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Sorting by Popularity (Sales Volumes) and Date Added 1.0.2


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    • $10
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Cumulative discounts
  • When buying from 2 to 5 discount -20% $8

  • +1 1

About This File

My module "Sorting by Popularity (Sales Volume) and Date Added" provides a convenient way to sort products based on popularity (taking sales volumes into account) and the date of addition for effective tracking of new items.


This module operates on category pages, search results, manufacturer pages, and promotions for maximum convenience.


To enable successful sorting, I have introduced a new "Sales" field in the product card, which automatically updates upon purchase.


Increase sales independently to boost the product's popularity on the product card.

The higher the sales, the higher it is positioned in the list of products.


The sorting of new items is based on the date of adding the product to the website.



1. Install via the installer,
2. Update the modifier,
3. Save any product.


For Ukrainians, assistance during installation is free of charge.

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