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Redirect URLs Manager 1.3.0


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About This File

The URL Redirect Module allows you to easily and quickly set up redirects on your site through the admin panel. This is useful if you have recently changed the URL of one of your products, or if you just removed the product. The extension will direct the client to a page with up-to-date information. Then the customer can make a purchase.


The URL Redirect Module is a very simple solution for redirecting to different URLs, which helps visitors no longer land on pages that are "NOT" on your site.


The extension is compatible with multi-shops, which will save you from having to keep track of broken pages and manually change each of them.


How it works?

Add a new redirect. To do this, enter an invalid or broken URL (404 error) and the URL you want to redirect the client to. Then press the save button: the new redirect works!


Attention!!! Redirects only work for pages in the domain where the extension is installed. If the extension is installed, for example, on www.domain.com, you can only redirect pages from www.domain.com to pages of any domains you want.


You can set up an unlimited number of redirects of different types of URL redirects: 301, 302 and 307. You can also choose to automatically change the URL for an edited or deleted product.

All redirects are listed in the table at the bottom of the extension page.

Each link must be completely written (1 url = 1 redirect), wildcards (*, ?, etc.) cannot be used to replace character strings.

Unnecessary redirects can be edited or deleted at any time.


The extension also allows you to track pages on your site that are not found (404) and write them to a table.

These URLs can easily be added to your redirect list by additionally providing a valid URL and redirect code.

You can sort table data (Url-address, IP-address, User-Agent) using the filter. You can also specify certain Url-address, IP-address, User-Agent in the settings, which allows you to ignore the receipt of invalid data from bots or other parsers.


The Import / Export redirects via CSV file function allows you to:

- bulk load new redirects,

- export (save) the list of redirects that have already been entered,

- export (save) a list of pages with 404 errors.

Using the Import / Export function, you can quickly check and edit redirects for all pages of your site.


The module is compatible and works correctly with Journal3 themes.


Using the URL redirect module helps reduce the number of 404 pages on your site. This improves the results of indexing pages and increases the position of your site in search results.



  • Unlimited number of redirects of different types (301, 302 and 307) to eliminate 404 errors.
  • Automatically detect 404 errors and change URLs for search engines.
  • Ability to add redirects one after another.
  • Bulk adding redirects using a CSV file.
  • Ability to save redirects and 404 errors to a CSV file.
  • Multi-store compatible.
  • Improves SEO and the position of the website page URL in the search results.


Instructions for use:

  1. Download and install the extension;
  2. On the settings page, select the options you want;
  3. Add new redirects;
  4. Track 404 URLs to generate redirects;
  5. Use the CSV import / export function for convenience;
  6. Save your changes and improve your SEO every day.


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