About This File
The module automatically creates and sends promotional codes by mail and SMS after registration on the site, as well as a bonus button with a pop-up information window and the ability to register or log in directly in the modal window. This solution will help you attract more of your customers to register on the site, which in turn will provide an additional base of emails for advertising mailings.
It is also a great advantage that the banner and authorization / registration directly in the modal window with the promotional code are not interconnected, that is, you can use the promotional banner and authorization / registration for your own purposes, for example, to announce a promotion on the site or for simpler and faster authorization /registration on the site.
DEMO 2х: http://opencart-2.parallax.com.ua/
Admin 2х: http://opencart-2.parallax.com.ua/admin/
Login and password: demo
DEMO 3х: http://opencart-3.parallax.com.ua/
Admin 3х: http://opencart-3.parallax.com.ua/admin/
Login and password: demo
Module advantages:
- Maximum compatibility with templates.
- Ease of installation.
- Ease of setup.
- Registration right in the modal window.
- Authorization directly in the modal window.
- After registration/authorization, the user remains on the same page.
- Customize the display and mandatory fields for registration.
- Ability to set a phone mask.
- Adaptability of the promo banner.
- Generating a promo code and a promo banner are not interconnected (they can work separately from each other).
- Enable/Disable promo code generation.
- Enable/Disable the use of a promotional code in the user's basket upon registration
- Enable/Disable banner generation.
- Enable/Disable mailing list.
- Enable/Disable SMS sending.
- Setting the generated promotional code (you can set a fixed discount or a percentage, which categories or products are valid for and the validity period of the promotional code).
- You can set variables in mail or sms, such as the name of the promotional code and the expiration date of the promotional code.
- Automatic opening of the banner (you can pass how many seconds to display the banner and how many days to repeat it).
- You can set where to place the button (right or left and at what distance).
- Button size.
- Set button icon.
- Selecting the color of the icon.
- Choice of button color.
- Set your own styles.
- Multilingual module.
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