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Found 2 results

  1. Version 4

    Over 10 thousand module downloads from sv2109 ! This is the second version of the module , which already has more than 300 purchases! What does this module do? Using this module, you can set different prices for different groups of customers, including the default group. It is also possible to set different prices not only depending only on the group, but also depending on the category of product or manufacturer. Capabilities 1. The module allows you to change all prices on the site in a couple of clicks. For example, you can increase all prices on the site for all customers, e.g. 5%. Or for all, increase by 5%, and for customers from the "Wholesales" group, on the contrary, reduce by 10%. Or for everyone to increase by 5%, and for products from the category "Laptops" only by 3%, for products from the category "Keyboards" by 10%. And keyboard wholesalers sell 10% cheaper. Or for the manufacturer Intel give everyone a 5% discount And so on. You can also set a fixed price. For example, you can increase the price by $10 for all products from the category "Laptops" Everything is done in 2-3 mouse clicks: - go to the module page - set the desired margin (+ or -) for the desired category of buyers - click save After that, the new price will be displayed everywhere on the site * (on the product page, catalog, in the basket, etc.). The module does not change the old price in the database, it changes the display of this price that customers see on the store pages. * the module was tested on a standard store and should work fine in any third-party module that uses standard OpenCart functions to get products . And it will not change the price in modules that use their own methods to get goods from the database (in this case, this module will need to be slightly changed). 2. Using this module, you can both change the actual prices in the database and change the prices "on the fly" without changing the price in the database. Compatibility: OpenCart , ocStore 2.0.x, 2.1.x, 2.2.x, 2.3.x, 3.0 Version for Opencart , ocStore 1.5.x can be downloaded here The module uses IonCube, usually it is installed on 99% of hosting sites, but you can check it just in case . One module license allows you to install this module on 1 domain. If you are using Dream filter module, use this instruction . Module Compatibility: Display different prices for different customer groups Automatic group for customers Demo: Admin panel, module settings page To contact the author of the module, write to the PM on the forum © Stasyuk Vladimir (sv2109.com), 2016
  2. 10 Download / Buy Over 10 thousand module downloads from sv2109 ! This is the second version of the module , which already has more than 300 purchases! What does this module do? Using this module, you can set different prices for different groups of customers, including the default group. It is also possible to set different prices not only depending only on the group, but also depending on the category of product or manufacturer. Capabilities 1. The module allows you to change all prices on the site in a couple of clicks. For example, you can increase all prices on the site for all customers, e.g. 5%. Or for all, increase by 5%, and for customers from the "Wholesales" group, on the contrary, reduce by 10%. Or for everyone to increase by 5%, and for products from the category "Laptops" only by 3%, for products from the category "Keyboards" by 10%. And keyboard wholesalers sell 10% cheaper. Or for the manufacturer Intel give everyone a 5% discount And so on. You can also set a fixed price. For example, you can increase the price by $10 for all products from the category "Laptops" Everything is done in 2-3 mouse clicks: - go to the module page - set the desired margin (+ or -) for the desired category of buyers - click save After that, the new price will be displayed everywhere on the site * (on the product page, catalog, in the basket, etc.). The module does not change the old price in the database, it changes the display of this price that customers see on the store pages. * the module was tested on a standard store and should work fine in any third-party module that uses standard OpenCart functions to get products . And it will not change the price in modules that use their own methods to get goods from the database (in this case, this module will need to be slightly changed). 2. Using this module, you can both change the actual prices in the database and change the prices "on the fly" without changing the price in the database. Compatibility: OpenCart , ocStore 2.0.x, 2.1.x, 2.2.x, 2.3.x, 3.0 Version for Opencart , ocStore 1.5.x can be downloaded here The module uses IonCube, usually it is installed on 99% of hosting sites, but you can check it just in case . One module license allows you to install this module on 1 domain. If you are using Dream filter module, use this instruction . Module Compatibility: Display different prices for different customer groups Automatic group for customers Demo: Admin panel, module settings page To contact the author of the module, write to the PM on the forum © Stasyuk Vladimir (sv2109.com), 2016 Submitter sv2109 Submitted 01/15/2016 Category Promotions & Pricing Ioncube Loader Требуется ocStore 3.0 2.3 2.2 2.1 OpenCart.Pro, ocShop Opencart.pro 2.3 Opencart.pro 2.1 OcShop 2.0.3.х Get request to server of developer Нет  
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