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Featured Products with Multilingual Title and Button 1.0.1


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About This File

What the module can do:


Adds the ability to display a block with recommended products on the site and set a title, button label and link for it (all from the admin panel, all multilingual).


Module capabilities:


1. The ability to specify products manually from the admin panel, set the photo size, number of products (all as in the standard recommended ones)

2. Create any number of blocks with products

3. Sort products by dragging and dropping

4. Set a multilingual title for a block with products

5. Set a multilingual label on the button

6. Set a multilingual link to the button


How to install the module:


1. Install the module via the standard Opencart installer in the site’s administrative panel.

2. Update modifiers.

3. If he complains about permissions, then give permissions to System/Users/User Group.

4. Go to Modules/Modules/Recommended with a button and title (by Radaevich)
5. Set the required settings and save the module.

6. Place the module in the right place in the layouts (Schemes) - Design/Layouts
7. Enjoy the module's capabilities





Please purchase the module only after reading the Demo.

I can customize it to suit your needs.

The module cannot be returned.

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