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OAP PRO - AJAX options as separate products with automatic linking


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About This File

The OAP PRO module allows you to group options as individual products, using product characteristics as the basis for grouping products. The module has the ability to display groups in the form of a Palette, Text Value, Product Image and a drop-down list.


You can view the Demo using the following links:

Home page




Admin panel (Login/Password: demo/demo):

Setting module


Module capabilities:

  • 1. Group display types:
  • 1.1. Palette – display of a color or two colors for a product.
  • 1.2. Image – displays an image of a related product (used, for example, as Color).
  • 1.3. Text value – display as a regular button with text (for example, as Dimensions or Device memory).
  • 1.4 Drop-down list - if you select another value, you are taken to the desired product.
  • 2. Data types when hovering over a group option:
  • 2.1. Product information – displays the image and price of the product.
  • 2.2. Value – displays the text value you specified.
  • 3. Sorting groups.
  • 4. Display the group in the category.
  • 5. Displaying the group in manufacturers.
  • 6. Displaying the group in the search.
  • 7. Displaying the group on the main page and in the blog (adaptation required).
  • 8. Display the title of the selected option next to the group name.
  • 9. Selecting your product image when selecting the Product Image type
  • 10. Update and specify color for all product attributes that have a valid “Color” attribute
  • 11. Compatible with all current OCTemplace templates @octemplates
  • 12. Compatible with @SooR Ocfilter.
  • 13. AJAX change of product photo in a category when hovering over a color.
  • 14. AJAX loading of data on the product page without reloading the page.
  • 15. Compatible with Product Filter - FilterVier_SEO @vier
  • 16. Reviews and questions with photos, videos, YouTube videos - @Speaker12


A similar system is used on sites such as Rozetka, Comfy, Foxtrot.

With this module, you can group phone products by color, model, amount of memory and other parameters, using product characteristics as data for grouping.

The module makes it possible to link products with each other, so that when you move from an option option, you are taken to the desired product.

On the product editing page, you can add the desired products in a relationship using Bulk search or search by Model or Product Name.
You will also be able to select the main product from the link to display; if such a product is selected, then in the category, Manufacturers, Search, one main product from the product link will be displayed, from which you can go to other related products by group.

The module will display all available communication variations; if a variation is not available, then the option will remain unclickable. Products that are out of stock will be moved to the end of the group.

If you have multiple palette attributes selected in a group, you can load or update the entire list of product characteristics to specify the color palette for each of them.

There is also the ability to select the display type for a specific characteristic in the product bundle itself. For example, the default is a palette, and in the product link you can select Text, Image or a drop-down list.

If the display type is specified as Product Image, then you can specify your image for display in the product link. Can be used to indicate furniture board, sofa texture, wood material, metal color, custom colors and other materials. (When you specify this image, it will apply to all types of Product Image if there are more than 1 of them in the product).

Implementation options

  1. If you sell phones, you can specify the Color and Memory Size group. After that, associate the desired brand and phone model and indicate for each its own color and memory size in the product characteristics.
  2. If you sell clothes, you can reflect the color of the product with a palette or pictures of related products and additionally the size in the form of text values. It is also possible to specify the type of fabric instead of a product picture using the Product Image type and uploading your own picture for each product.

Installing the module via the Opencart installer

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