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  1. Hi there, if you want to move your WooCommerce online shop to OpenCart, consider Cart2Cart automated migration service. The service performs the eCommerce switch automatedly and therefore minimizes your personal involvement in the process allowing to focus on business running instead of migration hassles. Cart2Cart Team will do its best to help you during all your migration path and perform your WooCommerce store data transferring to OpenCart not only without any data loss but also with no business interruption and end-user confusion. The list of transferable entities includes products, product categories, manufacturers, taxes, customers, orders, coupons and other related data. Besides, if you want to make your WooCommerce to OpenCart conversion even more seamless, you can take advantage of Additional Migration Options (like migrate categories and products SEO URLs, preserve product and category IDs on new OpenCart store, migrate images from product descriptions and blog posts descriptions, etc.). If you want to see how the service works in progress, you can previously launch free Demo migration and estimate its results on your new Opencart store. Regards, Cart2Cart Team
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