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User permission for adding certain products

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Hi guys. I want to divide moderators into groups for certain product's category. Let's say I have three product category: 1. Books; 2. Food; 3. Cars. So, I should create three user groups: Book Moderator; 2. Food Moderator; 3. Car Moderator. When Book Moderator want to add product, he or she could see only Book Category, and other only theirs. But Admins could see all three categories. How could do this?

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On 4/3/2019 at 1:49 PM, freelancer said:

how it should work if some product links with many categories ? or moderator want to change product category?

I didnt think abou it. But it could be solved with notification for other moderators who responsible for another categories. There will be another function to link to other categories, as you said. Product will be added without problems. But it will not been show in other categories which not belong to you. If other moderator who received notification that you mentioned his category, will admit linked category the product will also appear in other categories 

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