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Порівняння товарів зі слайдерами та категоріями для Opencart 3x 1.0.0



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    • $13
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About This File

The module enhances the comparison page and has its own settings for displaying certain elements.

Designed for Opencart / Ocstore 3x.


Products and values of attributes in sliders, block headers (group names, attribute names) remain in place.

In addition, it is possible to enable grouping of goods by category (by parent category).

It is also possible to display standard data (model, manufacturer, etc.) both in the product block and in the form of a separate slider before the characteristics.


The module does not change the standard comparison logic, only adds a more convenient output and the possibility of its adjustment.

Install as a regular module, all settings are on the screenshots.


Finalization and adaptation to the template - paid.

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