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Event менеджер 1.0.1

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About This File

What does this module do?

The module improves the Events page in OpenCart 4.0.

It adds the following functionality:

  1. Ability to edit events by changing all fields in them.
  2. The ability to create new events through the admin panel and not through the program code.
  3. Filter existing events by the following fields: code, trigger, action, status


OpenCart 4.0 (,,


My other modules that may interest you:

  1. Search Engine with morphology and relevance
  2. Search suggestion
  3. Gifts and Promotions PRO 4.0 PRO
  4. Product Statuses PRO Speed, autostatuses, stickers, text statuses
  5. and many others

You can also contact me if you need help with OpenCart, programming, modules development for OpenCart.

To contact, write in PM on the forum or to [email protected]

sv2109's Other Downloads

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