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On this page you can find all the add-ons and services from RoS
Allows you to add and configure various price units for products and options. It is suitable if you are selling a product with a price set for a specific quantity, such as price per square meter, linear meter, cubic meter, kilogram, piece, etc...
Единицы Измерения Товара
от RoSThe module allows you to create and customize text blocks on the website. Unlimited number of blocks. Flexible configuration according to your needs and design. Full control over the placement and content of the text...
Текстовый Блок HTML PRO
от RoSAllows you to add text, banner or HTML code at the bottom of the category pages, which will be different from the default description. Also, the modifier can hide part of the long text for the top and bottom descriptions and other settings..
Additional Description Of Categories + Settings
от RoSAllows you to manage long product descriptions. Now you can hide a portion of the text to make the description more concise and reader-friendly, as well as provide your customers with the option to expand it as desired...
JS Readmore Для Описания Категории
от RoSAllows hiding a part of long text on the product page and provides users with the ability to expand and hide the product description as needed. This modifier offers a more flexible and convenient way to present information on your internet store's product pages...
JS Readmore Для Описания Товара
от RoSIt allows you to set a specific template for a product, category, manufacturer (brand), or informational pages. You can also assign one template for all products under a specific category and, if desired, override this template for a specific product...
Пользовательские Шаблоны
от RoSAllows you to display arbitrary HTML code on site pages with the ability to expand / collapse text and control the display of text for certain customer groups...