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Remove white stripes from images

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About This File

The module redefines the logic of the standard Opencart image processor. Instead of adding a white background to the image, the photo is now cropped to the desired size, leaving the center part visible.


  1. Install the module archive through "Extensions Installer"
  2. Refresh Modifiers in Modifications section
  3. Clear image cache (delete the contents of the "/image/cache/" folder or use any cache clearing module that can clear the image cache)



  • The module will affect all images that are processed through “$this->model_tool_image->resize” (usually these are all images of products, categories, sliders, etc.)
  • IMPORTANT! When uploading images whose proportions are very different from those displayed on the site, an important part of the image content may be cut off.
  • The module does not replace standard Opencart files.

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