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Search with morphology and relevance PRO 3.0


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About This File

Over 10 thousand module downloads from sv2109 !

This is the third version of the module, the previous versions of which ( 1.1 , 2.0 ) have already been purchased by almost 700 users!


Attention! This is an old version of the search module, it is already obsolete, it is much better to use the new version of this module - "Search engine with morphology and relevance", you will get not only many times faster search speed, but also many times more functionality and search accuracy.


What does this module do?

The module replaces the terrible standard OpenCart search with a more functional and accurate search using morphology and relevancy


What for?

Good site search is extremely important because users won't look through all of your products to find what they're looking for, they're more likely to use search. And, if the search is bad, then users will not find the right product and will simply leave your site.

Due to poor search on the site, you are constantly losing a bunch of customers! Don't believe? View bounce statistics in analytics.


Standard OpenCart Search

As you know, the standard OpenCart search is just awful. When searching, it breaks the search phrase into separate words, after which it finds all products that contain any of these words. As a result, when searching for the phrase " Samsung Monitor " in the first positions may be " Acer monitor " (because the name contains the word " monitor ") or " Samsung laptop " because the name contains the word " Samsung ". While the right product " Samsung Monitor " may be somewhere on the 10th page. And if you write in the search not " laptop ", but for example. " laptops "" then the search will not find anything at all, since the search is carried out only by the exact occurrence of the word.

This module is written to fix all the flaws of the standard search.


New in version 3.0

  1. Added the ability to sort by stock , products that are out of stock will be displayed last in the list of products.
  2. Added support for incorrect keyboard layout , if the user enters "фззду" then "apple" products will be found for him and vice versa.
  3. Added the ability to add new fields for product search . Now you can add almost any new search field. For example, if you need to search by product ID or by the "H1 meta" field or by category name, or maybe your store uses some non-standard fields and tables to contain some non-standard information, for example, cross codes for auto parts, etc. ., you can add new search fields through the module's admin panel. You will need to add the field, the table in which it is located, and after saving, add the search settings for this new field.
  4. Slightly rewritten code.

The difference between the PRO version and the regular one

  1. All code has been rewritten , now it complies with the OpenCart coding standards , it has become much cleaner.
  2. Added the ability to specify the number of characters to search . Words with less than this number of characters will not be included in the search.
  3. Added the ability for each search field to specify the search logic (AND, OR) for search phrases of several words. Previously, the logic was OR everywhere and when the user searched, for example, "Apple laptop", then in the first positions in the search results he received "Apple laptop", and under it a bunch of other products that contained the words "laptop" (that is, all laptops that were in the store ) or "Apple" (that is, all Apple products). Now, by setting the "AND" logic for the "Product name" field, we will get as a result only products that contain AND "laptop" AND "Apple" in the product name, which will remove a lot of unnecessary products from the search results.
  4. Now it is possible for each field to specify characters that do not need to be used in the search . This is very convenient for the fields of the model, article, etc. Previously, if a product had a model "1/ABC-2", then in order to find it, you had to specify it exactly "1/ABC-2", otherwise if the user specifies "1ABC-2" or "1/ABC2", then the search did not find anything would. Now the user will find the desired product, even if he specifies "1-ABC/2" or "1ABC2" or "1-ABC-2", etc.
  5. Now it is possible for each search language to specify words that do not need to be used in the search . Convenient for the prepositions "and," "on", "above", "under", etc. which are present in many products and all these products also fall into the search results. You can also exclude words that are often found in product names, such as "laptop", "art." etc.
  6. It is now possible for each search language to specify a replacement for words . For example, you can replace aple with apple and if the user accidentally entered a misspelled word, he will still get the desired product in the search results. Here you can enter common user errors, Russian names for English brands, etc.
  7. Fixed bugs , for example, in some cases there was an error "Division by zero", etc.
  8. Added support for OpenCart 2.0
  9. The module has become much more flexible - now there are more than 100 settings in the module! in the admin panel. Now it can rightly be called the PRO version.


Alteya : How did I live without this module before! It must be in the engine initially!

markimax : Great module, I already wanted to do it myself, since the default search is rather hard.

sh0ut : I bought several modules from the author, support is at the highest level!

xd199rus : great module, met expectations by 150%

Wwworon : Thanks, everything works like a Swiss watch now.

More reviews can be read here


The module is compatible with modules:

  1. Search suggestion - search with autocompletion
  2. Search category filter
  3. Search History
  4. Similar products with morphology and relevance
  5. Search Admin - improved product search in the admin panel



OpenCart / ocStore  3.0, 2.0.x, 2.1.x,,2.2.x,2.3.x, 1.5.5,1.5.6 


The module uses IonCube, usually 99% of hosts use it, but just in case, you can check .

One module license allows you to install this module on 1 domain.






To contact the author of the module, write to the PM on the forum

© Stasyuk Vladimir (sv2109.com), 2014

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