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Комбинации опций 2.4.6



   (6 отзывов)    Все дополнения автора

  47 73 11 273

1 изображение

    • 50.00 USD
  • Тема обсуждения
  • Дополнительные услуги

  • Заполните адрес сайта! Или нажмите на чекбокс выше, для передачи домена автору позже. Обращаем внимание, что автоматическая выдача лицензий происходит только при указании домена
Накопительные скидки
  • При покупке 2 скидка -10% 45.00 USD
  • При покупке 3 скидка -13% 43.50 USD
  • При покупке 4 скидка -15% 42.50 USD
  • При покупке 5 скидка -18% 41.00 USD
  • При покупке 6 скидка -20% 40.00 USD
  • При покупке 7 скидка -22% 39.00 USD
  • При покупке 8 скидка -25% 37.50 USD
  • При покупке 9 скидка -27% 36.50 USD
  • При покупке 10 скидка -30% 35.00 USD

  • +1 4

Что нового в версии 2.4.6


  • Version 2.4.6 - 24/11/2021
    • Minor bugs fixed
  • Version 2.4.5 - 01/10/2021
    • Error solved in copy product with options combinations
    • Minor bugs fixed
  • Version 2.4.4 - 30/08/2021
    • Minor bugs fixed with specials and discount of main product VS options combinations
  • Version 2.4.3 - 16/08/2021
    • Minor bugs fixed
  • Version 2.4.2 - 06/07/2021
    • Minor bugs fixed.
  • Version 2.4.1 - 25/02/2021
    • Minor bugs fixed
  • Version 2.4.0 - 26/12/2020
    • Bugs fixed
    • Improved bullets functionality
    • Added more options type (textarea, date...)
  • Version 2.3.8 - 10/11/2020
    • Improved admin UX
    • Minor bugs solved
    • Solved bug in admin zone orders creation/edition
  • Version 2.3.7 - 24/10/2020
    • Bug solved: was showing all options combinations even these are with subtract "yes" and quantity "0".
  • Version 2.3.6 - 22/10/2020
    • Bug fixed when save a product without options combinations
  • Version 2.3.5 - 10/10/2020
    • IMPORTANT FOR OLD CUSTOMERS: This version include several changes in extension tables, for a safe update, follow next steps:
      1. (Optional but recommended) Make a backup of the table "product_options_combinations".
      2. Install new version across "Extensions > Installer".
      3. Go to "Extensions > Modules > Options combinations" and database changes will be applied automatically, you won't see any message, the changes will be applied one time that you see configuration view.
      4. Go to "Extensions > Modifications" and refresh ocmod pressing in blue button.
      5. Clear your caches (if you have it).
    • IMPORTANT FOR OLD CUSTOMERS 2: If you are using "Import export PRO" you also need update Import export PRO to version to 9.2.0 or more.
    • More stability, minor bugs fixed.
  • Version 2.3.1 - 06/08/2020
    • Few general bugs fixed
  • Version 2.3.0 - 25/06/2020
    • Few bugs fixed
    • Admin order administration fixed
  • Version 2.2.2 - 11/03/2020
    • Minor bugs fixed
  • Version 2.2.1 - 10/12/2019
    • Minor bugs fixed
  • Version 2.2.0 - 27/11/2019
    • Minor errors fixed
    • More estable with template compatibilities
  • Version 2.1.0 - 04/10/2019
    • Error fixed in Options type "checkbox".
  • Version 2.0.0 - 27/09/2019
    • IMPORTANT TO 1.X USERS: New version 2.X was totally refactored. If you are using currently Options combinations version 1.X and you want update to new version 2.X (or higher) you will have to do 2 things before install new version: 1.- Uninstall manually old version followed these steps. 2.- Migrate all your options combination data (this task have to be realized by our team by an extra quote)
  • Version 1.5.9 - 24/07/2018
    • Little fix in compare button
  • Version 1.5.8 - 23/07/2018
    • Error fixed in "Compare" zone.
  • Version 1.5.7 - 19/07/2018
    • Minor error fixed
    • Minimum with to inputs in option combinations table.
  • Version 1.5.6 - 18/07/2018
    • Error fixed in "Starting from $xx"
  • Version 1.5.5 - 12/07/2018
    • Minor errors fixed
    • Added prices/specials by customer groups to opt. combinations
    • Added specials date start and date end to opt. combinations
    • Added reward points to opt. combinations
    • Added dimensiona to opt. combinations
    • Added toggle show/hide opt combinations columns in "Option tab"
  • Version 1.5.0 - 04/07/2018
    • Added prices/specials by customer groups
    • Minor errors fixed
  • Version 1.0.0 - 06/06/2018
    • First version launched!

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