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и после
displayCaptions: true,
fontSize: 28,
28 - это размер шрифта по умолчанию, установите меньше.
полный список поддерживаемых опций для таймера:
var defaults = {
callback: null, // callback function for exec when timer out
captionSize: 0, // font-size by pixels for captions, if 0 then calculate automaticaly
countdown: true, // is countdown or real clock
countdownAlertLimit: 10, // limit in seconds when display red background
displayCaptions: false, // display captions under digit groups
displayDays: 0, // display day timer, count of days digits
displayHours: true, // display hours
fontFamily: "Verdana, sans-serif",
fontSize: 28, // font-size of a digit by pixels
lang: 'en', // language of caption
seconds: 0, // timer's countdown value in seconds
start: true, // true to start timer immediately
theme: "white", // 'white' or 'black' theme fo timer's view
vals: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], // private, current value of each digit
limits: [9, 9, 9, 2, 9, 5, 9, 5, 9],// private, max value of each digit
iSec: 8, // private, index of second digit
iHour: 4, // private, index of hour digit
tickTimeout: 1000, // timeout betweet each timer tick in miliseconds
intervalId: null // private