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On this page you can find all the add-ons and services from SooR

OCFilter - SEO Product Filter
OCFilter is a fast and functional product filter in categories, search, manufacturer, specials and other catalog pages. The main emphasis is on the speed of product search and the ease of use of the filter by both buyers and shop owners...

OCFilter - SEO Product Filter

OCDepartment - Categories in Brands, Specials, Search
OCDepartment is a module for displaying categories on the pages of manufacturer, promotions, search and regular categories. The list of categories is formed based on which page (layout) the module is displayed on. Technically, the categories of all products on the page are displayed...

OCDepartment - Categories in Brands, Specials, Search

OCFilter - Install, Upgrade, Configuration
Services of installation, updating, basic configuration and styling by the OCFilter product filter module..

OCFilter - Install, Upgrade, Configuration

Auto flush OCmod log file
The extension is intended for those who use a lot of modifiers, update them often and at the same time observe brakes when loading a page with modifiers. According to my observations, for every 4th this log (ocmod.log) grows to huge sizes, which is loaded into the browser every time you open the modifiers page.   The extension clears this log when it reaches 3 mb. Checking for the log size is carried out every time you go to the modifiers page. Code insertion is minimal: if (is_file(DIR_LOGS . 'ocmod.log') && filesize(DIR_LOGS . 'ocmod.log') > 1024 * 1024 * 3) { $handle = fopen(DIR_LOGS . 'ocmod.log', 'w+'); fclose($handle); $this->session->data['success'] = 'Log is clean!'; } After cleaning, you will see a message "Log is clean!". See version support on the right →..

Auto flush OCmod log file


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