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Версія 3.0
Over 10 thousand module downloads from sv2109 ! This is the second version of the module , which already has more than 200 purchases! What does this module do? This module will greatly simplify the process of adding images for products. Do you have thousands of products? Do you spend a huge amount of time to find a high-quality picture for each product? Then this module is for you! What for? It is obvious. In an online store, unlike a real store, the customer cannot touch the goods, try them on, look from different angles, etc. The only thing it has is a picture and text description. Few people read the description, but absolutely everyone looks at the picture! Therefore, a high-quality product photo significantly increases the conversion of an online store. And this module will help you quickly find good pictures for products. How does everything work? An image search page has been created in which products are displayed in the form Name, price, block with existing images. To change the image, you do not need to separately go into each product and navigate through the tabs for the main and additional images, everything is collected on one page. There is a filter for products by product status, availability in stock, availability of pictures (with, without, only main picture), section. Under the block there is a form with fields for searching images for this product. You can search by model, name, article. Values are substituted from the product, they can be edited. If you do not need some field, you can disable it in the settings. After clicking on the "Search" button, the script accesses the Google API and displays images - search results - in a separate block. Below there is a pagination of the results of the current search. The search result is displayed as: name, image size, image and a plus button to add this image to the product. Pictures can be enlarged and viewed with navigation in the enlarged pop-up window. After clicking on the "plus" button (available both in the search results and in the pop-up window), the picture moves to the block with product pictures. When you hover over a picture in the product block, 2 buttons appear "make this picture the main one" and "Delete" (can be canceled for already uploaded pictures) After clicking on the "Save" button, the script uploads all the pictures to the server and adds them to the products. It is advisable not to download many images at once (eg more than 100) because the script may not be able to download all the images within the script execution time set on the server. Image search options: you can search on a specific site, add it in the settings, then the search will be carried out only on this site. Safe search. You can filter by image and by description. you can specify the size of the image - small, medium, large, extra large. color - color, b/w. color filter by colors - black, blue, green, etc. file type - jpg, png, gif, bmp drawing type - faces, photo, clipart, etc. New in version 3.0 PRO: Added support for OpenCart 3.0 The module has been rewritten for the OpenCart 3.0 architecture, the ability to install via the add-on installer has been added Added the ability to manually select a Google API key directly on the search page Improved image search, now showing fewer image search errors Improved image loading, now the module determines the image type not only by extension, but also by exif, this allowed loading images without extensions Added a filter for a specific product. Product can be found by ID, model, SKU, name Filters have been improved, the stock filter considers the actual availability of goods in stock, and not its out-of-stock status Improved pagination through images Improved work with the viewport, added restrictions on the screen size so that large images do not open larger than the screen size, added the ability to view images without extensions Improved module design Many small design and code improvements New in version 2.1 PRO: New image search API, since Google has removed support for the old API that the module worked on. Adding an image via direct link The ability to set a placeholder image, which the filter will consider as "no image", is used in some stores The ability to name pictures according to a template, there are several templates: - unique md5 code - product name - product model Transliteration for the picture name template. Instead of "Apple Laptop" it will be "Laptop_Apple.jpg" The CURL followlocation option has been moved to the settings. Ability to work with multiple Google API keys Features of the new Search API: The new API has its advantages: - this API is up-to-date, not obsolete like the old API - you can get more information about the found pictures, for example. image size, link to the page on which this image is located, etc. - it became possible to view all the found pictures, and not just the first 10 pages. But the new API also has its drawbacks - there is a limit of 100 requests per day for one API key. There are 2 ways to bypass the restriction: Official. Google offers to buy an additional 1000 queries for $5 Semi-official. Since the API key is tied to a single project, you can create multiple projects and create a key for each. If you have run out of the limit of one key, just add another one for which the limit has not yet been reached. Thus, if you need 200 requests per day, just create 2 keys, 300 - 3, etc. Compatibility: OpenCart 3.0 OpenCart 2.0.x, 2.1.x, 2.2.x, 2.3 OpenCart 1.5.x (module version 2) The module uses IonCube, usually it is installed on 99% of hosting sites, but you can check it just in case . One module license allows you to install this module on 1 domain Demo: OpenCart 2.3 Admin panel, module settings page Admin, image search page OpenCart 1.5 (module version 2) Admin panel, module settings page Admin, image search page To contact the author of the module, write to the PM on the forum © Stasyuk Vladimir (sv2109.com), 201810.00 USD -
10 Download / Buy Over 10 thousand module downloads from sv2109 ! This is the second version of the module , which already has more than 200 purchases! What does this module do? This module will greatly simplify the process of adding images for products. Do you have thousands of products? Do you spend a huge amount of time to find a high-quality picture for each product? Then this module is for you! What for? It is obvious. In an online store, unlike a real store, the customer cannot touch the goods, try them on, look from different angles, etc. The only thing it has is a picture and text description. Few people read the description, but absolutely everyone looks at the picture! Therefore, a high-quality product photo significantly increases the conversion of an online store. And this module will help you quickly find good pictures for products. How does everything work? An image search page has been created in which products are displayed in the form Name, price, block with existing images. To change the image, you do not need to separately go into each product and navigate through the tabs for the main and additional images, everything is collected on one page. There is a filter for products by product status, availability in stock, availability of pictures (with, without, only main picture), section. Under the block there is a form with fields for searching images for this product. You can search by model, name, article. Values are substituted from the product, they can be edited. If you do not need some field, you can disable it in the settings. After clicking on the "Search" button, the script accesses the Google API and displays images - search results - in a separate block. Below there is a pagination of the results of the current search. The search result is displayed as: name, image size, image and a plus button to add this image to the product. Pictures can be enlarged and viewed with navigation in the enlarged pop-up window. After clicking on the "plus" button (available both in the search results and in the pop-up window), the picture moves to the block with product pictures. When you hover over a picture in the product block, 2 buttons appear "make this picture the main one" and "Delete" (can be canceled for already uploaded pictures) After clicking on the "Save" button, the script uploads all the pictures to the server and adds them to the products. It is advisable not to download many images at once (eg more than 100) because the script may not be able to download all the images within the script execution time set on the server. Image search options: you can search on a specific site, add it in the settings, then the search will be carried out only on this site. Safe search. You can filter by image and by description. you can specify the size of the image - small, medium, large, extra large. color - color, b/w. color filter by colors - black, blue, green, etc. file type - jpg, png, gif, bmp drawing type - faces, photo, clipart, etc. New in version 3.0 PRO: Added support for OpenCart 3.0 The module has been rewritten for the OpenCart 3.0 architecture, the ability to install via the add-on installer has been added Added the ability to manually select a Google API key directly on the search page Improved image search, now showing fewer image search errors Improved image loading, now the module determines the image type not only by extension, but also by exif, this allowed loading images without extensions Added a filter for a specific product. Product can be found by ID, model, SKU, name Filters have been improved, the stock filter considers the actual availability of goods in stock, and not its out-of-stock status Improved pagination through images Improved work with the viewport, added restrictions on the screen size so that large images do not open larger than the screen size, added the ability to view images without extensions Improved module design Many small design and code improvements New in version 2.1 PRO: New image search API, since Google has removed support for the old API that the module worked on. Adding an image via direct link The ability to set a placeholder image, which the filter will consider as "no image", is used in some stores The ability to name pictures according to a template, there are several templates: - unique md5 code - product name - product model Transliteration for the picture name template. Instead of "Apple Laptop" it will be "Laptop_Apple.jpg" The CURL followlocation option has been moved to the settings. Ability to work with multiple Google API keys Features of the new Search API: The new API has its advantages: - this API is up-to-date, not obsolete like the old API - you can get more information about the found pictures, for example. image size, link to the page on which this image is located, etc. - it became possible to view all the found pictures, and not just the first 10 pages. But the new API also has its drawbacks - there is a limit of 100 requests per day for one API key. There are 2 ways to bypass the restriction: Official. Google offers to buy an additional 1000 queries for $5 Semi-official. Since the API key is tied to a single project, you can create multiple projects and create a key for each. If you have run out of the limit of one key, just add another one for which the limit has not yet been reached. Thus, if you need 200 requests per day, just create 2 keys, 300 - 3, etc. Compatibility: OpenCart 3.0 OpenCart 2.0.x, 2.1.x, 2.2.x, 2.3 OpenCart 1.5.x (module version 2) The module uses IonCube, usually it is installed on 99% of hosting sites, but you can check it just in case . One module license allows you to install this module on 1 domain Demo: OpenCart 2.3 Admin panel, module settings page Admin, image search page OpenCart 1.5 (module version 2) Admin panel, module settings page Admin, image search page To contact the author of the module, write to the PM on the forum © Stasyuk Vladimir (sv2109.com), 2018 Submitter sv2109 Submitted 12/09/2015 Category Search Ioncube Loader Требуется ocStore 3.0 2.3 2.2 2.1 OpenCart.Pro, ocShop Opencart.pro 2.3 Opencart.pro 2.1 OcShop 2.0.3.х OcShopх Get request to server of developer Нет
300 Завантажити / Придбати розширення Просмотр картинок товара, быстрый просмотр товаров Модуль добавляет возможность на странице категории просматривать все картинки товаров. По клике на картинку товара на странице категории открывается окно со всеми картинками товара. Модуль умеет работать в 2-х режимах: 1. В окне просмотра картинок показываются только картинки с возможностью перелистывания (Демо) 2. В окне просмотра открывается карточка товара с картинками в виде слайдера и зумом, а так же кнопкой купить, опциями итд. (Демо) vqmod не используется Установка 1. Скопировать все с папки "upload" в корневую папку вашего магазина. Файлы ядра не будут перезаписаны. 2. Установить модуль в панели управления 3. При необходимости поменяйте настройки Версии движка, на которых тестировался модуль: - ocStore v1.5.5.1 но должен работать на всех 1.5.х версиях Версия 1.1 - изменен код - модуль теперь работает не только на странице категорий но у на других страницах - добавлена поддержка сео ссылок - добавлена поддержка модуля filter pro - в режиме показа только картинок размеры окна задаются в админке Версия модуля, которая работает на странице товара: Просмотр картинок товара Автор sv2109 долучення 26.03.14 Категорія Модули Системные требования Метод активации Ioncube Loader ocStore OpenCart.Pro, ocShop Звернення до сервера розробника
Версія 1.1
Модуль добавляет возможность на странице категории просматривать все картинки товаров. По клике на картинку товара на странице категории открывается окно со всеми картинками товара. Модуль умеет работать в 2-х режимах: 1. В окне просмотра картинок показываются только картинки с возможностью перелистывания (Демо) 2. В окне просмотра открывается карточка товара с картинками в виде слайдера и зумом, а так же кнопкой купить, опциями итд. (Демо) vqmod не используется Установка 1. Скопировать все с папки "upload" в корневую папку вашего магазина. Файлы ядра не будут перезаписаны. 2. Установить модуль в панели управления 3. При необходимости поменяйте настройки Версии движка, на которых тестировался модуль: - ocStore v1.5.5.1 но должен работать на всех 1.5.х версиях Версия 1.1 - изменен код - модуль теперь работает не только на странице категорий но у на других страницах - добавлена поддержка сео ссылок - добавлена поддержка модуля filter pro - в режиме показа только картинок размеры окна задаются в админке Версия модуля, которая работает на странице товара: Просмотр картинок товара300.00 RUB
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