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[Решено] Fatal error: Class 'OcModBase' not found in


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Добрый ночи всем, подскажите пожалуйста как исправить трабл...не могу зайти в админку , выскакивает ошибка


Fatal error: Class 'OcModBase' not found in /home/v/vecros/verandoss/public_html/admin/model/module/ocj_doctor_mod_classes.php on line 127


Пытаюсь перенести сайт с локалки на хостинг...

Я так понимаю не находит класс модуля, ввиду того, что имя базы данных стало с префиксом ( так у хостера формируется имя БД), в следствии чего и не может найти определенный класс модуля... (Или я ошибаюсь и проблема в другом?)

файлы перезаписывал уже раз по 100 не помогает...

настройки config.php  и admin/config.php - проверяли вместе с хостером по несколько раз, все там в порядке.


Как объявить этот класс? куда что прописать?

Спасибо всем откликнувшимся..

* [OCJ] Doctor Mod
* @copyright 2015 OpenCartJazz
* @link http//www.opencartjazz.com
* @author Sergey Ogarkov
* @license GNU GPL v.3

* Core Mod
* The abstract class describes functions to
* -- detect VirtualMod installation,
* -- check is Mod active
* -- has it errors in the installation.
abstract class CoreMod extends Model {
protected $installed = false;
protected $inuse = false;
protected $modules = array();
protected $errorr_log = array();
const MAX_LOG_SIZE = 2048000;

public function run() {
if($this->installed) {
if($this->inuse) {
* Checks is a tool installed
abstract protected function checkInstall();
* Fetch list of modules installed by a tool
abstract protected function fetchModules();
* Parse installation log
abstract protected function parseLog();
* Update list of modules by information about fails
* from the log
abstract protected function updateFailedModules();
* Returns the module name
abstract public function getModName();
* Returns the url of the module description
abstract public function getUrl();
* Is Mod installed
* @return boolean true-yes; false-no
public function isInstalled() {
return $this->installed;

* Is Mod used in the configuration?
* @return boolean true-yes; false-no
public function isActive() {
return $this->inuse;

* Has Mod errors in the installation log
* @return boolean true - has errors; false - fas no errors;
public function hasErrors() {
return !empty($this->errorr_log);

* Returns list of modules
* @return multitype:
public function getModules() {
return $this->modules;

* Returns error log
* @return multitype:
public function getErrorLog() {
return $this->errorr_log;

public function toString() {
$str = get_class($this).':';
$str.= $this->installed ? ' installed;' : ' not installed;';
if($this->installed) {
$str.= $this->inuse ? ' in use;' : ' not in use;';
if($this->inuse) {
$str.= ' total: '.count($this->modules).'; failed: '.count($this->errorr_log);
return $str;

public function toJson() {
$json = array();
foreach($this as $key => $value) {
$json[$key] = $value;

return json_encode($json);

* Classic vQmod
* @link https://github.com/vqmod/vqmod
class ClassicVqMod extends OcModBase {
* Returns the module name
public function getModName() {
return $this->language->get ( 'text_name_vqmod' );
* Returns the url of the module description
public function getUrl() {
return 'https://github.com/vqmod/vqmod';

* Checks is vQmod installed. The following should present:
* -- uncommented string 'VQMod::bootup();' in the /index.php
* @see VirtualQuickMod::checkInstall()
protected function checkInstall() {
$path = DIR_APPLICATION.'index.php';
if($file_content===false) {
throw new IoException($path);
$vq_str = 'VQMod::bootup';

// Remove all occurrencies of multiline comments
$file_content = mb_eregi_replace('/\*.*?\*/','', $file_content);
// Remove single-line comments
$file_content = preg_replace('~//.*\R~i','', $file_content);
// Find vQmod installation string
$n_found = preg_match('~'.$vq_str.'~i', $file_content);
$this->installed = $n_found>0;

* Checks is vQmod active.
* Confirmation - *.xml files in the /vqmod/xml/ directory
* @see VirtualQuickMod::fetchModules()
protected function fetchModules() {
$path = DIR_APPLICATION . '../vqmod/xml/';
$files = glob ( $path . '*.xml' );
if ($files) {
foreach ( $files as $file ) {
$this->xmls [$file] = file_get_contents ( $file );
foreach ( $this->xmls as $file=>$xml ) {
$dom = new DOMDocument ( '1.0', 'UTF-8' );
$dom->preserveWhiteSpace = false;
$dom->loadXml ( $xml );

$this->modules [$this->getId ( $dom )] = array (
'modfile' => $file,
'name' => $this->getName ( $dom ),
'id' => $this->getId ( $dom ),
'author' => $this->getAuthor ( $dom )
unset ( $this->xmls );

$this->inuse = ! empty ( $this->modules );

protected function parseLog() {
$path = DIR_APPLICATION.'../vqmod/logs/';
$logs = glob($path.'*.log');
foreach($logs as $log) {
if(filesize($log) < self::MAX_LOG_SIZE*2) {
$content = file_get_contents($log);
if(!empty($content)) {
$n = preg_match_all('~\b(?:id|author|modFile)\b\s*:.*\R~i', $content, $matches);
for($i=1;$i<=$n/3;$i++) {
for($j=1;$j<=3; $j++) {
$line = array_shift($matches[0]);
$value=preg_replace('~.*:\s(.*)\n~i', '$1', $line);
preg_match('~\b(?:id|author|modFile)\b~i', $line, $keys);
if(strtolower($keys[0]) == 'id') {
$id = $value;
elseif(strtolower($keys[0]) == 'author') {
$author = $value;
elseif(strtolower($keys[0]) == 'modfile') {
$modfile = $value;
// Lod only errors for existed modules
if(isset($this->modules[$id])) {
$this->errorr_log[$id] = array(

* Update list of modules by the fail data from log
* @see CoreMod::updateFailedModules()
protected function updateFailedModules() {
$idx = array();
foreach($this->modules as $key=>&$mod) {
$mod['failed'] = isset($this->errorr_log[$key]);
array_multisort($idx, SORT_ASC, SORT_STRING, $this->modules);

* vQmod compatible with OCMod
* @link http://forum.opencart.com/viewtopic.php?t=119904
* @author sergey
class VqModPlus extends OcModBase {
* Returns the module name
public function getModName() {
return $this->language->get ( 'text_name_vqmod_plus' );
* Returns the url of the module description
public function getUrl() {
return 'http://www.opencart.com/index.php?route=extension/extension/info&extension_id=19501';

* Specify suffixes for applied xml files that are loaded directly
* @return string
protected function getSuffix() {
return 'vqmod';

protected function checkInstall() {
$path = DIR_APPLICATION.'controller/extension/modification.php';
if($file_content===false) {
throw new IoException($path);
$vq_str = 'protected function vqmodWrite';

// Remove all occurrencies of multiline comments
// $file_content = preg_replace('~/\*(?:.|\n)*?\*/~i','', $file_content); // System crash
$file_content = mb_eregi_replace('/\*.*?\*/','', $file_content);
// Remove single-line comments
$file_content = preg_replace('~//.*\R~i','', $file_content);
// Find vQmod installation string
$n_found = preg_match('~'.$vq_str.'~i', $file_content);
$this->installed = $n_found>0;


protected function fetchModules() {

foreach ($this->xmls as $xml) {
$dom = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8');
$dom->preserveWhiteSpace = false;

if ($this->isVqmod( $dom )) {
$this->inuse = true;
$this->modules[$this->getId($dom)] = array(
'name' => $this->getName($dom),
'id' => $this->getId($dom),
'author'=> $this->getAuthor($dom),
$this->inuse = !empty($this->modules);

protected function parseLog() {
$log_file = DIR_LOGS.'ocmod.log';
$file_size = @filesize($log_file);
if($file_size > self::MAX_LOG_SIZE) {
throw new FileSizeException($log_file,$file_size);
$log =@file_get_contents($log_file);
if($log===false) {
throw new NoLogException();
$n = preg_match_all("~(Modification::refresh.*(((?!Processing).)* :|((?!Done).)* :))|(modification\sid.*'.*')~i", $log, $mods);
for($i=1;$i<=$n/2;$i++) {
for($j=1;$j<=2; $j++) {
$line = array_shift($mods[0]);
if($j==1) {
$error = preg_replace('~^.+-\s+(.*):~i', '$1', $line);
else {
$id = preg_replace("~^.+'(.*)'~i", '$1', $line);
$this->errorr_log[$id] = array(
'name' => $this->modules[$id]['name'],
'id' => $id,
'author'=> $this->modules[$id]['author'],
'error' => $error,

* Update list of modules by the fail data from log
* @see CoreMod::updateFailedModules()
protected function updateFailedModules() {
foreach($this->modules as $key=>&$mod) {
$mod['failed'] = isset($this->errorr_log[$key]);
$mod['error'] = isset($this->errorr_log[$key]) ? $this->errorr_log[$key]['error'] : null;
array_multisort($idx, SORT_ASC, SORT_STRING, $this->modules);

* OCmod - native tool
* @author sergey
class OcMod extends OcModBase {
* Returns the module name
public function getModName() {
return $this->language->get ( 'text_name_ocmod' );
* Returns the url of the module description
public function getUrl() {
return 'https://github.com/opencart/opencart/wiki/Modification-System';

* Specify suffixes for applied xml files that are loaded directly
* @return string
protected function getSuffix() {
return 'ocmod';

* Native tool is built-in.
* Always true
protected function checkInstall() {
$this->installed = true;

protected function fetchModules() {

foreach ($this->xmls as $xml) {
$dom = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8');
$dom->preserveWhiteSpace = false;

if (!$this->isVqmod( $dom )) {
$this->inuse = true;
$this->modules[$this->getName($dom)] = array(
'name' => $this->getName($dom),
'id' => $this->getId($dom),
'author'=> $this->getAuthor($dom),
$this->inuse = !empty($this->modules);

protected function parseLog() {
$log_file = DIR_LOGS.'ocmod.log';
$file_size = @filesize($log_file);
if($file_size > self::MAX_LOG_SIZE) {
throw new FileSizeException($log_file,$file_size);
$log =@file_get_contents($log_file);
if($log===false) {
throw new NoLogException();
$not_found_msg = 'NOT FOUND!';
$aborting_msg = 'ABORTING!';
$n = preg_match_all("~MOD:\s(.*\s)+?-{50,75}~i", $log, $mods);
for($i=1;$i<=$n;$i++) {
$block = array_shift($mods[0]);
$name = preg_replace('~MOD:\s(.*)\s(?:.*\s)*-{50,75}~i', '$1', $block);
$n_err = preg_match_all('~('.$not_found_msg.')|('.$aborting_msg.')~', $block,$matches);

if(isset($this->modules[$name])) {
// Add module with error
if($n_err) {
$this->errorr_log[$name] = array(
// If newer refresh has no errors, remove old error from the log
else {

* Update list of modules by the fail data from log
* @see CoreMod::updateFailedModules()
protected function updateFailedModules() {
foreach($this->modules as $key=>&$mod) {
$mod['failed'] = isset($this->errorr_log[$key]);
$mod['error'] = isset($this->errorr_log[$key]) ? implode('
',$this->errorr_log[$key]['error']) : null;
array_multisort($idx, SORT_ASC, SORT_STRING, $this->modules);
* Base class for OCMOD and compatible VqMod
* @author sergey
abstract class OcModBase extends CoreMod {

protected $xmls = array();

* Specified suffixes for applied xml files that are loaded directly
* @return string
protected function getSuffix() {
return 'ocmod,vqmod';

protected function isVqmod( DOMDocument $dom ) {
$modification_node = $dom->getElementsByTagName('modification')->item(0);
if ($modification_node) {
$vqmver_node = $modification_node->getElementsByTagName('vqmver')->item(0);
if ($vqmver_node) {
return true;
return false;

protected function getName( DOMDocument $dom ) {
$modification_node = $dom->getElementsByTagName('modification')->item(0);
if ($modification_node) {
$name_node = $modification_node->getElementsByTagName('name')->item(0);
if($name_node) {
$name = $name_node->nodeValue;
else {
return $name;

protected function getId( DOMDocument $dom ) {
$modification_node = $dom->getElementsByTagName('modification')->item(0);
if ($modification_node) {
$id_node = $modification_node->getElementsByTagName('id')->item(0);
if($id_node) {
$id = $id_node->nodeValue;
else {
$id_node = $modification_node->getElementsByTagName('code')->item(0);
if($id_node) {
$id = $id_node->nodeValue;
return $id;

protected function getAuthor( DOMDocument $dom ) {
$author = false;
$modification_node = $dom->getElementsByTagName('modification')->item(0);
if ($modification_node) {
$author_node = $modification_node->getElementsByTagName('author')->item(0);
if($author_node) {
$author = $author_node->nodeValue;
return $author;

protected function loadXmlAll() {
// This is purly for developers so they can run mods directly and have them run without upload sfter each change.
$files = glob(DIR_SYSTEM.'*.{'.$this->getSuffix().'}.xml',GLOB_BRACE);

if ($files) {
foreach ($files as $file) {
$this->xmls[] = file_get_contents($file);

// Get the default modification file
$results = $this->model_extension_modification->getModifications();

foreach ($results as $result) {
if ($result['status']) {
$this->xmls[] = $result['xml'];

class IoException extends RuntimeException{}
class NoLogException extends RuntimeException{}
class FileSizeException extends RuntimeException{}

Змінено користувачем kuzvik
Поділитися на інших сайтах

Проблему решил, тему можно закрывать..


Если у кого что то похожее то ищите вызов модулей в фале................../system/modification/admin/controller/extension/modification.php. закоментировав 2 строки все стало работать) у меня движок opencart

Поділитися на інших сайтах

В таких случаях надо не временный кеш менять руками, а удалять его. Потом в админке выключать проблемный модуль (или все), чистить лог ocmod.log и обновляя модификации, искать причины конфликтов.

Поділитися на інших сайтах

Створіть аккаунт або увійдіть для коментування

Ви повинні бути користувачем, щоб залишити коментар

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