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Questionnaire, polls, voting 2.0



   (6 reviews)    Find their other files

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    • $5

      Access to updates for year when purchased.
      After the basic period ends, access to updates can be extended for $5 for the next year

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  • Entry the site address! Or click on the checkbox above to transfer the domain to the author later. Please note that automatic issuance of licenses occurs only when specifying a domain
Cumulative discounts
  • When buying more 1 discount -50% $2.50

About This File

Questionnaire, polls, voting. Feedback from the buyer


This OpenCart module allows you to conduct surveys, voting and questioning of site visitors. This is a simple marketing tool for studying the audience of sites, with the help of which you can learn a lot about site users, their opinions and preferences. An important advantage of this add-on is the receipt of statistics for answers to questions, on the basis of which you can analyze and determine a strategy for developing and improving the site. If you want to find out what the audience of your website thinks, get answers easily and quickly using the survey module!



  • Creating any number of surveys;
  • Unlimited number of questions and answers;
  • Support for multiple languages;
  • One-time voting for each user;
  • Remembering the answer to the last question, displaying a new question the next time the visitor logs in;
  • Creation of widgets on any of the site pages (1 widget - 1 survey);
  • At the end of the survey, you can display any useful information: link, promotional code for a discount, suggest a product for purchase;
  • Quantitative statistics of responses separately for each vote;
  • Statistics on responses in percentage terms.



  • The module is implemented on the principle of "1 purchase - 1 domain name";
  • It is prohibited to transfer module files to third parties, either on a paid or free basis.


And also pay attention to the important advantages of the module:

  • It is open source.
  • There is no connection to third-party servers.
  • Easily supported by any developer, no obfuscation, of ionCube encoding!


Technical support:
Technical support is available to users from the list of module buyers.

If you are asking to sort out a problem, then to save time please indicate:

  • Website address
  • access to the admin panel
  • access to FTP server

For questions regarding technical support or consultation regarding our products, you can contact us via personal messages on the forum;
Working hours are from 10-00 to 18-00 Kyiv time, excluding weekends and holidays.

Contact us, we will be happy to help!

Sha's Other Downloads

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