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Grapes Web Builder - more than a visual editor 1.1


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    • $25
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  • Entry the site address! Or click on the checkbox above to transfer the domain to the author later. Please note that automatic issuance of licenses occurs only when specifying a domain
Cumulative discounts
  • When buying from 2 to 3 discount -10% $22.50
  • When buying from 4 to 5 discount -20% $20
  • When buying from 6 to 10 discount -30% $17.50
  • When buying more 10 discount -50% $12.50

  • +1 3

About This File

Integration of the powerful js framework GrapesJS on opencard. Forget about the shortcomings of the usual summernote and ckeditor editors and open up the possibilities of creating convenient and responsive pages with the help of this module. Add and work with elements from the module library using standard drag-and-drop.



The module adds an additional tab in the admin for pages. And also a switch that allows you to enable the replacement of the original page description with the content of the editor window (for the desired products, categories, articles, etc.).





  • creating columns
  • work with the block structure of the page
  • ready library of blocks
  • adaptive design
  • separate adaptive settings in 3 device options
  • template settings
  • adding text, links, images, banners, etc.
  • adding quotes, videos, maps
  • additional elements: fields and forms, timer, tips, animated text, tabs
  • changing and adding style, parameters and behavior of elements - sizes, margins, colors, background, shadow, etc. (Style Manager)
  • changing and adding css classes
  • convenient code viewing mode
  • ability to modify and import code
  • element tree view mode (Layer manager)
  • history of actions and cancellation of commands



Admin https://oc3.likedev.pro/admin/   логін/пароль: demo/demo

Information https://oc3.likedev.pro/grapes-js-uk

Product https://oc3.likedev.pro/apple_cinema_30-uk




  • generates clean and valid code that is maintainable and editable
  • does not include any css and js libraries for the entire site. As blocks are added, only the necessary code is overcome, so layout is very easy
  • open code
  • the module creates its own tables and works with its own fields, so it is maximally compatible with all your editors. You can turn it off at any time
  • the module only replaces the descriptions of products, categories, etc. exactly on those pages for which it is enabled. The module does not touch the original fields, so you can use it in parallel with other editors.
  • written on events for maximum compatibility with modules and templates



  •  product
  • category
  • manufacturer
  • information
  • ocstore article
  • ocfilter page
  • @octemplates tempates blog article
  • стаття блогу CyberStore
  • @aridius templates blog article






Through the installer in the admin, download the ocmod module archive for your version of opencards.

For versions 2.x, make sure you already have the localcopy modifier installed. ocmod, if it is not there - install it.




The license is issued for one domain. Also, if necessary, on a test subdomain.

The key will be sent automatically to the buyer's mail immediately after your order. If for some reason there is no letter - write to the post office or PM.





Also see modules:

Accordion & Tabs & Steps v2 - конструктор контенту

YouTube lazy load & popup - оптимізація і кастомізація iframe

Smart Video Widgets - відео в фоні, банера, зображення, сповіщення з налаштуванням умов показу

Google Reviews - відгуки з гугл карт (Google Business) з віджетом довіри + відгуки про товари





YouTube lazy load & popup - оптимізація і кастомізація iframe, збільшення page speed



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