About This File
Hide categories from customer groups
This modifier allows hiding specific categories and products from groups of buyers. It adds the ability to select buyer groups in category settings and checks the visibility of products and categories for the current buyer group on the frontend. The modifier will be useful for online stores that want to provide access to certain categories and products only to specific buyer groups, such as VIP clients, wholesale buyers, etc.
Features and characteristics:
- Adding a method to check product visibility for a buyer group.
- Filtering products in the 'Featured' module.
- Filtering products in the 'Bestseller' module.
- Filtering products in the 'Latest' module.
- Creating a table to store relationships between categories and buyer groups.
- Adding checkboxes to select buyer groups in category settings in the admin panel.
- Filtering categories on the frontend.
- Protecting direct access to hidden categories and products.
- Filtering categories in the main menu.
- Filtering categories in the sidebar menu.