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[Module] SimonFilters - Filter module for OpenCart

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First of all let me apologize for writing in English but my Russian is a bit rusty! :)

My name is Décio "Simon" Quintas, I'm from Portugal and I'm posting here because I've noticed *a lot* of accesses to my site originating from this forum.

I've developed a Filter Module for OpenCart that has become quite popular and is currently being used in hundred of stores around the globe.

Here is a brief presentation of the module:

Filters are constructed using opencart's attributes, options, manufacturers, stock status, tags, prices and categories.

SimonFilters was introduced back in December 2011, and was the first module of its kind.

It brought AJAX to this kind of functionality and was also the first to put so many filtering options under one Extension.

The list of features is very extensive and is still growing as customers are always thinking of new ways to explore the module. Some of the most important ones:

-Automatic creation of filters for Manufacturers, Attributes, Options, Categories, Stock Status, Tags and Prices.

-Can be placed on almost all layouts:homepage, product/category, product/manufacturer/product, product/search, product/product and product/special

-4 out of the box display types: default, with checkboxes, collapsible checkboxes and horizontal filters.

-Shows number of products by filter (optional)

-Navigation is done with Ajax. No pesky "search" button for your clients to click.

-Context is saved. When you enter a product page and go back to the category page, all previously selected filters will be selected automatically.

-Css creator module with preview. Start from one of the provided templates and create your own layouts.

-Filter group order can be configured. You can choose to the order in which the various filter groups (Attributes, Options, Prices, etc) are shown.

-Price filter can be configured as a slider or as price intervals just by the click of a checkbox on the admin.

-Supports checkboxes and radiobutton functionality. Checkboxes can have two distinct behaviors depending you want to show the products that match all of the selected options or those that match at least one.

-The filters are fully dynamic, meaning that they adapt to show only the relevant filters when filter selections are made. That behavior can be overridden with one click as some customers prefer to show all the existing filters all the time.

-Attributes can be split by a configurable char. If you have, for example, a ClockSpeed Attribute with values like "100MHZ 200MHZ" you can instruct the module to create multiple filter entries by spliting, in this example, by space. One click and all filters are automatically created.

-AJAX can be disabled and revert to classic links with selected filters on the QueryString. Usefull if you want to send a filtered list of products on a newsletter.

-You can define if you want a "more/less" link to appear if a list of filters is bigger than a configurable value.

And much more features. Visit the demo. I'm online most of the time on the support chat and I'll be more than happy to guide you through the module.

Store demo: http://opencartmodules.simonoop.com/SimonFilters/

Admin demo (username: admin, password:admin): http://opencartmodules.simonoop.com/SimonFilters/admin

Support forum: http://opencartmodules.simonoop.com/forum/

Support email address: oc@simonoop.com

Support IM:

- Messenger: oc@simonoop.com

- Yahoo: simonooppt

- Google Talk: iplonk@gmail.com

OpenCart Extension Store: http://www.opencart.com/index.php?route=extension/extension/info&extension_id=4057




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  В 22.08.2012 в 14:37, 'monax' сказав:

Интересно, как сей персонаж отвечать на вопросы будет на этом форуме... :ugeek:

С помощью переводчика google, да сложновато будет по поводу доработок и глюков рапортовать ))) Или главное продать)
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  В 22.08.2012 в 14:43, 'YaSe' сказав:

С этого форума за 45 баксов не каждый купит

Вопрос не в цене, а то что по сути нету реально толкового модуля фильтрации, без конфликтов с другими модулями и нормальной логикой!
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  В 22.08.2012 в 14:11, 'simonoop' сказав:


First of all let me apologize for writing in English but my Russian is a bit rusty! :)

My name is Décio "Simon" Quintas, I'm from Portugal and I'm posting here because I've noticed *a lot* of accesses to my site originating from this forum.

I've developed a Filter Module for OpenCart that has become quite popular and is currently being used in hundred of stores around the globe.

Here is a brief presentation of the module:

Filters are constructed using opencart's attributes, options, manufacturers, stock status, tags, prices and categories.

SimonFilters was introduced back in December 2011, and was the first module of its kind.

It brought AJAX to this kind of functionality and was also the first to put so many filtering options under one Extension.

The list of features is very extensive and is still growing as customers are always thinking of new ways to explore the module. Some of the most important ones:

-Automatic creation of filters for Manufacturers, Attributes, Options, Categories, Stock Status, Tags and Prices.

-Can be placed on almost all layouts:homepage, product/category, product/manufacturer/product, product/search, product/product and product/special

-4 out of the box display types: default, with checkboxes, collapsible checkboxes and horizontal filters.

-Shows number of products by filter (optional)

-Navigation is done with Ajax. No pesky "search" button for your clients to click.

-Context is saved. When you enter a product page and go back to the category page, all previously selected filters will be selected automatically.

-Css creator module with preview. Start from one of the provided templates and create your own layouts.

-Filter group order can be configured. You can choose to the order in which the various filter groups (Attributes, Options, Prices, etc) are shown.

-Price filter can be configured as a slider or as price intervals just by the click of a checkbox on the admin.

-Supports checkboxes and radiobutton functionality. Checkboxes can have two distinct behaviors depending you want to show the products that match all of the selected options or those that match at least one.

-The filters are fully dynamic, meaning that they adapt to show only the relevant filters when filter selections are made. That behavior can be overridden with one click as some customers prefer to show all the existing filters all the time.

-Attributes can be split by a configurable char. If you have, for example, a ClockSpeed Attribute with values like "100MHZ 200MHZ" you can instruct the module to create multiple filter entries by spliting, in this example, by space. One click and all filters are automatically created.

-AJAX can be disabled and revert to classic links with selected filters on the QueryString. Usefull if you want to send a filtered list of products on a newsletter.

-You can define if you want a "more/less" link to appear if a list of filters is bigger than a configurable value.

And much more features. Visit the demo. I'm online most of the time on the support chat and I'll be more than happy to guide you through the module.

Store demo: http://opencartmodul...m/SimonFilters/

Admin demo (username: admin, password:admin): http://opencartmodul...onFilters/admin

Support forum: http://opencartmodul...noop.com/forum/

Support email address: oc@simonoop.com

Support IM:

- Messenger: oc@simonoop.com

- Yahoo: simonooppt

- Google Talk: iplonk@gmail.com

OpenCart Extension Store: http://www.opencart....tension_id=4057




What do you think about the lower the price for the members of this forum?

In fact, $ 45 is very expensive for the module, who has a cheaper analogues!

for a good start on this forum, I think you could do a discount!

what do u think about!? :wink:


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  В 22.08.2012 в 15:01, 'TomSawyer' сказав:


What do you think about the lower the price for the members of this forum?

In fact, $ 45 is very expensive for the module, who has a cheaper analogues!

for a good start on this forum, I think you could do a discount!

what do u think about!? :wink:


Hello TomSawyer! :)

Current competitors of my module are charging more than 50USD for what is, sometimes, a re-interpretation of my original idea!

But I agree... 45USD may be expensive on some countries!

Well... how does a a 20% discount if bought directly from me (instead of from the opencart extension store) sounds like? :)

I'm planning to setup my own store but time isn't all that much!

Also... can you show me the "cheaper analogues"? I like to keep tabs on what the competition is doing for both to make sure I have a worthy product and also to make sure I don't step on anybody's toes!



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  В 22.08.2012 в 17:56, 'simonoop' сказав:

Hello TomSawyer! :)

Current competitors of my module are charging more than 50USD for what is, sometimes, a re-interpretation of my original idea!

But I agree... 45USD may be expensive on some countries!

Well... how does a a 20% discount if bought directly from me (instead of from the opencart extension store) sounds like? :)

I'm planning to setup my own store but time isn't all that much!

Also... can you show me the "cheaper analogues"? I like to keep tabs on what the competition is doing for both to make sure I have a worthy product and also to make sure I don't step on anybody's toes!



Hi Simon!

Once again, I looked ur demo! Really looks GREAT!!!

Just one problem. This is russian forum,not all members of this forum speak English.How u can help them?

About 20% discount, if boght directly from u...... hmmmm

in this forum there are some rules.u cant sell anything directly from u , but u can choose some payment methods offered in this forum.

PS hope you're a really nice guy :wink: ( and programmer) and we can work together in the future BUT according to the rules of this forum!!

And ....... we are one of those countries where even 35$ is very expensive. :oops:


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Hi TomSawyer!

  В 22.08.2012 в 18:35, 'TomSawyer' сказав:

Just one problem. This is russian forum,not all members of this forum speak English.How u can help them?

That may be a problem, yes. I've already got some Russian customers but on all cases we were able to communicate in English. Maybe a partnership with an English and Russian speaking programmer... will have to give some thought to this issue.

  В 22.08.2012 в 18:35, 'TomSawyer' сказав:

in this forum there are some rules.u cant sell anything directly from u , but u can choose some payment methods offered in this forum.

PS hope you're a really nice guy ( and programmer) and we can work together in the future BUT according to the rules of this forum!!

My small daughter seems to think I'm a nice guy so I must be :-D!

Can you point me to those payment methods? I've been reading the forum but can't find that information!

  В 22.08.2012 в 18:35, 'TomSawyer' сказав:

And ....... we are one of those countries where even 35$ is very expensive. :oops:

Let me set up my store. I'm sure I can work something out!
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  В 22.08.2012 в 19:02, 'Gromozybra' сказав:

Hello, I wanted to ask, if your filter is selectively displayed in categories? Not for all, but only for those, with the settings for a particular category (in which it is displayed.)

Hello, Gromozybra. I saw that you tried to reach me yesterday on the support chat. I was on a project meeting and left the chat on. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Currently, if you set up the module to show on the Category Layout, the filters will be shown on all categories that have at least one relevant Filter item (an attribute, option , manufacturers, etc).

A customer asked me to add a way in which the admin can explicitly choose the categories where the module is active... i'll release v2.7.1 with that possibility as soon as I make the module compatible with OpenCart 1.5.4


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  В 22.08.2012 в 14:45, 'ingenerks' сказав:

The issue is not the price, but what is in fact no real intelligent filtering module, without conflicts with other modules and normal logic!

Sorry for the Google Translated text... I guess it gives reason to your initial concern :)

Maybe something was lost in translation, but can you explain what you mean by "intelligent filtering"?

The filtering is made at OpenCart core module level and it's the most effective and lightweight way to do it...



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  В 23.08.2012 в 11:41, 'simonoop' сказав:

Sorry for the Google Translated text... I guess it gives reason to your initial concern :)


Simon, good day!

I bought Your filter, Yes it is functional, but it is not cheap.

At the time of purchase was support for installation from VQMOD and without.

In the filter were errors, you their modified and released the new version.

Since my purchase went out a lot of versions, You now is not supported by the installation without VQMOD!!!

Why do You not support the installation of the new version of the module without VQMOD those who previously bought Your module????

I bought Your module, You, as the developer should provide support for the product, the more that there are new versions.

Module costs $ 45. Why, You ask for assistance in updating the new version without VQMOD - 40$???

The Russian forum, all the developers have full support for its products, as new versions, so old.

You said that You have all bought with VQMOD, I assure You, on this forum do not all use the VQMOD.

Please comment on the situation....

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  В 23.08.2012 в 12:48, 'yanpetr' сказав:

Simon, good day!

I bought Your filter, Yes it is functional, but it is not cheap.

At the time of purchase was support for installation from VQMOD and without.

In the filter were errors, you their modified and released the new version.

Since my purchase went out a lot of versions, You now is not supported by the installation without VQMOD!!!

Why do You not support the installation of the new version of the module without VQMOD those who previously bought Your module????

I bought Your module, You, as the developer should provide support for the product, the more that there are new versions.

Module costs $ 45. Why, You ask for assistance in updating the new version without VQMOD - 40$???

The Russian forum, all the developers have full support for its products, as new versions, so old.

You said that You have all bought with VQMOD, I assure You, on this forum do not all use the VQMOD.

Please comment on the situation....

Hi, yanpetr!

My module, at 45USD is still one of the less expensive filter modules on the opencart market. I've seen less complex modules priced at 90USD and they obviously have less features than SimonFilters.

Hundred of work hours have gone into this module... I try to accommodate all possible requests by users and have done so on >90% of times...

As for non VQMod support, you are absolutely right. but let me try to explain why I was forced to temporarily suspend support for non VQmod stores:

At one time I provided 4 different versions of /catalog/model/catalog/product.php each for a different version of OpenCart

The problem is that a lot of OpenCart users, who don't use VQmod, already have some sort of customization made to their /catalog/model/catalog/filter.php

That means that, when they replaced their existing version of that file with the one I provided, the store would break down because all their previous custom changes were lost!

With that in mind, I consciously stopped shipping the module with all those different versions of the product.php file and added instructions to the readme1st.txt file on how to do the required changes manually.

Anyone with simple SEARCH and COPY&PASTE skills can do the simple addition of code to the product.php file.

Fast forward to today: I'm on the last steps of, once again, support non VQmod users! :D

Next version v2.7.1, scheduled for the end of this week, will bring an algorithm that will allow the user to automatically add the relevant changes to the product.php and make the module work even without VQmod!

Of course that if the original file is heavily modded (as some stores I have found) the task will be impossible but for more than 90% of my test cases with files the users have sent me, the algorithm works perfectly and the module runs as well as the VQmod version.

Tests look good and I think it will be fully functional with another 4 or 5 hours of work.



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  В 23.08.2012 в 12:07, 'freelancer' сказав:

do your module filter by price including discounts, specials, taxes?

on your demo "Apple Cinema 30"" has Radio and Checkbox options, but i cannot to choose products with both options

надо полагать нет
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  В 23.08.2012 в 12:07, 'freelancer' сказав:

do your module filter by price including discounts, specials, taxes?

on your demo "Apple Cinema 30"" has Radio and Checkbox options, but i cannot to choose products with both options


Currently Specials and taxes are supported. Planning to add discount support as some users have requested it.

As for the Radio and Checkbox issue. The module is configured to be dynamic, meaning that only applicable filters are visible... when you make a filter selection the products list obviously changes and all the filters that no longer are applicable to the products being listed are removed! That is configurable in the Admin.

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  В 23.08.2012 в 15:23, 'monax' сказав:

Filter Pro ~ $11.

Hi! Thanks for the input!

Very nice and easy to use module! That's a very valid (and much cheaper!!!) alternative. My module is much more complex, has different configurable logic behavior, AJAX support (with all the headaches that involves) and some more features.

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  В 23.08.2012 в 15:38, 'simonoop' сказав:

Hi! Thanks for the input!

Very nice and easy to use module! That's a very valid (and much cheaper!!!) alternative. My module is much more complex, has different configurable logic behavior, AJAX support (with all the headaches that involves) and some more features.

can you tell about "some more features"? one at least
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  В 23.08.2012 в 15:14, 'simonoop' сказав:

Hi, yanpetr!

Simone, I you correctly understood that soon there is a module version where installation without VQMOD will be simple, and the detailed instruction will be provided to users.

In the existing version of the module the instruction not full, also demands your professional intervention in cost in $40????

I bought the module with the only stipulation - installation without VQMOD. And now there is a new version, installation is impossible and you offer the services in control...

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