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Усі публікації користувача dvi30011973

  1. Ладно.Установлю просто панельку соц сетей без всякого модуля.Если нет решений по этому вопросу. Всем спасибо.
  2. Помогите исправить ошибку. Установил модуль соц-сети FollowMe153 и в админки когда я жму на [ Изменить ] выпадает ват такая ошибка:Fatal error: Call to a member function link() on a non-object in C:\xampp\htdocs\arle\admin\controller\module\followme.php on line 89 Помогите кто знает.Вот файл followme.php <?php // ------------------------------------------ // Follow Me Version 1.5.3 // For Opencart v1.5.1 / 1.5.2 / 1.5.3 // Original by KangDJ // Updated by Lamiaa Ahmed (1.5.0) // Updated by villagedefrance (1.5.1, 1.5.1 V2) // Updated by HelderIM (1.5.1 V3) // Updated by villagedefrance (1.5.3) // Подготовлено специально для *** // Перевод и адаптация модуля Marianna radiance.com.ua [email protected] // ------------------------------------------ class ControllerModuleFollowMe extends Controller { private $error = array(); private $_name = 'followme'; private $_version = '1.5.3'; public function index() { $this->load->language('module/' . $this->_name); $this->document->setTitle($this->language->get('heading_title')); $this->data[$this->_name . '_version'] = $this->_version; $this->load->model('setting/setting'); if (($this->request->server['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST') && ($this->validate())) { $this->model_setting_setting->editSetting($this->_name, $this->request->post); $this->session->data['success'] = $this->language->get('text_success'); $this->redirect($this->url->link('extension/module', 'token=' . $this->session->data['token'], 'SSL')); } $this->data['heading_title'] = $this->language->get('heading_title'); $this->data['text_enabled'] = $this->language->get('text_enabled'); $this->data['text_disabled'] = $this->language->get('text_disabled'); $this->data['text_content_top'] = $this->language->get('text_content_top'); $this->data['text_content_bottom'] = $this->language->get('text_content_bottom'); $this->data['text_column_left'] = $this->language->get('text_column_left'); $this->data['text_column_right'] = $this->language->get('text_column_right'); $this->data['text_module_settings'] = $this->language->get('text_module_settings'); $this->data['entry_header'] = $this->language->get('entry_header'); $this->data['entry_title'] = $this->language->get('entry_title'); $this->data['entry_icon'] = $this->language->get('entry_icon'); $this->data['entry_box'] = $this->language->get('entry_box'); $this->data['entry_yes'] = $this->language->get('entry_yes'); $this->data['entry_no'] = $this->language->get('entry_no'); $this->data['entry_facebook'] = $this->language->get('entry_facebook'); $this->data['entry_twitter'] = $this->language->get('entry_twitter'); $this->data['entry_google'] = $this->language->get('entry_google'); $this->data['entry_odnoklassniki'] = $this->language->get('entry_odnoklassniki'); $this->data['entry_vkontakte'] = $this->language->get('entry_vkontakte'); $this->data['entry_youtube'] = $this->language->get('entry_youtube'); $this->data['entry_facebook_usage'] = $this->language->get('entry_facebook_usage'); $this->data['entry_twitter_usage'] = $this->language->get('entry_twitter_usage'); $this->data['entry_gplus_usage'] = $this->language->get('entry_gplus_usage'); $this->data['entry_odnoklassniki_usage'] = $this->language->get('entry_odnoklassniki_usage'); $this->data['entry_vkontakte_usage'] = $this->language->get('entry_vkontakte_usage'); $this->data['entry_youtube_usage'] = $this->language->get('entry_youtube_usage'); $this->data['entry_template'] = $this->language->get('entry_template'); $this->data['entry_layout'] = $this->language->get('entry_layout'); $this->data['entry_position'] = $this->language->get('entry_position'); $this->data['entry_status'] = $this->language->get('entry_status'); $this->data['entry_sort_order'] = $this->language->get('entry_sort_order'); $this->data['button_save'] = $this->language->get('button_save'); $this->data['button_cancel'] = $this->language->get('button_cancel'); $this->data['button_add_module'] = $this->language->get('button_add_module'); $this->data['button_remove'] = $this->language->get('button_remove'); if (isset($this->error['warning'])) { $this->data['error_warning'] = $this->error['warning']; } else { $this->data['error_warning'] = ''; } $this->data['breadcrumbs'] = array(); $this->data['breadcrumbs'][] = array( 'text' => $this->language->get('text_home'), 'href' => $this->url->link('common/home', 'token=' . $this->session->data['token'], 'SSL'), 'separator' => false ); $this->data['breadcrumbs'][] = array( 'text' => $this->language->get('text_module'), 'href' => $this->url->link('extension/module', 'token=' . $this->session->data['token'], 'SSL'), 'separator' => ' :: ' ); $this->data['breadcrumbs'][] = array( 'text' => $this->language->get('heading_title'), 'href' => $this->url->link('module/' . $this->_name, 'token=' . $this->session->data['token'], 'SSL'), 'separator' => ' :: ' ); $this->data['action'] = $this->url->link('module/' . $this->_name, 'token=' . $this->session->data['token'], 'SSL'); $this->data['cancel'] = $this->url->link('extension/module', 'token=' . $this->session->data['token'], 'SSL'); $this->data['templates'] = array(); $directories = glob(DIR_CATALOG . 'view/theme/*', GLOB_ONLYDIR); foreach ($directories as $directory) { $this->data['templates'][] = basename($directory); } if (isset($this->request->post['config_template'])) { $this->data['config_template'] = $this->request->post['config_template']; } else { $this->data['config_template'] = $this->config->get('config_template'); } $this->load->model('localisation/language'); $languages = $this->model_localisation_language->getLanguages(); foreach ($languages as $language) { if (isset($this->request->post[$this->_name . '_title' . $language['language_id']])) { $this->data[$this->_name . '_title' . $language['language_id']] = $this->request->post [$this->_name . '_title' . $language['language_id']]; } else { $this->data[$this->_name . '_title' . $language['language_id']] = $this->config->get($this- >_name . '_title' . $language['language_id']); } } $this->data['languages'] = $languages; if (isset($this->request->post[$this->_name . '_header'])) { $this->data[$this->_name . '_header'] = $this->request->post[$this->_name . '_header']; } else { $this->data[$this->_name . '_header'] = $this->config->get( $this->_name . '_header' ); } if (isset($this->request->post[$this->_name . '_title'])) { $this->data[$this->_name . '_title'] = $this->request->post[$this->_name . '_title']; } else { $this->data[$this->_name . '_title'] = $this->config->get($this->_name . '_title' ); } if (isset($this->request->post[$this->_name . '_icon'])) { $this->data[$this->_name . '_icon'] = $this->request->post[$this->_name . '_icon']; } else { $this->data[$this->_name . '_icon'] = $this->config->get($this->_name . '_icon' ); } if (isset($this->request->post[$this->_name . '_box'])) { $this->data[$this->_name . '_box'] = $this->request->post[$this->_name . '_box']; } else { $this->data[$this->_name . '_box'] = $this->config->get($this->_name . '_box' ); } if (isset($this->request->post[$this->_name . '_facebook'])) { $this->data[$this->_name . '_facebook'] = $this->request->post[$this->_name . '_facebook']; } else { $this->data[$this->_name . '_facebook'] = $this->config->get($this->_name . '_facebook'); } if (isset($this->request->post[$this->_name . '_twitter'])) { $this->data[$this->_name . '_twitter'] = $this->request->post[$this->_name . '_twitter']; } else { $this->data[$this->_name . '_twitter'] = $this->config->get($this->_name . '_twitter'); } if (isset($this->request->post[$this->_name . '_google'])) { $this->data[$this->_name . '_google'] = $this->request->post[$this->_name . '_google']; } else { $this->data[$this->_name . '_google'] = $this->config->get($this->_name . '_google'); } if (isset($this->request->post[$this->_name . '_odnoklassniki'])) { $this->data[$this->_name . '_odnoklassniki'] = $this->request->post[$this->_name . '_odnoklassniki']; } else { $this->data[$this->_name . '_odnoklassniki'] = $this->config->get($this->_name . '_odnoklassniki'); } if (isset($this->request->post[$this->_name . '_vkontakte'])) { $this->data[$this->_name . '_vkontakte'] = $this->request->post[$this->_name . '_vkontakte']; } else { $this->data[$this->_name . '_vkontakte'] = $this->config->get($this->_name . '_vkontakte'); } if (isset($this->request->post[$this->_name . '_youtube'])) { $this->data[$this->_name . '_youtube'] = $this->request->post[$this->_name . '_youtube']; } else { $this->data[$this->_name . '_youtube'] = $this->config->get($this->_name . '_youtube'); } if (isset($this->request->post[$this->_name . '_facebook_usage'])) { $this->data[$this->_name . '_facebook_usage'] = $this->request->post[$this->_name . '_facebook_usage']; } else { $this->data[$this->_name . '_facebook_usage'] = $this->config->get($this->_name . '_facebook_usage'); } if (isset($this->request->post[$this->_name . '_twitter_usage'])) { $this->data[$this->_name . '_twitter_usage'] = $this->request->post[$this->_name . '_twitter_usage']; } else { $this->data[$this->_name . '_twitter_usage'] = $this->config->get($this->_name . '_twitter_usage'); } if (isset($this->request->post[$this->_name . '_gplus_usage'])) { $this->data[$this->_name . '_gplus_usage'] = $this->request->post[$this->_name . '_gplus_usage']; } else { $this->data[$this->_name . '_gplus_usage'] = $this->config->get($this->_name . '_gplus_usage'); } if (isset($this->request->post[$this->_name . '_odnoklassniki_usage'])) { $this->data[$this->_name . '_odnoklassniki_usage'] = $this->request->post[$this->_name . '_odnoklassniki_usage']; } else { $this->data[$this->_name . '_odnoklassniki_usage'] = $this->config->get($this->_name . '_odnoklassniki_usage'); } if (isset($this->request->post[$this->_name . '_vkontakte_usage'])) { $this->data[$this->_name . '_vkontakte_usage'] = $this->request->post[$this->_name . '_vkontakte_usage']; } else { $this->data[$this->_name . '_vkontakte_usage'] = $this->config->get($this->_name . '_vkontakte_usage'); } if (isset($this->request->post[$this->_name . '_youtube_usage'])) { $this->data[$this->_name . '_youtube_usage'] = $this->request->post[$this->_name . '_youtube_usage']; } else { $this->data[$this->_name . '_youtube_usage'] = $this->config->get($this->_name . '_youtube_usage'); } if (isset($this->request->post[$this->_name . '_template'])) { $this->data[$this->_name . '_template'] = $this->request->post[$this->_name . '_template']; } else { $this->data[$this->_name . '_template'] = $this->config->get($this->_name . '_template'); } $this->data['modules'] = array(); if (isset($this->request->post[$this->_name . '_module'])) { $this->data['modules'] = $this->request->post[$this->_name . '_module']; } elseif ($this->config->get($this->_name . '_module')) { $this->data['modules'] = $this->config->get($this->_name . '_module'); } $this->load->model('design/layout'); $this->data['layouts'] = $this->model_design_layout->getLayouts(); $this->template = 'module/' . $this->_name . '.tpl'; $this->children = array( 'common/header', 'common/footer' ); $this->response->setOutput($this->render()); } private function validate() { if (!$this->user->hasPermission('modify', 'module/' . $this->_name)) { $this->error['warning'] = $this->language->get('error_permission'); } if (!$this->error) { return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } } ?> Кто знает прошу помочь!
  3. Скажите.У меня по не известной причине файл robots.txt оказался пустым.Заметил только сейчас. Что в нём должно быть написано для хорошей индексации и вообще. Подскажите.
  4. Всё получилось.Спасибо. Ещё вопросик есть точнее два. Я установил модуль соц-сетей FollowMe153. но моя версия ocstore_v0.1.7 и у меня при входе изменить выпадает ошибка: Fatal error: Call to a member function link() on a non-object in C:xampphtdocsooo-arle.ruadmincontrollermodulefollowme.php on line 89 Это можно исправить?
  5. Текст я отредактировал.Спасибо. А вот с лого не совсем получилось.Я удалил:<img src="<?php echo $logo; ?>" alt="<?php echo $store_name; ?>" Теперь самого логотипа нет но осталась ссылка :alt="Интернет-магазин.«Арсенал Леди»" style="border: none;" > и сам прикреплённый файл с локо: для скачивания. Как же убрать их.
  6. Почта заработала после того как хостеры перелинковали домен для сайта.
  7. В роди настроил.Вот только в письме с уведомлением о заказе покупателя .В нём приходит прикреплённый файл логотипа магазина.Как можно его убрать?Спасибо. И ещё вопросик.В письме то что приходит покупателю.Есть вот такая строчка: Благодарим за интерес к товарам Интернет-магазин.«Арсенал Леди». Ваш заказ получен и поступит в обработку после подтверждения оплаты. Как исправить:подтверждения оплаты. на :подтверждения заказа.
  8. SMTP хост: smtp.timeweb.ru SMTP логин:ваш почтовый адрес полностью SMTP пароль: пароль от почты SMTP порт: 25 (или 2525)
  9. Я уже повсякому пробывал.Не уходит инфа о заказе. Загленул в журнал ошибки,вот что там определилось: 2012-09-09 12:01:51 - PHP Warning: fsockopen() [<a href='function.fsockopen'>function.fsockopen</a>]: unable to connect to smtp.timeweb.ru:2525 (Connection timed out) in /home/d/dvladimir/ooo-arle.ru/public_html/system/library/mail.php on line 156 файл mail.php: <?php final class Mail { protected $to; protected $from; protected $sender; protected $subject; protected $text; protected $html; protected $attachments = array(); public $protocol = 'mail'; public $hostname; public $username; public $password; public $port = 25; public $timeout = 5; public $newline = "n"; public $crlf = "rn"; public $verp = FALSE; public $parameter = ''; public function setTo($to) { $this->to = $to; } public function setFrom($from) { $this->from = $from; } public function addheader($header, $value) { $this->headers[$header] = $value; } public function setSender($sender) { $this->sender = html_entity_decode($sender, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'); } public function setSubject($subject) { $this->subject = html_entity_decode($subject, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'); } public function setText($text) { $this->text = $text; } public function setHtml($html) { $this->html = $html; } public function addAttachment($file, $filename = '') { if (!$filename) { $filename = basename($file); } $this->attachments[] = array( 'filename' => $filename, 'file' => $file ); } public function send() { if (!$this->to) { exit('Error: E-Mail to required!'); } if (!$this->from) { exit('Error: E-Mail from required!'); } if (!$this->sender) { exit('Error: E-Mail sender required!'); } if (!$this->subject) { exit('Error: E-Mail subject required!'); } if ((!$this->text) && (!$this->html)) { exit('Error: E-Mail message required!'); } if (is_array($this->to)) { $to = implode(',', $this->to); } else { $to = $this->to; } $boundary = '----=_NextPart_' . md5(time()); $header = ''; if ($this->protocol != 'mail') { $header .= 'To: ' . $to . $this->newline; $header .= 'Subject: ' . '=?utf-8?B?'.base64_encode($this->subject).'?=' . $this->newline; } $header .= 'From: ' . '=?utf-8?B?'.base64_encode($this->sender).'?=' . '<' . $this->from . '>' . $this->newline; $header .= 'Reply-To: ' . '=?utf-8?B?'.base64_encode($this->sender).'?=' . '<' . $this->from . '>' . $this->newline; $header .= 'Return-Path: ' . $this->from . $this->newline; $header .= 'X-Mailer: PHP/' . phpversion() . $this->newline; $header .= 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . $this->newline; $header .= 'Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="' . $boundary . '"' . $this->newline; if (!$this->html) { $message = '--' . $boundary . $this->newline; $message .= 'Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"' . $this->newline; $message .= 'Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit' . $this->newline . $this->newline; $message .= $this->text . $this->newline; } else { $message = '--' . $boundary . $this->newline; $message .= 'Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="' . $boundary . '_alt"' . $this->newline . $this->newline; $message .= '--' . $boundary . '_alt' . $this->newline; $message .= 'Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"' . $this->newline; $message .= 'Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit' . $this->newline . $this->newline; if ($this->text) { $message .= $this->text . $this->newline; } else { $message .= 'This is a HTML email and your email client software does not support HTML email!' . $this->newline; } $message .= '--' . $boundary . '_alt' . $this->newline; $message .= 'Content-Type: text/html; charset="utf-8"' . $this->newline; $message .= 'Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit' . $this->newline . $this->newline; $message .= $this->html . $this->newline; $message .= '--' . $boundary . '_alt--' . $this->newline; } foreach ($this->attachments as $attachment) { if (file_exists($attachment['file'])) { $handle = fopen($attachment['file'], 'r'); $content = fread($handle, filesize($attachment['file'])); fclose($handle); $message .= '--' . $boundary . $this->newline; $message .= 'Content-Type: application/octetstream' . $this->newline; $message .= 'Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64' . $this->newline; $message .= 'Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . basename($attachment['filename']) . '"' . $this->newline; $message .= 'Content-ID: <' . basename($attachment['filename']) . '>' . $this->newline . $this->newline; $message .= chunk_split(base64_encode($content)); } } $message .= '--' . $boundary . '--' . $this->newline; if ($this->protocol == 'mail') { ini_set('sendmail_from', $this->from); if ($this->parameter) { mail($to, '=?utf-8?B?'.base64_encode($this->subject).'?=', $message, $header, $this->parameter); } else { mail($to, '=?utf-8?B?'.base64_encode($this->subject).'?=', $message, $header); } } elseif ($this->protocol == 'smtp') { $handle = fsockopen($this->hostname, $this->port, $errno, $errstr, $this->timeout); if (!$handle) { error_log('Error: ' . $errstr . ' (' . $errno . ')'); } else { if (substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3) != 'WIN') { socket_set_timeout($handle, $this->timeout, 0); } while ($line = fgets($handle, 515)) { if (substr($line, 3, 1) == ' ') { break; } } if (substr($this->hostname, 0, 3) == 'tls') { fputs($handle, 'STARTTLS' . $this->crlf); while ($line = fgets($handle, 515)) { $reply .= $line; if (substr($line, 3, 1) == ' ') { break; } } if (substr($reply, 0, 3) != 220) { error_log('Error: STARTTLS not accepted from server!'); } } if (!empty($this->username) && !empty($this->password)) { fputs($handle, 'EHLO ' . getenv('SERVER_NAME') . $this->crlf); $reply = ''; while ($line = fgets($handle, 515)) { $reply .= $line; if (substr($line, 3, 1) == ' ') { break; } } if (substr($reply, 0, 3) != 250) { error_log('Error: EHLO not accepted from server!'); } fputs($handle, 'AUTH LOGIN' . $this->crlf); $reply = ''; while ($line = fgets($handle, 515)) { $reply .= $line; if (substr($line, 3, 1) == ' ') { break; } } if (substr($reply, 0, 3) != 334) { error_log('Error: AUTH LOGIN not accepted from server!'); } fputs($handle, base64_encode($this->username) . $this->crlf); $reply = ''; while ($line = fgets($handle, 515)) { $reply .= $line; if (substr($line, 3, 1) == ' ') { break; } } if (substr($reply, 0, 3) != 334) { error_log('Error: Username not accepted from server!'); } fputs($handle, base64_encode($this->password) . $this->crlf); $reply = ''; while ($line = fgets($handle, 515)) { $reply .= $line; if (substr($line, 3, 1) == ' ') { break; } } if (substr($reply, 0, 3) != 235) { error_log('Error: Password not accepted from server!'); } } else { fputs($handle, 'HELO ' . getenv('SERVER_NAME') . $this->crlf); $reply = ''; while ($line = fgets($handle, 515)) { $reply .= $line; if (substr($line, 3, 1) == ' ') { break; } } if (substr($reply, 0, 3) != 250) { error_log('Error: HELO not accepted from server!'); } } if ($this->verp) { fputs($handle, 'MAIL FROM: <' . $this->from . '>XVERP' . $this->crlf); } else { fputs($handle, 'MAIL FROM: <' . $this->from . '>' . $this->crlf); } $reply = ''; while ($line = fgets($handle, 515)) { $reply .= $line; if (substr($line, 3, 1) == ' ') { break; } } if (substr($reply, 0, 3) != 250) { error_log('Error: MAIL FROM not accepted from server!'); } if (!is_array($this->to)) { fputs($handle, 'RCPT TO: <' . $this->to . '>' . $this->crlf); $reply = ''; while ($line = fgets($handle, 515)) { $reply .= $line; if (substr($line, 3, 1) == ' ') { break; } } if ((substr($reply, 0, 3) != 250) && (substr($reply, 0, 3) != 251)) { error_log('Error: RCPT TO not accepted from server!'); } } else { foreach ($this->to as $recipient) { fputs($handle, 'RCPT TO: <' . $recipient . '>' . $this->crlf); $reply = ''; while ($line = fgets($handle, 515)) { $reply .= $line; if (substr($line, 3, 1) == ' ') { break; } } if ((substr($reply, 0, 3) != 250) && (substr($reply, 0, 3) != 251)) { error_log('Error: RCPT TO not accepted from server!'); } } } fputs($handle, 'DATA' . $this->crlf); $reply = ''; while ($line = fgets($handle, 515)) { $reply .= $line; if (substr($line, 3, 1) == ' ') { break; } } if (substr($reply, 0, 3) != 354) { error_log('Error: DATA not accepted from server!'); } fputs($handle, $header . $message . $this->crlf); fputs($handle, '.' . $this->crlf); $reply = ''; while ($line = fgets($handle, 515)) { $reply .= $line; if (substr($line, 3, 1) == ' ') { break; } } if (substr($reply, 0, 3) != 250) { error_log('Error: DATA not accepted from server!'); } fputs($handle, 'QUIT' . $this->crlf); $reply = ''; while ($line = fgets($handle, 515)) { $reply .= $line; if (substr($line, 3, 1) == ' ') { break; } } if (substr($reply, 0, 3) != 221) { error_log('Error: QUIT not accepted from server!'); } fclose($handle); } } } } ?> Что это за ошибка и как её исправить?Кто подскажет!
  10. Извините.А в данном скрипте магазине.При заказе покупателем товара и после его подтверждении о покупке.Должно уходить письмо с уведомлением покупателю о его заказе. Вот что я пытаюсь настроить.
  11. Помогите.Не могу настроить почту,версия ocstore_v0.1.7
  12. Может кто сможет подправить этот модуль под ocstore_v0.1.7 Буду очень благодарин!
  13. у меня версия ocstore_v0.1.7 Не знаю под неё есть такой модуль.Я не нашёл.
  14. И в админке в оплате при входе в Наложенный Платеж/ изменить выходит ошибка: Fatal error: Class 'Controllerpaymentnalogenniynp' not found in C:xampphtdocsooo-arle.rusystemenginefront.php on line 44 Помогита решить эти проблемы!
  15. Прошу помоши с модулем novapochta. Установил данный модуль.На стронице заказа видна такая история: Warning: Missing argument 2 for ModelPaymentNalogenniyNp::getMethod(), called in C:\xampp\htdocs\ooo-arle.ru\catalog\controller\checkout\guest_step_2.php on line 139 and defined in C:\xampp\htdocs\ooo-arle.ru\catalog\model\payment\nalogenniy_np.php on line 3Notice: Undefined variable: total in C:\xampp\htdocs\ooo-arle.ru\catalog\model\payment\nalogenniy_np.php on line 8 Помогите исправить!Спасибо.
  16. что нужно исправить?Файл .htccss # Подробнее на https://myopencart.com Options +FollowSymlinks # Запретить листинг директорий Options -Indexes # Закрыть доступ к файлам шаблонов <FilesMatch ".tpl"> Order deny,allow Deny from all </FilesMatch> # Необходимо для ЧПУ. RewriteEngine On RewriteBase / RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d RewriteRule ^([^?]*) index.php?_route_=$1 [L,QSA] ### Additional Settings that may need to be enabled for some servers ### Uncomment the commands by removing the # sign in front of it. ### If you get an "Internal Server Error 500" after enabling, then restore the # as this means your host doesn't allow that. # 1. If your cart only allows you to add one item at a time, it is possible register_globals is on. This may work to disable it: # php_flag register_globals off
  17. первый: <?php // DIR define('DIR_APPLICATION', '/home/d/dvladimir/ooo-arle.ru/public_html/catalog/'); define('DIR_SYSTEM', '/home/d/dvladimir/ooo-arle.ru/public_html/system/'); define('DIR_DATABASE', '/home/d/dvladimir/ooo-arle.ru/public_html/system/database/'); define('DIR_LANGUAGE', '/home/d/dvladimir/ooo-arle.ru/public_html/catalog/language/'); define('DIR_TEMPLATE', '/home/d/dvladimir/ooo-arle.ru/public_html/catalog/view/theme/'); define('DIR_CONFIG', '/home/d/dvladimir/ooo-arle.ru/public_html/system/config/'); define('DIR_IMAGE', '/home/d/dvladimir/ooo-arle.ru/public_html/image/'); define('DIR_CACHE', '/home/d/dvladimir/ooo-arle.ru/public_html/system/cache/'); define('DIR_DOWNLOAD', '/home/d/dvladimir/ooo-arle.ru/public_html/download/'); define('DIR_LOGS', '/home/d/dvladimir/ooo-arle.ru/public_html/system/logs/'); // DB define('DB_DRIVER', 'mysql'); define('DB_HOSTNAME', 'localhost'); define('DB_USERNAME', 'dvladimir_arle'); define('DB_PASSWORD', '?????????'); define('DB_DATABASE', 'dvladimir_arle'); define('DB_PREFIX', 'oc_'); ?>
  18. Я всё прописал не работает.Что делеть сам в растройстве.Может где ошибка.
  19. Я усиановил OpenCart на хостинге,прописал все пути.Сайт откравает только главную страницу,все остальные дают ошибку: Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: [2002] Подключение не установлено, т.к. конечный компьютер отверг запро (trying to connect via tcp://localhost:3306) in C:\xampp\htdocs\ooo-arle.ru\system\database\mysql.php on line 6 Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Подключение не установлено, т.к. конечный компьютер отверг запрос на подключение. in C:\xampp\htdocs\ooo-arle.ru\system\database\mysql.php on line 6 Error: Could not make a database connection using dvladimir@localhost Warning: mysql_close() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in C:\xampp\htdocs\ooo-arle.ru\system\database\mysql.php on line 66 А в адмику я вопще не могу зайти.вот что пишет: Error: Could not load database file mysql! Помогите.Нужно прописать пути к файлам и реквизитам во всех конфигурационных файлах сайта. Как это сделать?
  20. ПОМОГИТЕ!КАК изменить реквизиты к базе во всех конфигурационных файлах сайта.Не могу зайти в админку.И сай только открывает главную страничку.Прошу помощи.
  21. Переустановил,не помогло. ошибка:Fatal error: Class 'Controllerpaymentnalogenniynp' not found in C:xampphtdocsooo-arle.rusystemenginefront.php on line 44
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