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Opencart ChatGPT Pro - Batch AI content generation! 9002



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    • $39.99
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About This File

Оновлення 21.05

Додано нову модель GPT-4 Omni!



GPT-4o — наша найдосконаліша мультимодальна модель, яка швидше і дешевше, ніж GPT-4 Turbo, але має більш потужні можливості. Модель має контекст 128 КБ та обмеження знань у жовтні 2023 року.


Оновлення 24.04

Підтримка стареньких opencart 1.5 та збірок))

Нові свіженькі моделі:




Оновлення 18.03

Додано купу нових моделей, GPT 4.5!!


Виправлення проблеми обриву генерації та купу проблем.

Запрацювали нормально пакетні редактори типу BatchEditor, Handy і т.д.
І різні фікси, а також нова зручна сторінка для скачування модуля!


Если вам нужен временный тестовый API-ключ, напишите мне личное сообщение.
Ключ к API можно згенерувать тут: https://platform.openai.com/account/api-keys


ДЕМО Opencart 2.0-2.2

ДЕМО Opencart 2.3

ДЕМО Opencart 3



Update 05.07

  • Logs for errors during bulk generation, next to each item (product/category/brand/SEO page).
  • Improved error control, automatic generation retries when limits are reached, and more. Significantly more stable bulk generation process.
  • Fixes for line breaks errors.
  • Fixes for translation errors.
  • Improved compatibility with Admin Quick Edit and three other similar ...quick editors.
  • And many other subtle improvements, mainly two weeks of work on bug fixes and stability enhancements.


Оновлення 22.06

  • - новый отдельным режим массовых переводов
    - можно выбирать источник и переводить все стальные языки, либо какой-то конкретный
    - внутри страниц возможность перевести текущий текст поля, а не из другого языка (Перевести "Этот текст")

    - Новая супе-пупер СМарт мега умная система анализа HTML контента при генерации, короче даже не обязательно указывать полную разметку, отформатировать, разметить абзацы и т.п., можно генерировать весь текст просто текстом, сказать просто разметить заголовки в h3 и система все равно корректно расставит все переносы, разделит куски и не будет лепить в кучу.

    - добавление новых моделей (кстати 0613 реально работает гораздо лучше!!! рекомендую, и прайс еще меньше вроде сделали, ищите на сайте openai)

    - фикс дурной проблемы редакторов, когда в пустое поле он добавляет всякую херню типа <p><br></p> и поле уже считается не пустым и генерация пустых полей не работает (кто вообще придумал этот бред с пустым переносом внутри параграфа???)

    - поддержка массовой генерации и переводов для:
    Batch Editor
    Admin Quick Edit Pro (товары/категории/произвдители)
    Handy Product Manager
    Product Extra
    и еще какой-то там улучшенный редактор товаров для Opencart 3 непомню откуда.


* Массовая генерация товаров

* Массовая генерация категорий
* Массовая генерация производителей
* Массовая генерация SEO-страниц OCFilter


ДЕМО Opencart 2.0-2.2

ДЕМО Opencart 2.3

ДЕМО Opencart 3


BLOG ABOUT SPORTS NUTRITION  filled with texts generated in the module


  • Stability and speed fixes
  • Integration assistant fixes
  • Compatibility fixes with builds
  • During mass generation, checkboxes are cleared for successfully filled items, while incomplete tasks remain checked to rerun only those.
  • Within request fields on pages, the ability to collapse the field when there is a large amount of text.
  • For now, in products (more to be added later)
  • Generation only of enabled template fields
  • Full support for generating all languages
  • Ability to mass generate for a specific language
  • Ability to generate only empty fields
  • Ability to overwrite all fields
  • Full support for all predefined variables: [name] [meta_h1] [meta_title] [meta_description] [meta_keyword] [description] [tag] [model] [price] [manufacturer] [main_category] [attributes]
  • Support for automatic repeats with limits
  • Acceleration of mass generation for limited Trial keys
  • Work status, products being filled are marked in orange, completed ones in green

Generation on separate pages

  • Display of character count
  • Slight acceleration of fast generation


  • Support for GPT-4 and GPT-4-32k If you have a suitable key, you can use ChatGPT-4
  • Additional keys for accelerating mass generation of Trial accounts - you can specify additional keys for iteration.

To generate, check the checkboxes for specific items or the entire list.

To increase the list - for now, simply set the number of items to display in the Store Settings, on the Options tab, one of the first options, called: Item limit (Admin)












* Query templates, CONVENIENT manual integration

- Assistance Integration (Automatic output of field selectors for convenient copying)
- Adding / Deleting arbitrary templates
- No limit on the number of templates
- Adding arbitrary fields
- Support for simple and multilingual fields
- Disabling unnecessary template fields
* Variables for substitution in templates
- Predefined variables for Products / Categories / Manufacturers
- Support for multilingualism in variables
- Support for Attributes in products
- Adding / Deleting variables
- Support for Input, Textarea, Select fields
- Fast copying of variables into templates
* Improved Assistant!
- Full-fledged analogue of the web version chat.openai.com
- Context support!!!
- The assistant remembers previous answers (in the demo it is slightly reduced, in the full version it remembers - up to the last 10 answers to save tokens)
- Ability to regenerate the answer
- Stopping queries
* Multi-threading when working on pages
- Generation in multiple tabs without restrictions
- Manual launch of multiple fields in parallel
* GPT Quick fast generation mode
- Currently a basic mode, with many improvements in the next updates, including processing speed for Trial accounts.
- Launching automatic generation for all enabled fields on pages
- Multi-threaded parallel mode
- For TRIAL accounts without a linked card with limits of 3 requests per minute - the module will still automatically generate all fields taking into account API delays and timeouts.








  • Multilingual generation templates for products, categories, and brands
  • Integration of additional SEO fields and templates (Plaza, ProStore, Simple blog, UniShop2)
  • Mass parallel queries for multiple fields
  • Improved support for asynchronous work with multiple tabs
  • Stop queries during execution
  • Protection against repeated clicks in the query field and translations
  • Fixing the problem of joining words and enclosing quotes in responses
  • Fixing layout issues in HTML due to incorrect space codes
  • Fixing HTML data output in Assistant
  • And something else, I forgot...


Security! API key protection. I recommend updating the OpenAI key:


Next pdate is coming!

  • Adding custom multilingual templates
  • Mass generation
  • lots of fixes and improvements








  • Support for translations into any language
  • CPT2304010625-653x338.gif.1475458cd86e35e32392c92452334efd.gif
  • Multiline Prompt support
  • 38558972-e09b9a7bc9422bc8131dc2172d902186.png.567603a99af656519666b279a5e23173.png
  • HTML support
  • Integration with JURNAL 3
  • Integration with Seo CMS / Top
  • Support for PHP 8
  • Permanent 10% off coupon for OCFilter module - the best filter ever, masthave!
    (received with activation code)



Opencart ChatGPT SEO is a unique module for the Opencart online store that allows you to integrate the powerful features of ChatGPT for e-commerce right into your website! This module will become an indispensable tool for anyone who wants to succeed in online business.

With Buying ChatGPT you will be able to generate unique descriptions of products, categories and brands , as well as write interesting articles for your store's blog. This will allow you to attract more visitors to your site and increase sales.

This module will also help you fill in the meta tags on your site, which will improve your search engine rankings and drive more traffic to your site. You can easily set up the module and start using it right away.




IMPORTANT! The peculiarity of the module is that it always works and does not depend on the load  https://chat.openai.com/chat
Buy Opencart ChatGPT Pro - it will plow like a horse when Chat,OpenAI breaks the connection or does not load.


Support for Opencart and build versions 2.0-2.2, 2.3 and 3

The transfer to versions 1.5+ will already be within a couple of days.



Features of the ChatGPT SEO Opencart module:

  • Generation of unique product descriptions, categories and brands.
  • Writing interesting articles for your store's blog.
  • Filling meta tags on your site.
  • Easy setup and use.
  • A separate assistant module for searching and generating any information.
  • Integrated support for text editors:

    CKEditor, Summernote, TinyMCE

many other ideas and handy features are already in development.



As requests are made, integrations with other modules and templates will be added.

Currently purchase Opencart ChatGPT Pro is compatible and works in the following sections:

  • Description meta tags
  • Store Description Information Fields
  • Categories
  • Goods
  • Manufacturers
  • Articles
  • Reviews + Admin response
  • HTML module
  • SEO Pages OCFilter
  • OCTemplates - Blog Articles
  • OCTemplates - Blog Categories
  • OCTemplates - Blog Comments + Admin Response
  • Octemplates - Question / Answer
  • Octemplates - Product Tabs
  • Octemplates - Store Reviews + Admin Response
  • and others...


ChatGPT gpt-3.5-turbo has incredible intellectual power and is able to generate unique descriptions for products, categories and brands, as well as help you write interesting blog articles, fill in meta tags and much more! With the help of Opencart  Download ChatGPT, you can significantly increase the sales of your store, due to the fact that each product will have a unique and selling description. The module integrates into Opencart and allows you to work with it directly from the administration panel of your site.

The main functions of the ChatGPT module:

1. Generation of unique descriptions for products, categories and brands

The SEO ChatGPT module allows you to generate unique descriptions of products, categories and brands that will help you attract the attention of customers and increase sales. You can create descriptions in a few seconds using a special editor.

2. Help writing blog articles

Opencart ChatGPT buy will help you create unique and interesting content for your blog that will attract new visitors and increase sales. You can quickly create articles on any topic using the module's intelligent algorithm.

3. Filling in meta tags

Meta tags play an important role in website promotion in search engines. With buy ChatGPT, you can quickly populate meta tags for every page on your site, which will significantly increase its ranking and attract new visitors.

4. Improving the SEO-optimization of the site

ChatGPT SEO for Opencart  will help you improve the SEO of your website. You will be able to create unique content and fill in meta tags, which will help improve your site's position in search results and attract more customers.




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