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Facebook catalog feed (Facebook store) + Instagram feed(Фид товаров для магазина Facebook + фид для Instagram) 1.5.2


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    • $38
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About This File

The Facebook catalog feed (Facebook store) + Instagram feed plugin allows you to create dynamic Facebook ads to promote your online store products in available placements (Facebook, Instagram, Audience Network and Messenger) using a Data Feed.

A data feed is a file with detailed information about your products. It contains unique IDs, prices, image URLs, and other product attributes. Also, all products correspond to a number from the list of Google categories.

Upload your product data and millions of shoppers will see your online products. Change them at any time so that buyers always see up-to-date information in your ads.

The plugin allows you to create and quickly adjust a large number of advertisements depending on the presence or absence of certain goods in the warehouse (displaying only relevant ads).


Features of the new version:

  • Support for large stores (more than 150 thousand products);
  • Added display of fields, i.e. you can automatically replace fields if they are empty;
  • Cron Jobs (suitable for updating large online stores);
  • Multilingual support (creating channels for all languages);
  • Supports the creation and access to channels via a link or a file;
  • Change capital letters to lowercase in the title and description;
  • Shorten a long description;
  • Ability to update the list of Google categories, Facebook categories;
  • Matching product categories in Google / Facebook with site categories;
  • Ease of installation and configuration;
  • Support for 1.5-4.* versions of OpenCart
  • English, Russian, Ukrainian, German, Spanish and French localizations


How it works:

  1. Create a data feed with detailed information about your products using the plugin.
  2. Sign up with Facebook (if you haven't already done so) and create a directory in your ad account.
  3. Upload your feed to the Facebook directory and make sure it's moderated successfully.


The most frequent questions:

1. Can I not use Google / Facebook categories?
- Yes, you can turn it off in the plugin settings, then all active products will be included in the upload.


2. Can I use only products from a certain category in the upload?
- Yes, products from the categories that you have linked to Google / Facebook categories are included in the upload by default.


3. Can I get the download as a file or a link?
- Yes, you can get the download either by link or as a file.


4. If Facebook says I have an empty description for some products, can I reassign this field?
- Yes, the plugin has the ability to reassign fields. If you have an empty description field, it will substitute the name of your product there.


5. If Facebook says that I have all the words in capital letters in the product name?
- Our plugin converts uppercase letters to lowercase.


6. Can I choose the language for uploading?
- Yes, in the settings you can specify the language of the download.


7. Can I add/exclude specific products in the feed?

- Yes, the plugin has the ability to specify which products to use when creating a feed.


8. Can this feed be used for Instagram?
- Yes, sure.

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