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Where my order? (Order Tracking) 1.0.0



   (1 review)    Find their other files

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    • $12

      Access to updates for 6 months when purchased.
      After the basic period ends, access to updates can be extended for $3 for the next 6 months

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  • Entry the site address! Or click on the checkbox above to transfer the domain to the author later. Please note that automatic issuance of licenses occurs only when specifying a domain
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  • When buying more 2 discount -10% $10.80

About This File

This solution will help your customers understand at what stage of their order without first registering on the site. Users will be able to view the status and information on the order by entering the order data or by clicking on the link that you can send by mail or SMS when placing an order. The module can be configured individually by design and by the necessary blocks and fields displayed.


DEMO 2х: 

http://opencart-2.parallax.com.ua/ (order status pending)

http://opencart-2.parallax.com.ua/ (order status sent)

http://opencart-2.parallax.com.ua/ (order status completed)

http://opencart-2.parallax.com.ua/ (order status cancelled)


Admin panel 2х: http://opencart-2.parallax.com.ua/admin/

Login and passworddemo


DEMO 3х: 

http://opencart-3.parallax.com.ua/ (order status pending)

http://opencart-3.parallax.com.ua/ (order status sent)

http://opencart-3.parallax.com.ua/ (order status completed)

http://opencart-3.parallax.com.ua/ (order status cancelled)


Admin panel 3х: http://opencart-3.parallax.com.ua/admin/

Login and passworddemo


Module advantages:

- Maximum compatibility with templates.

- Ease of installation.

- Ease of setup.

- The choice of which fields to check the order (mail, phone, or you can turn off the check altogether)

- Ability to set a phone mask (how the format of the recorded phones in the database does not matter, the check is only by numbers, special characters are not taken into account)

- Ability to set your own URL

- Enable/Disable order information by link

- Enable/Disable display of data block about customer and address

- Enable/Disable¦ display of the block with goods in the order

- Customize colors/design to match the style of your own website

- Ability to select order statuses for blocks



Прихований текст

Technical support is provided on working days (Monday-Friday) and working hours from 10.00 to 17.00 except holidays.

The response / help time depends on the author's workload, but everyone will be provided with an answer or help from the inviter and the needy.


License deal

Прихований текст

The license is distributed only to the domain specified during the purchase and its subdomains.
The author reserves the right to revoke the license if there is a violation of copyright or license agreement.
Free technical support is provided for 180 days from the date of purchase of the add-on.
The author has the right to change the terms of technical support or the license agreement at any time at his own discretion.
Modification or additional functionality is not included in technical support and is paid separately.


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