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Loyalty Program (Cumulative Discount) 2.1



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5 Screenshots

    • $14

      Access to updates for 6 months when purchased.
      After the basic period ends, access to updates can be extended for $7 for the next 6 months

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  • Entry the site address! Or click on the checkbox above to transfer the domain to the author later. Please note that automatic issuance of licenses occurs only when specifying a domain
Cumulative discounts
  • When buying more 2 discount -9% $12.74

About This File


Given the decision to increase the number of your site of regular customers, in which you will be assisted by the loyalty program as an incentive to turn to your site and make purchases. With the help of this module, you can create a powerful system of loyalty programs, installing in the event of a sum of completed (successful) client’s engagements, a certain amount of discounts will be applied to the next engagement.

When the loyalty program is set up, you can ask the name of the discount at the skin stage.


DEMO 2х:  http://opencart-2.parallax.com.ua/admin/

DEMO 3х:  http://opencart-3.parallax.com.ua/admin/

Login and password: demo



New update

- Added the ability to specify different discount conditions and discount amounts for different categories.

- information has been added to the client admin panel about the total amount of completed orders for a certain period, as well as the categories for which a discount is currently available.

- Added the ability to specify the sum of successful orders for the last period.

- Added settings for triggering the loyalty program when there is a discount on a product or promotion.


Main advantages:

- Ease of installation

- Multi-language module

- Multi-currency (i.e. everything comes down to the main currency)

- Ease of settings

- Maximum compatibility with any template


Прихований текст

Service is available on working days (Monday-Friday) and working days from 10:00 to 17:00 on Holy Days.

The term vіdpovіdі / dopomogi lie down due to the author's interests, but everyone will be given advice, or I will help anyone who asks for it.


License deal

Прихований текст

The license is distributed only to the domain and its subdomains specified at the time of purchase.
The author reserves the right to revoke the license if there is a violation of copyright or license agreement.
Free technical support is provided for 180 days from the purchase of the add-on.
The author has the right to change the terms of technical support or the license agreement at any time at its own discretion.
Modification or additional functionality does not belong to technical support and is paid for separately.


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