About This File
Over 10 thousand module downloads from sv2109!
Attention! The module is an addition to the Search with morphology and relevance or Search Engine module and will not work without this module!
What does this module do?
The module creates a block of similar products on the product page based on the data of this product using morphology and relevance.
Description of the module
To search for similar products, the module tokes the name of an existing product and searches similar products using the settings and libraries of the module "Search with morphology and relevance" or "Search Engine". Depending on the settings, you can search by the fields:
- Product Name
- description
- tags
- model
- other fields
You can get acquainted with all the search features on the page of the module "Search with morphology and relevance" or "Search Engine".
ocStore,openCart 2.0.x, 2.1.x, 2.3, 3.0
To contact the author of the module, write to the PM on the forum
© Stasyuk Vladimir (sv2109.com), 2016