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Tmask - country selection and mask for phones 1.0.0


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  • Entry the site address! Or click on the checkbox above to transfer the domain to the author later. Please note that automatic issuance of licenses occurs only when specifying a domain

About This File

The module was created to standardize the entry of telephone numbers in forms on Opencart; it prevents the client from entering a telephone number incorrectly. Both the phone number mask and the selection of the country of the phone owner are used, which greatly simplifies the process of entering the phone number. The module works with all countries that Oppencard has.

Features of the Tmask module

  • Ability to select the starting country or determine it automatically.
  • Ability to limit the list of countries in the drop-down list.
  • Changing the country flag after selecting another country when placing an order (optional).
  • Ability to add selectors to recognize phone input forms.
  • Works with Simple (you need to disable the built-in mask).
  • Automatic language detection (country names in the drop-down list).


Installing the module

  1. The module is installed in the usual way through the admin panel. Download the archive of your openmap version, then update the modifier cache.
  2. Select the modules section, install the module and enter its license key.
  3. Customize the module to suit your needs.
  4. Ready!


Module demo

Site: go

Admin: go

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Password: demo



For licensing, one admin panel file is encoded in the module; all other files are open and available for editing. The key is issued for one domain and one test subdomain within 24 hours from the date of purchase. There is no cancellation or re-issuance of keys to another domain!


bogdan281989's Other Downloads

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