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Nice Import XML — бесплатный модуль импорта товаров для OpenCart / ocStore 1.3.0

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About This File

Opencart XML Import — free module for bulk adding products to OpenCart 3 / ocStore 3.


The module can import translations (if they are provided by the supplier). Although, if you try very hard, you can translate using Google Tanslate*

* XML file translation through Google Tanslate requires additional actions:


1. Format the XML file (to make it easier to read) which was easier to read). To do this, you need to open the XML-file using a browser. Then copy its content and paste it into a file of .xml format, and not just download the file from the Internet

2. Next, you need to copy the contents of the file to another file, but in the .docx format and save it

3. Upload the *.docx file to Google Tanslate (Documents tab) and do the translation

4. Download the file with the translation, adding the translation language to the title

5. Open this file. We copy the content and paste it into a new file with the extension .xml (it is also desirable to enter the language label in its name)

6. Open some simple code editor (for example, Sublime) and replace the extra spaces of the type <param name=" Volume, l ">1</param> (Word does not see spaces in the "Search and Replace" tool)

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