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Brainy Filter PRO ворос

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Всем привет, кто нибудь работал с фильтром Brainy Filter PRO? Или может есть у кого то мысли какие то, следующая ситуация, пытаюсь сделать сброс товаров с нулевой стоимостью вниз списка. Через стоковый product.php, тот самый который в model и отвечает за сортировку, сброс товаров сделать не получится, по скольку у брейни фильтра своя сортировка и она перезаписывает стандартную функцию getProducts.

Путем гугления и поиска ответа нашел функцию, которая по видимому отвечает за сортировку товара:


    public function prepareQueryForCategory()
        $sql = $this->_prepareFilterQuery()->limit($this->productsLimit, $this->productsStart);
        $sql->innerJoin(array('pd' => 'product_description'), 'pd.product_id = p.product_id')
            ->where('pd.language_id = ?', (int)$this->config->get('config_language_id'));
        switch ($this->sortBy) 
            case 'pd.name' : {
                $sql->order(array("LCASE(pd.name) {$this->order}"));
            case 'p.model' : {
                $sql->select(array('pp.model'))->order(array("LCASE(pp.model) {$this->order}"))
                    ->innerJoin(array('pp' => 'product'), 'pp.product_id = p.product_id');
            case 'p.quantity' : {
                $sql->select(array('pp.quantity'))->order(array("pp.quantity {$this->order}", ))
                    ->innerJoin(array('pp' => 'product'), 'pp.product_id = p.product_id');
            case 'p.price' : {
                if (self::$SKIP_TMP_TABLE) {
                $sql->order(array("actual_price {$this->order}"));

            case 'rating' : {
                $sql->leftJoin(array('f' => self::TBL_FILTER), 'f.product_id = p.product_id')
                    ->where('f.filter_group = "r0"')
                    ->order(array("f.filter_id {$this->order}"));
            case 'p.sort_order' : {
                $sql->select(array('pp.sort_order'))->order(array("pp.sort_order {$this->order}"))
                    ->innerJoin(array('pp' => 'product'), 'pp.product_id = p.product_id');
            case 'p.date_added' : {
                $sql->select(array('pp.date_added'))->order(array("pp.date_added {$this->order}"))
                    ->innerJoin(array('pp' => 'product'), 'pp.product_id = p.product_id');
        if ($this->sortBy !== 'pd.name') {
            $sql->order(array("pd.name {$this->order}"));
        return (string)$sql;



Сам файл модели брейни фильтра:



require_once DIR_SYSTEM . 'library/sqllib.php';

 * Brainy Filter model class.
 * The class contains methods for calculating of MIN/MAX price, total products,
 * for retrieving list of attributes/manufacturers/filters/stock statuses/options 
 * and for applying filters to the methods from Category module.
 * Brainy Filter Ultimate 5.1.2 OC2.3, November 4, 2016 / brainyfilter.com 
 * Copyright 2015-2016 Giant Leap Lab / www.giantleaplab.com 
 * License: Commercial. Reselling of this software or its derivatives is not allowed. You may use this software for one website ONLY including all its subdomains if the top level domain belongs to you and all subdomains are parts of the same OpenCart store. 
 * Support: http://support.giantleaplab.com
final class ModelExtensionModuleBrainyFilter extends Model 
    const TBL_FILTER           = 'bf_filter';
    const TBL_PRODUCT_ATTR_VAL = 'bf_product_attribute_value';
    const TBL_ATTR_VAL         = 'bf_attribute_value';
    const TBL_TAX_RATE         = 'bf_tax_rate';
    const TBL_TMP_PRODUCT      = 'bf_tmp_product';
     * Catalog top-category ID
     * @var int
    private $topCategory = null;
     * Catalog sub-category ID
     * @var int 
    private $subCategory = null;
    private $specialsOnly = false;

     * Search query by product names
     * @var string
    private $searchNameString = '';
     * Search query by product tags
     * @var string
    private $searchTagString = '';
     * Search query by product descriptions
     * @var string
    private $searchDescriptionString = '';
     * List of all selected filters with the following items:
     * <ul>
     * <li><b>filters</b> - Array</li>
     * <li><b>price</b> - stdClass with properties <i>min</i> and <i>max</i></li>
     * <li><b>search</b> - search string</li>
     * <li><b>manufacturer</b> - Manufacturer ID. The parameter will trigger filtering of all attributes by manufacturer id.
     * It is set in case manufacturer_id GET parameter exsists</li>
     * </ul>
     * @see ModelModuleBrainyFilter::getConditions() - getter
     * @property price
     * @property filters
     * @property search
     * @var stdClass 
    private $conditions  = null;
     * Aggregated array of selected attributes, filters, options, manufacturers, stock statuses and ratings.
     * <pre>
     * array(
     *      [group ID, e.g. a157, o3, s7] => array([values])
     * )
     * </pre>
     * @var array
    private $aggregate   = array();
     * Customer group ID
     * @var int
    private $customerGroupId = null;
     * Product limit per page 
     * @var int 
    public $productsLimit = 20;
     * Product list offset
     * @var int 
    public $productsStart = 0;

     * Product list sort order
     * @var array
    public $sortBy = null;
    public $order = 'ASC';
     * Cache data which designed to prevent execution of similar sql queries in
     * case of multiple modules per page
     * @var array
    private static $_cache = array( 'sliders' => array() );
     * Whether to hide out of stock products or not. In case the property is set to TRUE,
     * the filter will take into account stock status per each product option
     * @var boolean
    private static $HIDE_OUT_OF_STOCK = false;
    private static $TMP_TBL_EXISTS = false;
    private static $SKIP_TMP_TABLE = false;
     * Filter binary masks
     * <pre>
     * array(
     *    filter group id => array(
     *        2^n,
     *        sume of all the selected filters excluding the current
     *    )
     * )
     * </pre>
     * @var array
    private $filterMasks = array();
    private $_currency;
	 * Constructor
	 * @param array $registry 
    public function __construct($registry) {
        SqlStatement::$DB_PREFIX = DB_PREFIX;
        SqlStatement::$DB_CONNECTOR = $this->db;
        $this->_currency = isset($this->session->data['currency']) ? $this->session->data['currency'] : $this->config->get('config_currency');
        $bfSettings = $this->config->get('brainyfilter_layout_basic');
        self::$HIDE_OUT_OF_STOCK = (bool)$bfSettings['global']['hide_out_of_stock'];
        $this->conditions = new stdClass();
        $this->conditions->filters = array();
        $this->conditions->price = null;
        $this->conditions->manufacturer = null;
        $this->conditions->search = '';
        // fill out the conditions property
        if (isset($this->request->get['manufacturer_id']) && !empty($this->request->get['manufacturer_id'])) {
            $this->conditions->manufacturer = (int) $this->request->get['manufacturer_id'];
            $this->conditions->filters['m0'][0] = (int) $this->request->get['manufacturer_id'];
            $this->aggregate['m0'] = array();
            $this->aggregate['m0'][0] = (int) $this->request->get['manufacturer_id'];

        self::$SKIP_TMP_TABLE = (bool)$bfSettings['global']['postponed_count'] 
                && !$this->registry->get('bf_force_tmp_table_creation')
                && empty($this->conditions->filters);
        if (count($this->aggregate)) {
            foreach ($this->aggregate as $group => $values) {
                if (empty($values)) {
        $this->customerGroupId = ($this->customer->isLogged()) 
                ? $this->customer->getGroupId()
                : $this->config->get('config_customer_group_id');
     * Calculate filter binary masks.
     * @see $filterMasks
    private function _calcFilterMasks()
        $i = 0;
        $masks = array();
        foreach ($this->aggregate as $group => $values) {
            $masks[$group] = pow(2, $i);
            $i ++;
        foreach ($masks as $group => $mask) {
            $exclude = $masks;
            $this->filterMasks[$group] = array(
     * Parse BrainyFilter Param
	 * <br />
     * The method explodes bfilter GET parameter to the list of selected filters
     * and fills out $this->conditions and $this->aggregate properties
     * @return void
    private function _parseBFilterParam()
        if (!isset($this->request->get['bfilter'])) {
		$bfilter = $this->request->get['bfilter'];

		$params = explode(';', $bfilter);
        foreach ($params as $param) {
            if (!empty($param)) {
                $p = explode(':', $param);
                $pName  = $p[0];
                $pValue = $p[1];
                if ($pName === 'price') 
                    $p = explode('-', $pValue);
                    $price = new stdClass();
                    $price->min = null;
                    $price->max = null;
                    $price->inputMin = null;
                    $price->inputMax = null;
                    if ((int)$p[0] > 0) {
                        $price->min = $this->currency->convert($p[0], $this->_currency, $this->config->get('config_currency'));
                        $price->inputMin = $p[0];
                    if ((int)$p[1] > 0) {
                        $price->max = $this->currency->convert($p[1], $this->_currency, $this->config->get('config_currency'));
                        $price->inputMax = $p[1];
                    $this->conditions->price = $price;
                elseif ($pName === 'search') 
                    $this->conditions->search = $pValue;
                    $this->searchNameString = $pValue;
                    $this->searchTagString = $pValue;
                    $this->searchDescriptionString = $pValue;
                    if (strpos($pValue, '-') !== false) 
                        $p = explode('-', $pValue);
                        $range = $this->_getSliderIntermediateValues($pName, $p[0], $p[1]);
                        if (!empty($range)) {
                            $this->conditions->filters[$pName] = array('min' => $p[0], 'max' => $p[1]);
                            $this->aggregate[$pName] = $range;
                        $this->conditions->filters[$pName] = explode(',', $pValue);
                        $this->aggregate[$pName] = explode(',', $pValue);
     * Get Slider Intermediate Values<br>
     * The method converts minimum and maximum limits into
     * range of filter IDs
     * @param type $id Filter group ID (first letter of type + integer ID, e.g. "a156")
     * @param type $min minimum sort order number
     * @param type $max maximum sort order number
     * @return array Array of filter value IDs
    private function _getSliderIntermediateValues($id, $min, $max)
        if (isset(self::$_cache['sliders']["$id-$min-$max"])) {
            return self::$_cache['sliders']["$id-$min-$max"];
        $type = substr($id, 0, 1);
        $numb = (int)substr($id, 1);
        $sql = new SqlStatement();
        if ($type === 'a') {
            $sql->select(array('id' => 'attribute_value_id'))
                ->where('attribute_id = ?', array($numb))
                ->where('language_id = ?', (int)$this->config->get('config_language_id'));
        } elseif ($type === 'o') {
            $sql->select(array('id' => 'option_value_id'))
                ->where('option_id = ?', array($numb));
        } elseif ($type === 'f') {
            $sql->select(array('id' => 'filter_id'))
                ->where('filter_group_id = ?', array($numb));
        } else {
        if (!empty($min) && $min !== 'na') {
            $sql->where('sort_order >= ?', (int)$min);
        if (!empty($max) && $max !== 'na') {
            $sql->where('sort_order <= ?', (int)$max);
        $res = $this->db->query($sql);
        $output = array();
        if ($res->num_rows) {
            foreach ($res->rows as $row) {
                $output[] = $row['id'];
        self::$_cache['sliders']["$id-$min-$max"] = $output;
        return $output;
     * Prepare Search Conditions<br>
     * The method assembles WHERE conditions for filtering by search query string
     * @return array
    private function _prepareSearchConditions()
        $search = array();
        if (!empty($this->searchNameString)) {
            $words = explode(' ', trim(preg_replace('/\s\s+/', ' ', $this->searchNameString)));
            $nameCond = array();
            foreach ($words as $word) {
                $nameCond[] = "pd.name LIKE '%" . $this->db->escape($word) . "%'";
            $search = array('(' . implode(' AND ', $nameCond) . ')');
            $search[] = array('LCASE(p.model) = ?', $this->searchNameString);
            $search[] = array('LCASE(p.sku) = ?', $this->searchNameString);
            $search[] = array('LCASE(p.upc) = ?', $this->searchNameString);
            $search[] = array('LCASE(p.ean) = ?', $this->searchNameString);
            $search[] = array('LCASE(p.jan) = ?', $this->searchNameString);
            $search[] = array('LCASE(p.isbn) = ?', $this->searchNameString);
            $search[] = array('LCASE(p.mpn) = ?', $this->searchNameString);
        if (!empty($this->searchTagString)) {
            $search[] = array('pd.tag LIKE "%' . $this->db->escape($this->searchTagString) . '%"');
        if (!empty($this->searchDescriptionString)) {
            $search[] = array('pd.description LIKE "%' . $this->db->escape($this->searchDescriptionString) . '%"');
        return $search;
     * Set Data
     * @param array $data initial data for the model
     * @return void 
    public function setData($data = array())
        if (isset($data['filter_category_id'])) {
            if (isset($data['filter_sub_category']) && $data['filter_sub_category']) { 
                $this->subCategory = (int)$data['filter_category_id'];
            } else {
                $this->topCategory = (int)$data['filter_category_id'];
        if (isset($data['filter_name']) && empty($this->searchNameString)) {
            $this->searchNameString = utf8_strtolower($data['filter_name']);
        if (isset($data['filter_tag']) && empty($this->searchTagString)) {
            $this->searchTagString = utf8_strtolower($data['filter_tag']);
        if (isset($data['filter_description']) && empty($this->searchDescriptionString)) {
            $this->searchDescriptionString = utf8_strtolower($data['filter_name']);
        if (empty($this->conditions->filters['m0'])) {
            if (isset($data['filter_manufacturer_id'])
                    && !empty($data['filter_manufacturer_id'])) {
                $this->conditions->filters['m0'][0] = (int) $data['filter_manufacturer_id'];
                $this->aggregate['m0'] = array();
                $this->aggregate['m0'][0] = (int) $data['filter_manufacturer_id'];
            // hack - in order to pass the parameter to our model the global GET variable 
            // is created, since there is no more convenient way to do this thougth
            // product/category controller and product model
            } elseif (isset($this->request->get['manufacturer_id']) 
                    && !empty($this->request->get['manufacturer_id'])) {
                $this->conditions->filters['m0'][0] = (int) $this->request->get['manufacturer_id'];
                $this->aggregate['m0'] = array();
                $this->aggregate['m0'][0] = (int) $this->request->get['manufacturer_id'];
        if (isset($data['filter_specials_only'])) {
            $this->specialsOnly = (bool)$data['filter_specials_only'];
        if (isset($data['limit'])) {
            $this->productsLimit = $data['limit'];
        if (isset($data['start'])) {
            $this->productsStart = $data['start'];
        $this->order  = (isset($data['order']) && strtoupper($data['order']) == 'DESC') ? 'DESC' : 'ASC';
        $this->sortBy = (isset($data['sort'])) ? $data['sort'] : null;

     * Get Conditions
     * <br>
     * Getter for the private property $conditions
     * @return stdClass
    public function getConditions()
        return $this->conditions;
     * Returns current shipment country ID and zone ID.
     * Shipment location can affect tax amount and, as a knok-on effect, product price.
     * @property countryId
     * @property zoneId
     * @return \stdClass 
    private function _getShipmentLocation()
        $location = new stdClass();
        $location->countryId = null;
        $location->zoneId    = null;
        if (isset($this->session->data['shipping_address']['country_id'])) 
            $location->countryId = (int)$this->session->data['shipping_address']['country_id'];
        elseif ($this->config->get('config_tax_default') == 'shipping') 
            $location->countryId = (int)$this->config->get('config_country_id');
        if (isset($this->session->data['shipping_address']['zone_id'])) 
            $location->zoneId = (int)$this->session->data['shipping_address']['zone_id'];
        elseif ($this->config->get('config_tax_default') == 'shipping') 
            $location->zoneId = (int)$this->config->get('config_zone_id');
        return $location;
     * Returns current payment country ID and zone ID.
     * Payment location can affect tax amount and, as a knok-on effect, product price.
     * @property countryId
     * @property zoneId
     * @return \stdClass 
    private function _getPaymentLocation()
        $location = new stdClass();
        $location->countryId = null;
        $location->zoneId    = null;
        if (isset($this->session->data['payment_address']['country_id'])) 
            $location->countryId = (int)$this->session->data['payment_address']['country_id'];
        elseif ($this->config->get('config_tax_default') == 'payment') 
            $location->countryId = (int)$this->config->get('config_country_id');
        if (isset($this->session->data['payment_address']['zone_id'])) 
            $location->zoneId = (int)$this->session->data['payment_address']['zone_id'];
        elseif ($this->config->get('config_tax_default') == 'payment') 
            $location->zoneId = (int)$this->config->get('config_zone_id');
        return $location;
     * Apply Price Filter Condition<br>
     * The method joins all the tables, which are necessary for price calculation.
     * @param SqlStatement $sql
     * @return void
    private function _applyPriceFilterCondition($sql)
        if (!$this->specialsOnly) {
                ->leftJoin(array('pd2' => 'product_discount'), "pd2.product_id = p.product_id 
                        AND pd2.quantity = '1'
                        AND (pd2.date_start = '0000-00-00' OR pd2.date_start < NOW())
                        AND (pd2.date_end = '0000-00-00' OR pd2.date_end > NOW())
                        AND pd2.customer_group_id = '{$this->customerGroupId}'")
                ->leftJoin(array('ps' => 'product_special'), "ps.product_id = p.product_id 
                        AND (ps.date_end = '0000-00-00' OR ps.date_end > NOW())
                        AND (ps.date_start = '0000-00-00' OR ps.date_start < NOW())
                        AND ps.customer_group_id = '{$this->customerGroupId}'");

            $minPrice = 'IF(MIN(ps.price) IS NOT NULL, MIN(ps.price), IF(MIN(pd2.price) IS NOT NULL, MIN(pd2.price), p.price))';
        } else {
            $minPrice = 'ps.price';
        if ($this->config->get('config_tax')) {
            $shipment = $this->_getShipmentLocation();
            $payment  = $this->_getPaymentLocation();
            $taxConditions = array();
            $defCountryId  = (int)$this->config->get('config_country_id');
            $defZoneId     = (int)$this->config->get('config_zone_id');
            $taxConditions[] = "(based = 'store' AND country_id = '" . $defCountryId . "' AND zone_id IN ('0', '" . $defZoneId . "'))";

            if ($shipment->countryId || $shipment->zoneId) {
                $taxConditions[] = "(based = 'shipping' AND country_id = '{$shipment->countryId}' AND zone_id IN ('0', '{$shipment->zoneId}'))";

            if ($payment->countryId || $payment->zoneId) {
                $taxConditions[] = "(based = 'payment' AND country_id = '{$payment->countryId}' AND zone_id IN ('0', '{$payment->zoneId}'))";

            $taxSql = new SqlStatement();
            $taxSql->select(array('fixed_tax' => 'SUM(fixed_rate)', 'percent_tax' => 'SUM(percent_rate)', 'tax_class_id'))
                ->where('customer_group_id = ?', $this->customerGroupId)

            $sql->leftJoin(array('tx' => $taxSql), 'p.tax_class_id = tx.tax_class_id');
            $sql->select(array('actual_price' => '(' . $minPrice . ' * (1 + IFNULL(percent_tax, 0)/100) + IFNULL(fixed_tax, 0))'));
        } else {
            $sql->select(array('actual_price' => '(' . $minPrice . ')' ));
     * @return \SqlStatement
    private function _prepareProductQuery()
        $sql = new SqlStatement();

        $sql->select(array('p.product_id', 'p.sort_order'))
            ->from(array('p' => 'product'))
            ->innerJoin(array('p2s' => 'product_to_store'), 'p2s.product_id = p.product_id')
            ->innerJoin(array('f' => self::TBL_FILTER), 'p.product_id = f.product_id')
            ->where('p2s.store_id = ?', (int)$this->config->get('config_store_id'))

        if ($this->subCategory) 
            $sql->innerJoin(array('p2c' => 'product_to_category'), 'p.product_id = p2c.product_id')
                ->innerJoin(array('cp' => 'category_path'), 'cp.category_id = p2c.category_id')
                ->where('cp.path_id = ?', array($this->subCategory));
        elseif ($this->topCategory) 
            $sql->innerJoin(array('p2c' => 'product_to_category'), 'p.product_id = p2c.product_id')
                ->where('p2c.category_id = ?', array($this->topCategory));
        if ($this->specialsOnly)
            $sql->innerJoin(array('ps' => 'product_special'), "ps.product_id = p.product_id 
                    AND (ps.date_end = '0000-00-00' OR ps.date_end > NOW())
                    AND (ps.date_start = '0000-00-00' OR ps.date_start < NOW())
                    AND ps.customer_group_id = '{$this->customerGroupId}'");

        if ($this->conditions->manufacturer) {
            $sql->where('p.manufacturer_id = ?', array($this->conditions->manufacturer));

        $searchConditions = $this->_prepareSearchConditions();
        if (count($searchConditions)) {
            $sql->innerJoin(array('pd' => 'product_description'), 'pd.product_id = p.product_id')
                ->multipleWhere($searchConditions, 'OR')
                ->where('pd.language_id = ?', (int)$this->config->get('config_language_id'));

        if ( self::$HIDE_OUT_OF_STOCK ) {
            $sql->where('f.out_of_stock = 0');
        return $sql;
     * Fill temporary DB table with the results of soft filtering.
     * By soft filtering is meant that products, which don't match one of the
     * selected filter, are also included in the table.
    private function _fillTmpTable($sql) 
        $this->db->query('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ' . DB_PREFIX . self::TBL_TMP_PRODUCT);
        $this->db->query('CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE ' . DB_PREFIX . self::TBL_TMP_PRODUCT . ' (PRIMARY KEY (`product_id`)) ' . $sql);
        self::$TMP_TBL_EXISTS = true;
     * Prepare Filter Query<br>
     * It is a core method for assembling the filtering SQL query.
     * @return \SqlStatement
    private function _prepareFilterQuery($filterByPrice = true)
        $sql = $this->_prepareProductQuery();
        $sql->select(array('match_filters' => '"1"'));
        if (!empty($this->aggregate)) {
            $where = array();
            $cases = array();
            foreach ($this->aggregate as $group => $vals) {
                $where[] = '(f.filter_group = "' . $this->db->escape($group) . '" AND filter_id IN (' . implode(',', $vals) . '))';
                $cases[] = " WHEN '" . $this->db->escape($group) . "' THEN {$this->filterMasks[$group][0]} ";
            if (count($this->aggregate) > 1) 
                $cnt = count($this->aggregate);
                            'c' => 'COUNT(DISTINCT filter_group)',
                            'match_filters' => 'IF( COUNT(DISTINCT filter_group) = ' . $cnt . ', 1, 0 )',
                            'match_filters_mask' => 'SUM( DISTINCT CASE filter_group ' . implode("\n", $cases) . ' END )'
                        ->having('c >= ?', $cnt - 1);
                    'match_filters' => 'if (SUM(if(' . $where[0] . ', 1, 0)) > 0, 1, 0)'

        if (!self::$SKIP_TMP_TABLE || $this->conditions->price) {
        if (!self::$SKIP_TMP_TABLE) 
            if (!self::$TMP_TBL_EXISTS) {
            $sql = new SqlStatement();
                ->from(array('p' => self::TBL_TMP_PRODUCT))
                ->where('match_filters = 1');
        } else {
            $sql->having('match_filters = 1');
        if ($filterByPrice) 
            if (self::$SKIP_TMP_TABLE) {
                if ($this->conditions->price && $this->conditions->price->min) {
                    $sql->having("actual_price >= ?", $this->conditions->price->min);
                if ($this->conditions->price && $this->conditions->price->max) {
                    $sql->having("actual_price <= ?", $this->conditions->price->max);
            } else {
                if ($this->conditions->price && $this->conditions->price->min) {
                    $sql->where("actual_price >= ?", $this->conditions->price->min);
                if ($this->conditions->price && $this->conditions->price->max) {
                    $sql->where("actual_price <= ?", $this->conditions->price->max);
        return $sql;

     * Prepare Query String For Category
	 * <br />
     * The method applies BrainyFilter conditions to the query for products.
     * It is injected to the ModelCatalogProduct::getProducts() via vQmod/ OCmod
     * @return string SQL query string
    public function prepareQueryForCategory()
        $sql = $this->_prepareFilterQuery()->limit($this->productsLimit, $this->productsStart);
        $sql->innerJoin(array('pd' => 'product_description'), 'pd.product_id = p.product_id')
            ->where('pd.language_id = ?', (int)$this->config->get('config_language_id'));
        switch ($this->sortBy) 
            case 'pd.name' : {
                $sql->order(array("LCASE(pd.name) {$this->order}"));
            case 'p.model' : {
                $sql->select(array('pp.model'))->order(array("LCASE(pp.model) {$this->order}"))
                    ->innerJoin(array('pp' => 'product'), 'pp.product_id = p.product_id');
            case 'p.quantity' : {
                $sql->select(array('pp.quantity'))->order(array("pp.quantity {$this->order}", ))
                    ->innerJoin(array('pp' => 'product'), 'pp.product_id = p.product_id');
            case 'p.price' : {
                if (self::$SKIP_TMP_TABLE) {
                $sql->order(array("actual_price {$this->order}"));

            case 'rating' : {
                $sql->leftJoin(array('f' => self::TBL_FILTER), 'f.product_id = p.product_id')
                    ->where('f.filter_group = "r0"')
                    ->order(array("f.filter_id {$this->order}"));
            case 'p.sort_order' : {
                $sql->select(array('pp.sort_order'))->order(array("pp.sort_order {$this->order}"))
                    ->innerJoin(array('pp' => 'product'), 'pp.product_id = p.product_id');
            case 'p.date_added' : {
                $sql->select(array('pp.date_added'))->order(array("pp.date_added {$this->order}"))
                    ->innerJoin(array('pp' => 'product'), 'pp.product_id = p.product_id');
        if ($this->sortBy !== 'pd.name') {
            $sql->order(array("pd.name {$this->order}"));
        return (string)$sql;
     * Prepare Query For Total
	 * <br />
     * Generates query string for calculation of total amount of found products
     * @return string SQL query string
    public function prepareQueryForTotal()
        $sub = $this->_prepareFilterQuery();
        $sql = new SqlStatement();
        $sql->select(array('total' => 'COUNT(*)'))->from(array('t' => $sub));

        return (string)$sql;
     * Calculates amount of products per each filter
     * <br>
     * Returns Array with the following structure
     * <pre>
     * array(
     *      array( [first letter of type + group ID] => array( [value] => array( [products count] ) ),
     *      ....
     * )
     * </pre>
     * @return array 
    public function calculateTotals()
        $sql = clone $this->_prepareFilterQuery();
            ->select(array('val' => 'COUNT(*)', 'filter_group', 'filter_id'))
            ->innerJoin(array('f' => self::TBL_FILTER), 'p.product_id = f.product_id')
            ->where('f.language_id = ?', (int)$this->config->get('config_language_id'))
            ->in('f.filter_group', array_keys($this->aggregate), true)
            ->group(array('filter_group', 'filter_id'));
        if ( self::$HIDE_OUT_OF_STOCK ) {
            $sql->where('f.out_of_stock = 0');
        $res = $this->db->query($sql);
        $totalsIn = $res->rows;
        $totalsOut = array();
        if (count($this->aggregate)) 
                ->select(array('val' => 'COUNT(*)', 'filter_group', 'filter_id'))
                ->from(array('tp' => self::TBL_TMP_PRODUCT))
                ->innerJoin(array('f' => self::TBL_FILTER), 'f.product_id = tp.product_id')
                ->where('f.language_id = ?', (int)$this->config->get('config_language_id'))
                ->where('tp.match_filters < 1')
                ->group(array('filter_group', 'filter_id'));
            if ($this->conditions->price && $this->conditions->price->min) {
                $sql->where("actual_price >= ?", $this->conditions->price->min);
            if ($this->conditions->price && $this->conditions->price->max) {
                $sql->where("actual_price <= ?", $this->conditions->price->max);
            if ( self::$HIDE_OUT_OF_STOCK ) {
                $sql->where('f.out_of_stock = 0');
            if (count($this->aggregate) > 1) {
                $where = array();
                foreach ($this->aggregate as $group => $vals) {
                    $where[] = "(tp.match_filters_mask = {$this->filterMasks[$group][1]} AND f.filter_group = '" . $this->db->escape($group) . "')";
            } else {
                $sql->in('f.filter_group', array_keys($this->aggregate));

            $res = $this->db->query($sql);
            $totalsOut = $res->rows;
        $total = array_merge($totalsIn, $totalsOut);
        $output = array();
        if (count($total)) {
            foreach ($total as $row) {
                if (!isset($output[$row['filter_group']])) {
                    $output[$row['filter_group']] = array();
                $output[$row['filter_group']][$row['filter_id']] = $row['val'];

        return $output;
     * Get MIN/MAX category price
	 * <br />
     * The method calculates min/max price taking into account special offers, 
     * discounts and taxes
     * @return array Associative array with min and max fields
    public function getMinMaxCategoryPrice()
        if (isset(self::$_cache['minmaxprice'])) {
            return self::$_cache['minmaxprice'];

        $sql = $this->_prepareFilterQuery(false);
                'min' => "MIN(actual_price)",
                'max' => "MAX(actual_price)",
        $res = $this->db->query($sql);
        self::$_cache['minmaxprice'] = $res->row;
        return $res->row;

     * Get Attributes
     * @return array Returns array of existed attributes in the given category 
     * and all their values
    public function getAttributes()
        if (isset(self::$_cache['attributes'])) {
            return self::$_cache['attributes'];
        $prodSql = new SqlStatement();
                ->from(array('p' => 'product'), array('p.*'));
        if ($this->subCategory) 
            $prodSql->innerJoin(array('p2c' => 'product_to_category'), 'p.product_id = p2c.product_id')
                ->innerJoin(array('cp' => 'category_path'), 'cp.category_id = p2c.category_id')
                ->where('cp.path_id = ?', array($this->subCategory));
        elseif ($this->topCategory) 
            $prodSql->innerJoin(array('p2c' => 'product_to_category'), 'p.product_id = p2c.product_id')
                ->where('p2c.category_id = ?', array($this->topCategory));
        if ($this->conditions->manufacturer)
            $prodSql->where('p.manufacturer_id = ?', array($this->conditions->manufacturer));
        $sql = new SqlStatement();
                'group_id'   => 'a.attribute_group_id', 
                'attr_id'    => 'av.attribute_id', 
                'val_id'     => 'av.attribute_value_id', 
                'group_name' => 'agd.name',
                'attr_name'  => 'ad.name',
                'val_sort'   => 'av.sort_order',
            ->from(array('af' => self::TBL_PRODUCT_ATTR_VAL))
            ->innerJoin(array('p' => $prodSql), 'af.product_id = p.product_id')
            ->innerJoin(array('av' => self::TBL_ATTR_VAL), 'af.attribute_value_id = av.attribute_value_id')
            ->innerJoin(array('a' => 'attribute'), 'a.attribute_id = av.attribute_id')
            ->innerJoin(array('ad' => 'attribute_description'), 'ad.attribute_id = a.attribute_id')
            ->innerJoin(array('ag' => 'attribute_group'), 'ag.attribute_group_id = a.attribute_group_id')
            ->innerJoin(array('agd' => 'attribute_group_description'), 'agd.attribute_group_id = a.attribute_group_id')
            ->innerJoin(array('ps' => 'product_to_store'), 'p.product_id = ps.product_id')
            ->where('agd.language_id = ?', (int)$this->config->get('config_language_id'))
            ->where('ad.language_id = ?', (int)$this->config->get('config_language_id'))
            ->where('av.language_id = ?', (int)$this->config->get('config_language_id'))
            ->where('ps.store_id = ?', (int)$this->config->get('config_store_id'))
            ->where('p.status = 1')
            ->order(array('ag.sort_order', 'ag.attribute_group_id', 'a.sort_order', 'ad.name', 'av.sort_order', 'av.value'));
        $res = $this->db->query($sql);
        $output = array();
        if (count($res->rows)) {
            foreach ($res->rows as $row) {
                    $r = array(
                        'name' => $row['value'],
                        'id' => $row['val_id'],
                        'sort' => $row['val_sort'],

                    if (!isset($output[$row['attr_id']])) {
                        $output[$row['attr_id']] = array(
                            'name' => $row['attr_name'],
                            'group_id' => $row['group_id'],
                            'group' => $row['group_name'],
                            'values' => array()
                    $output[$row['attr_id']]['values'][] = $r;
        self::$_cache['attributes'] = $output;

        return $output;
     * Get Manufacturers
	 * <br />
     * Retrieves a list of manufacturers for the given category ID
     * @param array $data Input parameters
     * @return mixed Array of manufacturers for the given category ID if found. 
     * Otherwise returns FALSE
	public function getManufacturers()
        if (isset(self::$_cache['manufacturers'])) {
            return self::$_cache['manufacturers'];
        $sql = new SqlStatement();
        $sql->select(array('id' => 'm.manufacturer_id', 'm.name'))
            ->from(array('m' => 'manufacturer'))
            ->innerJoin(array('p' => 'product'), 'm.manufacturer_id = p.manufacturer_id')
            ->innerJoin(array('m2s' => 'manufacturer_to_store'), 'm.manufacturer_id = m2s.manufacturer_id')
            ->where('p.status = 1')
            ->where('p.date_available <= NOW()')
            ->where('m2s.store_id = ?', (int) $this->config->get('config_store_id'))
            ->order(array('m.sort_order', 'm.name')); 
        if ($this->subCategory) 
            $sql->innerJoin(array('p2c' => 'product_to_category'), 'p.product_id = p2c.product_id')
                ->innerJoin(array('cp' => 'category_path'), 'cp.category_id = p2c.category_id')
                ->where('cp.path_id = ?', array($this->subCategory));
        elseif ($this->topCategory) 
            $sql->innerJoin(array('p2c' => 'product_to_category'), 'p.product_id = p2c.product_id')
                ->where('p2c.category_id = ?', array($this->topCategory));

		$query = $this->db->query($sql);
        self::$_cache['manufacturers'] = $query->rows;
        return $query->rows;
     * Get Stock Statuses
     * @return array Returns array of existed stock statuses
	public function getStockStatuses()
        if (isset(self::$_cache['stock_statuses'])) {
            return self::$_cache['stock_statuses'];
		$sql = new SqlStatement();
        $sql->select(array('id' => 'stock_status_id', 'name'))
                ->where('language_id = ?', (int) $this->config->get('config_language_id'));
		$query = $this->db->query($sql);
        self::$_cache['stock_statuses'] = $query->rows;
        return $query->rows;
     * Get Options
     * @return array Returns array of existed options in the given category 
     * and all their values
	public function getOptions()
        if (isset(self::$_cache['options'])) {
            return self::$_cache['options'];
		$output = array();
        $sql = new SqlStatement();
        $columns = array('namegroup' => 'od.name', 'ovd.name', 'ovd.option_value_id', 'pov.option_id', 'ov.image', 'ov.sort_order');
            ->from(array('p' => 'product'))
            ->innerJoin(array('p2s' => 'product_to_store'), 'p.product_id = p2s.product_id')
            ->innerJoin(array('pov' => 'product_option_value'), 'p.product_id = pov.product_id')
            ->innerJoin(array('od' => 'option_description'), 'pov.option_id = od.option_id')
            ->innerJoin(array('ovd' => 'option_value_description'), 'pov.option_value_id = ovd.option_value_id')
            ->innerJoin(array('o' => 'option'), 'pov.option_id = o.option_id')
            ->innerJoin(array('ov' => 'option_value'), 'pov.option_value_id = ov.option_value_id')
            ->where('p.status = 1')
            ->where('p.date_available <= NOW()')
            ->where('ovd.language_id = ?', (int) $this->config->get('config_language_id'))
            ->where('od.language_id = ?', (int) $this->config->get('config_language_id'))
            ->where('p2s.store_id = ?', (int) $this->config->get('config_store_id'))
            ->order(array('o.sort_order', 'ov.sort_order', 'od.name', 'ovd.name')); 
        if ($this->subCategory) 
            $sql->innerJoin(array('p2c' => 'product_to_category'), 'p.product_id = p2c.product_id')
                ->innerJoin(array('cp' => 'category_path'), 'cp.category_id = p2c.category_id')
                ->where('cp.path_id = ?', array($this->subCategory));
        elseif ($this->topCategory) 
            $sql->innerJoin(array('p2c' => 'product_to_category'), 'p.product_id = p2c.product_id')
                ->where('p2c.category_id = ?', array($this->topCategory));
        if ($this->conditions->manufacturer)
            $sql->where('p.manufacturer_id = ?', array($this->conditions->manufacturer));
		$query = $this->db->query($sql);

		foreach ($query->rows as $row) {

            $r = array(
                'name' => $row['name'],
                'id' => $row['option_value_id'],
                'sort' => $row['sort_order']
            if (isset($row['image'])) {
                $r['image'] = $row['image'];
            if (!isset($output[$row['option_id']])) {
                $output[$row['option_id']] = array(
                    'name' => $row['namegroup'],
                    'values' => array()
            $output[$row['option_id']]['values'][] = $r;
        self::$_cache['options'] = $output;
        return $output;
     * Get Filters
     * @return array Returns array of existed filters in the given category 
     * and all their values
    public function getFilters()
        if (isset(self::$_cache['filters'])) {
            return self::$_cache['filters'];
        $sql = new SqlStatement();
        $sql->select(array('namegroup' => 'fgd.name', 'fd.name', 'f.filter_id', 'fg.filter_group_id', 'f.sort_order'))
            ->from(array('p' => 'product'))
            ->innerJoin(array('pf' => 'product_filter'), 'p.product_id = pf.product_id')
            ->innerJoin(array('f' => 'filter'), 'f.filter_id = pf.filter_id')
            ->innerJoin(array('fd' => 'filter_description'), 'fd.filter_id = pf.filter_id')
            ->innerJoin(array('fg' => 'filter_group'), 'fg.filter_group_id = fd.filter_group_id')
            ->innerJoin(array('fgd' => 'filter_group_description'), 'fd.filter_group_id = fgd.filter_group_id')
            ->innerJoin(array('p2s' => 'product_to_store'), 'p.product_id = p2s.product_id')
            ->where('p.status = 1')
            ->where('p.date_available <= NOW()')
            ->where('fd.language_id = ?', (int) $this->config->get('config_language_id'))
            ->where('fgd.language_id = ?', (int) $this->config->get('config_language_id'))
            ->where('p2s.store_id = ?', (int) $this->config->get('config_store_id'))
            ->order(array('fg.sort_order', 'f.sort_order', 'fgd.name', 'fd.name'));
        if ($this->subCategory) 
            $sql->innerJoin(array('p2c' => 'product_to_category'), 'p.product_id = p2c.product_id')
                ->innerJoin(array('cp' => 'category_path'), 'cp.category_id = p2c.category_id')
                ->where('cp.path_id = ?', array($this->subCategory));
        elseif ($this->topCategory) 
            $sql->innerJoin(array('p2c' => 'product_to_category'), 'p.product_id = p2c.product_id')
                ->where('p2c.category_id = ?', array($this->topCategory));
        if ($this->conditions->manufacturer)
            $sql->where('p.manufacturer_id = ?', array($this->conditions->manufacturer));
        $query = $this->db->query($sql);
        $output = array();
		foreach ($query->rows as $row) {

            $r = array(
                'name' => $row['name'],
                'id' => $row['filter_id'],
                'sort' => $row['sort_order']
            if (!isset($output[$row['filter_group_id']])) {
                $output[$row['filter_group_id']] = array(
                    'name' => $row['namegroup'],
                    'values' => array()
            $output[$row['filter_group_id']]['values'][] = $r;
        self::$_cache['filters'] = $output;
        return $output;
    public function getCategories()
        $sql = new SqlStatement();
        $sql->select(array('cd.name', 'id' => 'c.category_id', 'pid' => 'c.parent_id'))
            ->from(array('c' => 'category'))
            ->innerJoin(array('cd' => 'category_description'), 'c.category_id = cd.category_id')
            ->where('cd.language_id = ?', (int) $this->config->get('config_language_id'))
            ->order(array('c.parent_id', 'c.sort_order', 'LCASE(cd.name)'));
        $res = $this->db->query($sql);
        $output = array();
        foreach ($res->rows as $row) {
            $output[$row['id']] = array(
                'name' => $row['name'],
                'pid'  => $row['pid'],
        return $output;



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