Вопрос знатокам!
Есть такой полезный продукт TotalImportPRO-OC151, но он на английской.
Править его надо в Notepad++ а точнее заменить английские значения на русские.
Подскажите что конкретно надо поправить, дабы модуль встал правильно без ошибок.
Что на что заменить?
# Module Total Import PRO for Opencart 1.5.x From HostJars opencart.hostjars.com #
// Heading
$_['heading_title'] = 'Total Import PRO';
// Tabs
$_['tab_fetch'] = 'Step 1: Fetch Feed File';
$_['tab_global'] = 'Step 2: Global Settings';
$_['tab_adjust'] = 'Step 3: Adjust Import Data';
$_['tab_mapping'] = 'Step 4: Field Mapping';
$_['tab_import'] = 'Step 5: Import';
// Text
$_['text_add'] = 'Add';
$_['text_reset'] = 'Reset';
$_['text_update'] = 'Add/Update';
$_['text_adjust_help'] = 'If you need to adjust any data from your feed before importing it you can use the Operations below on the fields in your database. You can also leave this screen open and use phpmyadmin to directly adjust the database table hj_import and then return here to complete the import.';
$_['text_operation'] = 'Operation';
$_['text_operation_field_name'] = 'Field';
$_['text_operation_data'] = 'Data';
$_['text_sample'] = 'Feed Sample';
$_['text_select_operation'] = '-- Select operation --';
$_['text_select'] = '-- Select --';
$_['text_operation_type'] = 'Operation Type';
$_['text_operation_desc'] = 'Description';
$_['text_most_popular'] = 'Most Popular';
$_['text_advanced'] = 'Advanced';
// Entry
$_['entry_import_file'] = 'Import Feed File:';
$_['entry_max_file_size'] = 'Max Size: %d mb';
$_['entry_import_url'] = 'Import Feed URL:';
$_['entry_import_ftp'] = 'Import Feed FTP:';
$_['entry_ftp_server'] = 'FTP Server:';
$_['entry_ftp_user'] = 'Username:';
$_['entry_ftp_pass'] = 'Password:';
$_['entry_ftp_path'] = 'Absolute path to file:';
$_['entry_import_filepath'] = 'Import Feed Local File Path:';
$_['entry_xml_product_tag'] = 'XML Product Tag:';
$_['entry_delimiter'] = 'CSV Field Delimiter:';
$_['entry_data_feed'] = 'CSV Data Feed:';
$_['entry_out_of_stock'] = 'Out of stock status:';
$_['entry_weight_class'] = 'Weight Class:';
$_['entry_length_class'] = 'Length Class:';
$_['entry_customer_group'] = 'Customer Group:';
$_['entry_tax_class'] = 'Tax Class:';
$_['entry_subtract_stock'] = 'Subtract Stock:';
$_['entry_requires_shipping'] = 'Requires Shipping:';
$_['entry_minimum_quantity'] = 'Minimum Quantity:';
$_['entry_product_status'] = 'Product Status:';
$_['entry_language'] = 'Language:';
$_['entry_store'] = 'Store:';
$_['entry_remote_images'] = 'Download Remote Images:';
$_['entry_remote_images_warning'] = 'Warning: This will probably timeout for product feeds larger than around 500 products.';
$_['entry_image_subfolder'] = 'Image Subfolder:';
$_['entry_ignore_fields'] = 'Skip Products Where:';
$_['entry_field_mapping'] = 'Field Mapping:';
$_['entry_import_type'] = 'Import Type:';
$_['entry_price_multiplier'] = 'Price Multiplier:';
$_['entry_image_remove'] = 'Image Remove Text:';
$_['entry_image_prepend'] = 'Image Prepend Text:';
$_['entry_image_append'] = 'Image Append Text:';
$_['entry_split_category'] = 'Category Delimiter:';
$_['entry_top_categories'] = 'Add Categories to Top Bar:';
$_['entry_bottom_category_only'] = 'Add Products to:';
$_['entry_new_items'] = 'New Items:';
$_['entry_existing_items'] = 'Existing Items:';
$_['entry_delete_diff'] = 'Items in store but not in file:';
$_['entry_reset'] = 'Empty store before import:';
$_['entry_file_encoding'] = 'File Encoding:';
$_['entry_first_row_is_headings'] = 'First Row Is Headings:';
$_['entry_use_safe_headings'] = 'Use Safe Headings:';
$_['entry_use_safe_headings_help'] = 'ignore the feed\'s headings';
$_['entry_unzip_feed'] = 'Unzip Feed:';
$_['entry_file_encoding'] = 'File Encoding:';
$_['entry_file_encoding_help'] = 'If you are unsure, use UTF-8:';
$_['entry_required'] = 'Required';
// Fields
$_['text_field_oc_title'] = 'OpenCart Field';
$_['text_field_feed_title'] = 'Feed Field';
$_['text_field_name'] = 'Name';
$_['text_field_price'] = 'Price';
$_['text_field_special_price'] = 'Special Price';
$_['text_field_discount_price'] = 'Discount Price';
$_['text_field_model'] = 'Model';
$_['text_field_sku'] = 'Sku';
$_['text_field_upc'] = 'UPC';
$_['text_field_ean'] = 'EAN';
$_['text_field_jan'] = 'JAN';
$_['text_field_isbn'] = 'ISBN';
$_['text_field_mpn'] = 'MPN';
$_['text_field_points'] = 'Points';
$_['text_field_manufacturer'] = 'Manufacturer';
$_['text_field_attribute'] = 'Attribute';
$_['text_field_category'] = 'Category';
$_['text_field_quantity'] = 'Quantity';
$_['text_field_image'] = 'Image';
$_['text_field_additional_image'] = 'Additional Image';
$_['text_field_description'] = 'Description';
$_['text_field_meta_desc'] = 'Meta Description';
$_['text_field_meta_keyw'] = 'Meta Keywords';
$_['text_field_weight'] = 'Weight';
$_['text_field_length'] = 'Length';
$_['text_field_height'] = 'Height';
$_['text_field_width'] = 'Width';
$_['text_field_location'] = 'Location';
$_['text_field_keyword'] = 'SEO Keyword';
$_['text_field_tags'] = 'Product Tags';
$_['text_field_sort_order'] = 'Sort Order';
$_['text_field_option'] = 'Options';
$_['text_field_reward'] = 'Reward Points';
$_['text_field_product_related'] = 'Related Products';
$_['text_field_subtract_stock'] = 'Subtract Stock';
$_['text_field_requires_shipping'] = 'Requires Shipping';
$_['text_field_minimum_quantity'] = 'Minimum Quantity';
$_['text_field_product_status'] = 'Product Status';
$_['text_field_product_reward_group'] = 'Reward Group';
$_['text_field_layout'] = 'Layout';
$_['text_field_download'] = 'Download';
// Import
$_['button_fetch'] = 'Fetch';
$_['button_import'] = 'Import';
$_['button_next'] = 'Save & Continue';
$_['button_skip'] = 'Skip';
$_['button_save'] = 'Save';
$_['button_cancel'] = 'Cancel';
$_['button_add_operation'] = 'Add Adjustment';
// Success
$_['text_success_step1'] = 'Success: Feed fetched and parsed. Ready for import: %s;';
$_['text_success_step1_csv'] = ' Invalid CSV rows: %s';
$_['text_success_step2'] = 'Success: Global Settings saved.';
$_['text_success_step3'] = 'Success: Operations saved.';
$_['text_success_step4'] = 'Success: Mappings saved.';
$_['text_success_step5'] = 'Success: Added %s products, Updated %s products';
// Error
$_['error_permission'] = 'Warning: You do not have permission to modify total import!';
$_['error_empty'] = 'Warning: No file or empty file!';
$_['error_mac_csv'] = 'Warning: CSV file contains only one line: If you create your CSV file with Mac you need to save it as "CSV (Windows)"!';
$_['error_wrong_delimiter'] = 'Warning: The delimiter you have chosen does not seem to be correct!';
$_['error_csv_heading'] = "Warning: Your headings are not suitable for direct usage please check every column has a %s heading, or use Safe Headings!";
$_['error_xml_product_tag'] = 'Warning: You must specify a Product Tag for XML files!';
$_['error_xml_format'] = 'Warning: XML format error - please fix your XML file!';
$_['error_no_db'] = 'Warning: Step 1 must be completed correctly before proceeding!';
$_['error_no_source'] = 'Warning: You must select a source!';