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Bots and Crawlers OnLine 1.0.0

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About This File

This module is based on: OpenCart - Bots and Crawlers OnLine, which is free for Opencart 2.

The author of the module is @Wild, but he has been offline for a long time, so I am publishing an adaptation for OcStore 3 without his consent. I only perform code adaptation.

The module displays the activity of bots on the site in Reports->Buyers online.

Tracked bots are configured in the standard settings of the store in the System->Settings->Options tab in the Account section.

It is possible to keep a log file of visiting bots (system/logs/useragents.log)

Very useful for analyzing current visitors. Bots will not appear immediately, but the next time you visit the site.

Installation order.

1. Install the file through the built-in extension installer.

2. Update modifiers.

3. Go to System->Settings->Options and check for the following items: Bot names from UserAgent and Write UserAgent to LOG (for debugging)

4. Save store settings.

4. Go to the Reports -> Users online section and check the module operation.

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