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Discount percentage sticker for categories, offers, promotions, standard modules, product cards - Sticker for Opencart 2.x 1.0.0

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2 Screenshots

About This File

The module displays the discount percentage in:
- product categories;

- Card Product;

- Search;

- stock;

- manufacturers;

- standard modules (new items, bestsellers, recommended and promotions).

The module calculates the discount percentage automatically based on the promotional and basic price.

Universal sticker design will suit most websites.

How to install:
1. In the administrative panel, go to "Modules/Install modules" and install the module.
2. Go to the "Modules/Modifiers" page and refresh the modifier cache (button in the upper right corner).
3. That's it, the module is installed.

The module does not replace files.
If someone needs to fix the design of the sticker, he is always ready to help.

Use with pleasure.

radaevich's Other Downloads

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