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  1. Hi! I can't find anywhere that email!! Can you please send the info to [email protected]? There' has been a lot of confusion with MySql REGEXPs when there's mysql reserved chars in the names of the attributes but I think I finally understood what the problem was!
  2. Sorry. Missed that one... Are asking if you can use horizontal filters or if you can use Tags? The answer to both is: yes! :)
  3. Ah! Id did some debugging and it seems your /catalog/model/catalog/product.php has some problems as, apparently, the main OC query isn't being affected by my module... are you using Vqmod?
  4. Hi! There is a bug on the filter by price when "Specials" is selected. Basically the module would query the database and compare only special prices... but some products don't have special prices so the products wouldn't be correctly filtered! I have fixed that problem and it is now stable. I'll release it as soon as I add a fix that is causing very large stores with lots of attributes to be slow.
  5. Hi, yanpetr! Good news! I've successfully created a working alternative to non vqmod stores! :D Stay with me, it's a bit far-fetched but it works! Ok, so the problem is that some users don't want to use VQmod and I can't possibly predict every existing /catalog/model/catalog/product.php file out there. For the module to work that file *must* have some custom code to change OpenCart's default behavior, but how to add that code? Simple REGEXP replacements fall short of all the VQmod potentiality... so I came up with this solution: The admin will detect if you're not using VQmod. In that case it will examine the product.php file for my custom code. If it doesn't find it, it asks if it can submit the product.php file to a script I've put on my server. That script takes that submited file, runs it through a local copy of VQmod, makes all the relevant changes and sends back the file, with all necessary changes. The admin takes that response and saves it as the new product.php file! Problem solved!! It is now fully functional... I just have to make some more tests to ensure there's no encoding problems I may be missing!
  6. Hi! Installation of this new version, as any previous version, is possible on non VQmod stores. The changes to the /catalog/model/catalog/product.php are completely documented on the /simonfiltersdocs/readme1st.txt I charge for that because everyone with non VQmod stores always ask me to do the changes for them and the changes are all documented and relatively easy to follow. To end that situation I decided to make an installer that works similar to the VQmod replacer... hopefully it will be ready for the end of the week's release of v2.7.1!
  7. Hi! Thanks for the input! Very nice and easy to use module! That's a very valid (and much cheaper!!!) alternative. My module is much more complex, has different configurable logic behavior, AJAX support (with all the headaches that involves) and some more features.
  8. Hi! Currently Specials and taxes are supported. Planning to add discount support as some users have requested it. As for the Radio and Checkbox issue. The module is configured to be dynamic, meaning that only applicable filters are visible... when you make a filter selection the products list obviously changes and all the filters that no longer are applicable to the products being listed are removed! That is configurable in the Admin.
  9. Hi, yanpetr! My module, at 45USD is still one of the less expensive filter modules on the opencart market. I've seen less complex modules priced at 90USD and they obviously have less features than SimonFilters. Hundred of work hours have gone into this module... I try to accommodate all possible requests by users and have done so on >90% of times... As for non VQMod support, you are absolutely right. but let me try to explain why I was forced to temporarily suspend support for non VQmod stores: At one time I provided 4 different versions of /catalog/model/catalog/product.php each for a different version of OpenCart The problem is that a lot of OpenCart users, who don't use VQmod, already have some sort of customization made to their /catalog/model/catalog/filter.php That means that, when they replaced their existing version of that file with the one I provided, the store would break down because all their previous custom changes were lost! With that in mind, I consciously stopped shipping the module with all those different versions of the product.php file and added instructions to the readme1st.txt file on how to do the required changes manually. Anyone with simple SEARCH and COPY&PASTE skills can do the simple addition of code to the product.php file. Fast forward to today: I'm on the last steps of, once again, support non VQmod users! :D Next version v2.7.1, scheduled for the end of this week, will bring an algorithm that will allow the user to automatically add the relevant changes to the product.php and make the module work even without VQmod! Of course that if the original file is heavily modded (as some stores I have found) the task will be impossible but for more than 90% of my test cases with files the users have sent me, the algorithm works perfectly and the module runs as well as the VQmod version. Tests look good and I think it will be fully functional with another 4 or 5 hours of work. Cheers, Simon
  10. Sorry for the Google Translated text... I guess it gives reason to your initial concern :) Maybe something was lost in translation, but can you explain what you mean by "intelligent filtering"? The filtering is made at OpenCart core module level and it's the most effective and lightweight way to do it... Cheers, Simon
  11. Hello, Gromozybra. I saw that you tried to reach me yesterday on the support chat. I was on a project meeting and left the chat on. Sorry for the inconvenience. Currently, if you set up the module to show on the Category Layout, the filters will be shown on all categories that have at least one relevant Filter item (an attribute, option , manufacturers, etc). A customer asked me to add a way in which the admin can explicitly choose the categories where the module is active... i'll release v2.7.1 with that possibility as soon as I make the module compatible with OpenCart 1.5.4 Cheers!
  12. Hi TomSawyer! That may be a problem, yes. I've already got some Russian customers but on all cases we were able to communicate in English. Maybe a partnership with an English and Russian speaking programmer... will have to give some thought to this issue. My small daughter seems to think I'm a nice guy so I must be :-D! Can you point me to those payment methods? I've been reading the forum but can't find that information! Let me set up my store. I'm sure I can work something out!
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