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  1. Hello I see that your module can manage hreflang for language and country in admin but when I verify in frontend https://canada.opencartadmin.com/ I see this <link rel="alternate" hreflang="ru" href="https://usa.opencartadmin.com/" /> <link rel="alternate" hreflang="en" href="https://usa.opencartadmin.com/en/" /> country is wrong USA instead of CANADA and hreflang is also wrong hreflang="en" instead of hreflang="en-ca" Can you please check the update of your module for opencart 3, I would be insterested to buy it (opencart 3 with journal 3 theme)
  2. Hello @xds I'm facing an issue while installing the theme FRAME (see screenshot) I registered the domain as domain.com, should have I registered the domain using https://domain.com I want to also inform that I am using many subdomains for each country but always under the same domain such as fr.domain.com uk.domain.com etc... Can you please explain where is issue coming from with Error message: I_err_domain ?
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