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Telegram, Viber чат с клиентами через чатботов для Opencart, Ocstore 1.0.3



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About This File

The module is designed to communicate online with customers through your chatbots for Telegram and Viber, the client writes in Telegram or Viber to your chatbot - you see and respond to messages in the store's admin panel.

The scheme of work is very simple, they do not require a huge number of requests to the api and the database of the store, all messages, as they come from the messengers, are recorded in the database of the store, after which they enter the chat. And yes, checking for new messages on Ajax, there are no web sockets, unfortunately, because they are not applicable to half of the clients. But nevertheless, the solution has been tested on medium-sized stores - there are no problems. Checking messages consists of one query to one field of the table, nothing more.


Features and functions of the module:

  • Sending and receiving messages online, without reloading the page.
  • Accessibility of the module from any admin page.
  • Sending and receiving allowed file types (in the module settings).
  • Two types of messages - message (will be sent to the client), comment (on a yellow background, will not be shown to the client, but visible in the chat to the manager).
  • The presence of emoji.
  • The presence of a gallery of pictures with the ability to zoom in on the picture.
  • The ability to copy a message or its selected part in one click.
  • Closed and open dialogs - if the issue is resolved, the dialog can be closed and it will go to the closed tab. If you resume communication in this dialog, it will be moved to open.
  • Possibility to add a phone number to the dialogue or other textual information.
  • Templates - are used to quickly insert template text, which is specified in the module settings. For example, payment details, address, etc.
  • Live search for chats and messages.
  • and other...



Admin panel: https://demo.opencart.kyiv.ua/admin/

login/password: demo


To start a dialogue, write to the test bot: http://t.me/vizor_chat_bot

you can open the chat at the top in the admin panel, next to the bell



  1. The module is installed through the admin panel.
  2. After installation, you need to update the modifier cache.
  3. Next, register chat bots in Telegram and/or Viber.
  4. Specify bot tokens in the module settings and be sure to click on the green button, the token will be verified and a webhook will be created.
  5. Customize the module for yourself.


Ready! You can start a dialogue through the bot, all messages should arrive in the chat.


Attention!!! The module is partially coded for the purpose of licensing, for its operation it is necessary to have IonCube on the hosting.
The key is issued upon request here or the mailbox specified in the module within 24 hours.
The key is issued for the 1st domain and test subdomain.


If something does not work out for you - write to me here or to the mail specified in the module settings, I will help and advise.

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