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Language Folders in URL (for ocStore 3.x) 1.0.7

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About This File

The Language Folders in URL (for ocStore 3.x) module helps to get a clear traditional CNC structure on multilingual sites. Traditional URL structure means the following:

Such CNCs are available for the main language of the site (Ukrainian)

  • site.com.ua — is the main page
  • site.com.ua/product1 — product page

Such CNCs are issued for another language of the site (for example, Polish)

  • site.com.ua/pl — the main page
  • site.com.ua/pl/product1 — product page


In addition to language folders, the module adds an hreflang tag to pages and adds meta tags to the main page in different languages.

It is also worth noting that this module is based on another free module, which no has language folders for the ocStore 3.



It is recommended to use the modifier that allows you to save the same SEO URL for different languages: Allow Same SEO URL for different Languages. Otherwise, what is the point of language folders if you still need to put postfixes or prefixes in URLs.







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