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Ukrposhta for Opencart, city, branch 1.0.1



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    • $12
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  • Entry the site address! Or click on the checkbox above to transfer the domain to the author later. Please note that automatic issuance of licenses occurs only when specifying a domain

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About This File

Appointment module for the withdrawal of Ukrposhti when registering in the store on Opencart. It is necessary to manually complete the design of the application for the client, it is sufficient to select the area, location and check the current list. The module takes back the update of the database on the internal API, so you don’t need to conclude an agreement with Ukrposhtoy for the withdrawal of the API key! The module works with the most popular modules for the design of the application.


To update branches, you do not need to get an API key from Ukrposhta! All data is updated from my database, that is, there is no need to conclude contracts with Ukrposhta!



Respect! In the module there are no TTN parcels and will not be! The wines of the creations are only for the sake of clarity, the choice was made when the design was completed.


Features of the Ukrposhti module for Opencart

  • Daily need to remove the API key from Ukrposhti.
  • The module works with standard design, SimpleOpencart and others.
  • Manually or update via CRON.
  • It is possible to use three delivery methods - Ukrposhta "Standard", Ukrposhta "Express", delivery by Ukrposhti courier.


Module installation
Module installation is simple, you can install the module through the store's admin panel.

  1. Download archives.
  2. Install through the standard module installer in the opencart admin panel.
  3. Update cache modifiers.
  4. Install the module and adjust yoga.
  5. If necessary, add a task to CRON for updating the renewal.

Module Demo
Demo site: go

admin: go

Login and password: demo



With the license method, one admin panel file is encoded for the module, all other files are visible and available for editing. The key is valid for one domain and one test subdomain for 24 years from the moment of purchase. There is no way to change the keys to another domain!


bogdan281989's Other Downloads

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