About This File
Dynamic info row in the header of the site. All settings on the screenshots.
The work is tested on several templates, in addition to the regular one, the Opencart | ocStore 2, 3
- adds a new position in layouts (before the header, the main purpose for outputting this module, but you can output any)
- you can add unlimited amount of content
- text field supports HTML tags
- the possibility of dynamically changing the content in blocks (with the setting of the animation time and the content display time, when the page is loaded, the first block is always visible)
- the ability to display an image / text / text + timer
- multilingualism
Adaptation to templates \ refinement - paid.
27.01.25 Update for 3x version: ocmod, new admin interface, added timer and close button (hide for user for X days).
Demo: https://test3.itronics.top
I do not work and do not support clients (citizens) from the terrorist country and the occupier of the Russian Federation or their manuals from Belarus.