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Здраствуйте! У меня есть сайт на opencart 3.0.2, я хотел сделать два хедера (один для главной страницы, другой для всех остальных), и у меня возникла проблема - файлы не изменяются(Сайт на шаблоне Journal 3) допустим у меня есть файлы /catalog/view/theme/journal3/template/journal3/headers/desktop/classic.twig, /catalog/view/theme/journal3/template/common/header.twig и /catalog/controller/common/header.php. И допустим я хочу сделать проверку на главный файл, я вставляю код в header.twig {% if home %} <style>...</style>{% endif %} Изменяю стили, но в файле в меня всё меняется, а на сервере нет, что делать? Переменная home есть в header.php Код /catalog/view/theme/journal3/template/journal3/headers/desktop/classic.twig <div class="header header-classic header-lg"> <div class="top-bar navbar-nav"> {{ j3.settings.get('desktop_top_menu') }} {% if j3.settings.get('langPosition') == 'top' %} <div class="language-currency top-menu"> <div class="desktop-language-wrapper"> {{ language }} </div> <div class="desktop-currency-wrapper"> {{ currency }} </div> </div> {% endif %} <div class="third-menu">{{ j3.settings.get('desktop_top_menu_3') }}</div> {% if j3.settings.get('secondaryMenuPosition') == 'top' %} <div class="top-menu secondary-menu">{{ j3.settings.get('desktop_top_menu_2') }}</div> {% endif %} </div> <div class="mid-bar2"> <div class="desktop-logo-wrapper"> <div id="logo"> {% if j3.settings.get('logo_src') %} <a href="{{ home }}"> <img src="{{ j3.settings.get('logo_src') }}" {% if j3.settings.get('logo2x_src') %}srcset="{{ j3.settings.get('logo_src') }} 1x, {{ j3.settings.get('logo2x_src') }} 2x"{% endif %} width="{{ j3.settings.get('logo_width') }}" height="{{ j3.settings.get('logo_height') }}" alt="{{ name }}" title="{{ name }}"/> </a> {% else %} <h1><a href="{{ home }}">{{ name }}</a></h1> {% endif %} </div> </div> {% if j3.settings.get('headerMainMenu2Position') == 'top' %} {{ j3.settings.get('desktop_main_menu_2') }} {% endif %} <div class="desktop-search-wrapper full-search default-search-wrapper"> {{ search }} </div> {% if j3.settings.get('langPosition') == 'search' %} <div class="language-currency top-menu"> <div class="desktop-language-wrapper"> {{ language }} </div> <div class="desktop-currency-wrapper"> {{ currency }} </div> </div> {% endif %} <div class="classic-cart-wrapper"> {% if j3.settings.get('secondaryMenuPosition') == 'cart' %} <div class="top-menu secondary-menu">{{ j3.settings.get('desktop_top_menu_2') }}</div> {% endif %} {% if j3.settings.get('cartPosition') == 'top' %} <div class="desktop-cart-wrapper default-cart-wrapper"> {{ cart }} </div> {% endif %} </div> </div> <div class="desktop-main-menu-wrapper2 menu-{{ j3.settings.get('headerMenuLayout') }} {% if j3.settings.get('desktop_main_menu_2') %}has-menu-2{% endif %} navbar-nav"> {{ j3.document.hasClass('mobile-header-active') ? '' : j3.settings.get('desktop_main_menu') }} {% if j3.settings.get('headerMainMenu2Position') == 'menu' %} {{ j3.settings.get('desktop_main_menu_2') }} {% endif %} {% if j3.settings.get('cartPosition') == 'menu' %} <div class="desktop-cart-wrapper default-cart-wrapper"> {{ cart }} </div> {% endif %} </div> </div> /catalog/view/theme/journal3/template/common/header.php {% if j3 is not defined %} <style> body { display: none !important; } </style> <script> window.location = 'index.php?route=journal3/startup/error'; </script> {% endif %} <!DOCTYPE html> <html dir="{{ direction }}" lang="{{ lang }}" class="{{ j3.document.getClasses() | join(' ') }}" data-jv="{{ j3 is defined ? constant('JOURNAL3_VERSION') : '' }}" data-ov="{{ constant('VERSION') }}"> <head typeof="og:website"> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"> <title>{{ title }}</title> <base href="{{ base }}" /> {% if description %} <meta name="description" content="{{ description }}" /> {% endif %} {% if keywords %} <meta name="keywords" content="{{ keywords }}" /> {% endif %} {% if not j3.document.isPopup() %} {% for key, tag in j3.loadController('journal3/seo/meta_tags') %} <meta {{ tag.type }}="{{ key }}" content="{{ tag.content }}"/> {% endfor %} {% endif %} <script>window['Journal'] = {{ j3.document.getJs() | json_encode }};</script> {% if not j3.document.isPopup() %} <script>{{ j3.loadController('journal3/mql') }}</script> {% endif %} {% if j3.document.hasFonts() %} {% if j3.settings.get('performanceAsyncFontsStatus') %} <script>WebFontConfig = { google: { families: {{ j3.document.getFonts(true) }} } };</script> {% else %} <link href="{{ j3.document.getFonts(false) }}" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet"/> {% endif %} {% endif %} {% for style in j3.document.getStyles(styles) %} {% if style.content %} <style>{{ style.content }}</style> {% else %} <link href="{{ j3.document.staticUrl(style.href, false) }}" type="text/css" rel="{{ style.rel }}" media="all" /> {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% for link in links %} <link href="{{ link.href }}" rel="{{ link.rel }}" /> {% endfor %} {% for analytic in analytics %} {{ analytic }} {% endfor %} <style> {{ j3.document.getCss() }} </style> {% if j3.settings.get('customCSS') %} <style>{{ j3.settings.get('customCSS') }}</style> {% endif %} {% for script in j3.document.getScripts('header', scripts) %} <script src="{{ j3.document.staticUrl(script, false) }}" {% if j3.settings.get('performanceJSDefer') %} defer {% endif %}></script> {% endfor %} {% if j3.settings.get('customCodeHeader') %} {{ j3.settings.get('customCodeHeader') }} {% endif %} {# {% if isHome %} <style> body { background: none; } </style> {% endif %} #} </head> <body class="{{ class }}" {% if j3.document.isMobile() %}ontouchstart{% endif %}> {% if j3.settings.get('oldBrowserStatus') %} <div class="old-browser"> <div class="ob-content"> <h2 class="ob-title">{{ j3.settings.get('oldBrowserTitle') }}</h2> <span class="ob-text">{{ j3.settings.get('oldBrowserText') }}</span> <div class="ob-links"> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"> <img src="{{ j3.settings.get('oldBrowserChrome') }}" alt="Chrome" /> <span class="ob-name">Chrome</span> </a> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"> <img src="{{ j3.settings.get('oldBrowserFirefox') }}" alt="Firefox" /> <span class="ob-name">Firefox</span> </a> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"> <img src="{{ j3.settings.get('oldBrowserEdge') }}" alt="edge" /> <span class="ob-name">Microsoft Edge</span> </a> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"> <img src="{{ j3.settings.get('oldBrowserOpera') }}" alt="opera" /> <span class="ob-name">Opera</span> </a> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"> <img src="{{ j3.settings.get('oldBrowserSafari') }}" alt="safari" /> <span class="ob-name">Safari on Mac</span> </a> </div> </div> </div> {% endif %} {% if not j3.document.isPopup() %} <div class="mobile-container mobile-main-menu-container"> <div class="mobile-wrapper-header"> <span>{{ j3.settings.get('headerMobileMenuTitle') }}</span> {% if j3.settings.get('mobileLangPosition') == 'menu' %} <div class="language-currency top-menu"> <div class="mobile-currency-wrapper"> {{ j3.document.hasClass('mobile-header-active') ? currency : '' }} </div> <div class="mobile-language-wrapper"> {{ j3.document.hasClass('mobile-header-active') ? language : '' }} </div> </div> {% endif %} <a class="x"></a> </div> <div class="mobile-main-menu-wrapper"> {{ j3.document.isPhone() or (j3.document.isTablet() and j3.settings.get('mobileHeaderOn') == 'tablet') ? j3.settings.get('mobile_main_menu') : '' }} </div> </div> <div class="mobile-container mobile-filter-container"> <div class="mobile-wrapper-header"></div> <div class="mobile-filter-wrapper"></div> </div> <div class="mobile-container mobile-cart-content-container"> <div class="mobile-wrapper-header"> <span>{{ j3.settings.get('headerMobileCartTitle') }}</span> <a class="x"></a> </div> <div class="mobile-cart-content-wrapper cart-content"></div> </div> {% endif %} {{ j3.loadController('journal3/layout', 'popup') }} <div class="site-wrapper"> {{ j3.loadController('journal3/layout', 'header_notice') }} {% if not j3.document.isPopup() %} <header class="header-{{ j3.settings.get('headerType') }}"> {% if not j3.document.hasClass('mobile-header-active') and j3.settings.get('headerType') %} {% include 'journal3/template/journal3/headers/desktop/' ~ j3.settings.get('headerType') ~ '.twig' %} {% endif %} {% if j3.settings.get('mobileHeaderType') %} {% include 'journal3/template/journal3/headers/mobile/header_mobile_' ~ j3.settings.get('mobileHeaderType') ~ '.twig' %} {% endif %} </header> {% endif %} /catalog/controller/common/header.php <?php // * @source See SOURCE.txt for source and other copyright. // * @license GNU General Public License version 3; see LICENSE.txt class ControllerCommonHeader extends Controller { public function index() { // Analytics $this->load->model('setting/extension'); $data['analytics'] = array(); $analytics = $this->model_setting_extension->getExtensions('analytics'); foreach ($analytics as $analytic) { if ($this->config->get('analytics_' . $analytic['code'] . '_status')) { $data['analytics'][] = $this->load->controller('extension/analytics/' . $analytic['code'], $this->config->get('analytics_' . $analytic['code'] . '_status')); } } if ($this->request->server['HTTPS']) { $server = $this->config->get('config_ssl'); } else { $server = $this->config->get('config_url'); } if (is_file(DIR_IMAGE . $this->config->get('config_icon'))) { $this->document->addLink($server . 'image/' . $this->config->get('config_icon'), 'icon'); } $data['title'] = $this->document->getTitle(); $data['base'] = $server; $data['description'] = $this->document->getDescription(); $data['keywords'] = $this->document->getKeywords(); $data['links'] = $this->document->getLinks(); $data['robots'] = $this->document->getRobots(); $data['styles'] = $this->document->getStyles(); $data['scripts'] = $this->document->getScripts('header'); $data['lang'] = $this->language->get('code'); $data['direction'] = $this->language->get('direction'); $data['name'] = $this->config->get('config_name'); if (is_file(DIR_IMAGE . $this->config->get('config_logo'))) { $data['logo'] = $server . 'image/' . $this->config->get('config_logo'); } else { $data['logo'] = ''; } $this->load->language('common/header'); $host = isset($this->request->server['HTTPS']) && (($this->request->server['HTTPS'] == 'on') || ($this->request->server['HTTPS'] == '1')) ? HTTPS_SERVER : HTTP_SERVER; if ($this->request->server['REQUEST_URI'] == '/') { $data['og_url'] = $this->url->link('common/home'); } else { $data['og_url'] = $host . substr($this->request->server['REQUEST_URI'], 1, (strlen($this->request->server['REQUEST_URI'])-1)); } $data['og_image'] = $this->document->getOgImage(); // Wishlist if ($this->customer->isLogged()) { $this->load->model('account/wishlist'); $data['text_wishlist'] = sprintf($this->language->get('text_wishlist'), $this->model_account_wishlist->getTotalWishlist()); } else { $data['text_wishlist'] = sprintf($this->language->get('text_wishlist'), (isset($this->session->data['wishlist']) ? count($this->session->data['wishlist']) : 0)); } $data['text_logged'] = sprintf($this->language->get('text_logged'), $this->url->link('account/account', '', true), $this->customer->getFirstName(), $this->url->link('account/logout', '', true)); $data['home'] = $this->url->link('common/home'); $data['wishlist'] = $this->url->link('account/wishlist', '', true); $data['logged'] = $this->customer->isLogged(); $data['account'] = $this->url->link('account/account', '', true); $data['register'] = $this->url->link('account/register', '', true); $data['login'] = $this->url->link('account/login', '', true); $data['order'] = $this->url->link('account/order', '', true); $data['transaction'] = $this->url->link('account/transaction', '', true); $data['download'] = $this->url->link('account/download', '', true); $data['logout'] = $this->url->link('account/logout', '', true); $data['shopping_cart'] = $this->url->link('checkout/cart'); $data['checkout'] = $this->url->link('checkout/checkout', '', true); $data['contact'] = $this->url->link('information/contact'); $data['telephone'] = $this->config->get('config_telephone'); $data['language'] = $this->url->link('common/home'); $data['currency'] = $this->load->controller('common/currency'); $data['currency'] = $this->load->controller('common/currency'); if ($this->config->get('configblog_blog_menu')) { $data['blog_menu'] = $this->load->controller('blog/menu'); } else { $data['blog_menu'] = ''; } $data['search'] = $this->load->controller('common/search'); $data['cart'] = $this->load->controller('common/cart'); $data['menu'] = $this->load->controller('common/menu'); return $this->load->view('common/header', $data); } } {{ j3.loadController('journal3/layout', 'fullscreen_slider') }}
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- twig
- проблемы опенкарт
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Нужно убрать кнопки "в сравнение" "в избраное" "в корзину (купить)". Только учусь) Сначала пробую на локалке (денвер) все ети кнопки убрал. далее все ето сделал на хостинге (сайт висит уже в инете) - но изменения не происходят. ? кеш чистил. Помогите пожалуйста, не понимаю в чем проблема.