебелÑ.ÑÑ/image/no_image.png Row ~= 2 SKU = ÐÐ /Ð -01 The Product passed: Row ~= 2 parsing product price fail, price = 0 The Product passed: Row ~= 3 parsing product price fail, price = 0 Warning. Row ~= 5 SKU = ÐÐ -01-а Manufacturer: 'ноÑмебелÑ' not found Can not get photo whith 'file_get_contents' function : http://xn--90aagfbtte2m.xn--p1ai/g;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m) %20})(window,document,'script','//www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js','ga'); %20ga('create',%20'UA-49803728-1',%20'мРI'll try get photo whith CURL curl error head = Illegal characters found in URL curl contens error = Illegal characters found in URL Download main photo fails. Url: http://xn--90aagfbtte2m.xn--p1ai/g;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m) %20})(window,document,'script','//www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js','ga'); %20ga('create',%20'UA-49803728-1',%20'мРRow ~= 5 SKU = ÐÐ -01-а I'll try insert default photo Main photo not found. Row ~= 5 SKU = ÐÐ -01-а It used the default photo Can not get photo whith 'file_get_contents' function : http://ноÑмебелÑ.ÑÑ/image/no_image.png I'll try get photo whith CURL curl error head = Could not resolve host: ноÑмебелÑ.ÑÑ curl contens error = Could not resolve host: ноÑмебелÑ.ÑÑ Download default photo fails. Url: http://ноÑмебелÑ.ÑÑ/image/no_image.png Row ~= 5 SKU = ÐÐ -01-а
  9. есть вот такие ошибки - не загружаются товары curl error head = Could not resolve host: сайт.рф curl contens error = Could not resolve host: сайт.рф The Product passed: Row ~= 0 url = http://сайт.рф/shop/10/desc/gorka-1 Site no answer а на виртуальном сервере все грузит вот прайс да и мой сайт тоже русскоязычный 22.xml
  10. Здравствуйте. Установил на ocStore- Выдает ошибку когда заходишь в товар Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '=>' (T_DOUBLE_ARROW) in /home/virtwww/w_normar8a4_c2ad4590/http/template/system/storage/modification/catalog/controller/product/product.php on line 378 В журнале - может и неотносится к этой проблеме 2016-03-23 1:48:33 - PHP Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in /home/virtwww/w_normar8a4_c2ad4590/http/template/admin/controller/extension/modification.php on line 88
  11. Чего то не понял!? Если я обновил движок до 2.. Теперь мне надо покупать Ваш новый модуль что бы он корректно работал?
  12. Notice: Undefined index: cur_cost in /home/virtwww/w_ikapriz_2fd96119/http/catalog/model/shipping/russianpost.php on line 2328Notice: Undefined index: cur_cost in /home/virtwww/w_ikapriz_2fd96119/http/catalog/model/shipping/russianpost.php on line 2328 что за ошибочка такая*?
  13. Да почему вы так уперлись в этот дизайн ))) Вопрос именно был по тех.части а не как оно будет смотрется :-)
  14. deim Ты разрешил все мои вопросы - Спасибо тебе.
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