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On this page you can find all the add-ons and services from kirians
Help your customers always find relevant pages (products) by easily setting up the module without additional technical knowledge..
Redirect URLs Manager - 301, 302, 307 and 404 SEO optimizer
от kiriansOptimize your website images for SEO..
SEO Images Generator
от kiriansThe plugin allows you to create dynamic Facebook ads to promote online store products using a data feed...
Facebook catalog feed (Facebook store) + Instagram feed(Фид товаров для магазина Facebook + фид для Instagram)
от kiriansAdd Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) to Your Site..
Google AMP for SEO
от kiriansHelp make the purchasing process simple and clear for the client by using the quick order form..
Quick Order Form - Easy Buy in one click
от kiriansAn easy-to-use module that allows you to automatically send SMS alerts to customers and administrators of your online store...
SMS Notifications Sender
от kiriansYour customers will be able to use a convenient and quick filter for sorting and searching for products on the site..
Ajax Filter with Seo Link (Умный фильтр)
от kiriansIncrease sales in your online store using automatic product upload in Google Merchant Center!
Google Merchant Shopping Feeds
от kiriansThe PDF Invoice to Order module allows you to send PDF invoice with all order information to customer's email..
PDF Invoice to Order
от kiriansUse the extension to quickly and easily create different categories of discounts..
Mass Discount for Products(Массовый товарный дисконт)
от kiriansThe "ReSmush Image Compression" module helps to optimize all your images and increase the efficiency of your site..
Image Compress with reSmush
от kiriansAdd your website products with Content API for Shopping..
Google Content API for Shopping - Добавьте свои продукты в Merchant Center
от kiriansIncrease the conversion rate and correct the mistakes of your business strategy using complete and advanced analytics of your trading business..
Enhanced eCommerce for Advanced Google Analytics
от kiriansAttract the attention of visitors to various promotions and increase sales of your online store..
Mega Swipe Slider
от kiriansCreate convenient labels for your products..
Product Labels - Simple badges for products (Простые ярлыки для продуктов)
от kiriansAdding markup will allow Google robots to correctly interpret the data and display concentrated information about your site on the search page to attract users' attention to the content..
Rich Snippet - SEO Structured Data
от kiriansAdd a smart live search to increase the conversions of your online store..
Ajax Live Search - Smart, Instant, Responsive, Auto-Complete
от kiriansIncrease your conversion rate by showing your visitors relevant ads based on their activity on your site...
Google Dynamic Remarketing Feed
от kiriansAllow your customers to register on the site using a social network account..
Social Media Login
от kiriansIntegrate your online store with the Novaya Pochta Ukraine delivery service using API..