To receive notifications about purchases on the forum, you need to go to
add Callback URL and Secret Key. On the side of your server, accept data, you can test the work in the personal data section
<?php namespace OpenCartForum\API; class Purchases { private $private_key; private static $instance = null; private $headers = []; public static function getInstance($private_key) { if (self::$instance !== null) { return self::$instance; } self::$instance = new self($private_key); return self::$instance; } public function getPurchase() { return $this->auth() ? $this->getForm() : false; } private function __construct($private_key) { $this->private_key = $private_key; } private function getForm() { if (empty($this->form)) { $this->form = json_decode(file_get_contents('php://input'), true); } return $this->form; } private function auth() { if (empty($form = $this->getForm()) || empty($form['hash']) || empty($form['order']) ) { $this->addHeader("{$_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL']} 400 Bad Request"); return false; } if ( ! hash_equals( hash_hmac('md5', (\strlen($form['order']['id']) . $form['order']['id'] . \strlen($form['order']['date']) . $form['order']['date']), $this->private_key), $form['hash']) ) { $this->addHeader("{$_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL']} 401 Unauthorized"); $this->addHeader('Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8'); $this->addHeader('State: Unauthorized'); return false; } $this->addHeader("{$_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL']} 200 OK"); $this->addHeader('Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8'); switch ($form['status']) { case 'auth': $this->addHeader('State: Authorized'); return false; case 'success': $this->addHeader('State: Received'); return true; } } private function addHeader($header) { $this->headers[] = $header; } private function output(array $data = []) { if (!headers_sent()) { foreach ($this->headers as $header) { header($header, true); } } echo json_decode($data); die; } public function __destruct() { $this->output(); } } /* Cекретный ключ, указаный на форуме в разделе, там же укажите Callback URL */ $private_key = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"; $opencartforum_api = \OpenCartForum\API\Purchases::getInstance($private_key); if (($purchase_info = $opencartforum_api->getPurchase())) { $file = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/ocf-purchase.log'; $f = fopen($file, 'w+'); fwrite($f, print_r($purchase_info, true)); fclose($f); }
The response must contain mandatory headings::
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
State: Unauthorized - Неуспешная авторизация
State: Authorized - Успешная авторизация, готов получить форму
State: Received - Форма успешно принята
We send two requests, the first authorization request, the second request with a form. The HTTP status code should be 200.
Sales messages will have the following structure:
[marketplace] => (string) opencartforum
[hash] => (string) 74e6f7298a9c2XXXXXXXXXXXXX,
[status] => (string) success | auth,
[order] => Array
[id] => (int) 1090XXX
[date] => (int) 1614040731
[domain] => (strinng)
[test_domain] => (strinng)
[options]=> array (
[1]=> array (
["cost"]=> string(7) 2000.00
["name"]=> string(36) Установка: 2 000.00 руб
[discount]=> array (
[amount]=> string(4) 1260 // Price
[name]=> string(112) (string) File - 10%
[coupon]=> array (
[code]=> string(14) 1237-promo2021
[discount]=> string(4) 1344 // Price
[text]=> string(16) 1344.00 руб
[total] => Array
[currency] => (string) RUB // Или USD
[amount] => (float) 300
[quantity] => (int) 1
[commission] => (int) 30
[developer] => Array
[id] => (int) XXXX
[name] => (string) developer
[email] => (string) [email protected]
[link] => (string)
[credits] => Array
[0] => Array
[currency] => (string) RUB
[amount] => (float) 6939.46
[1] => Array
[currency] => (string) USD
[amount] => (float) 3701.44
[customer] => Array
[id] => (int) XXXX
[name] => (string) Customer
[email] => (string) [email protected]
[link] => (string)
[file] => Array
[id] => (int) XXXX
[name] => (string) File
[basePrice] = Array
[0] => Array
[currency] => (string) RUB
[amount] => (float) 750.00
[1] => Array
[currency] => (string) USD
[amount] => (float) 10.00
[link] => (string)
Discussion of the forum API takes place in the topic: