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Усі публікації користувача Chip13

  1. I am not able to order the products in the presentation of the carousel. It is possible? I am using the "Sort by sort order" selection as the classification in the module configuration. It shows on the merry-go-round the reverse order, if you move to another order in the product register, it will harm the organization in the native categories of Opencart. Opencart 2.2 Thank you!
  2. It does not carry the owl carousel. Any modification in its administration does not change anything on the frontend.
  3. Hello. I tried using OpenCart 2.2 and it did not work. Does it work in this version? Thank you!
    Great modification, congratulations !!!! Is there a possibility to upgrade to the latest version of Owl Carousel? I use version and updated to the latest version of Owl Carousel, but I can not update your module
  4. Hello, Congratulations on the modification, it's fantastic But in my project, I upgraded to version for the Owl Carousel 2 latest version. Is it possible for you to update this module to the latest version of owl carousel? I'll be waiting, thanks!
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