About This File
Tired of selecting the right payment details to send to the customer?
The problem is solved!
The SP Auto Bank Switcher module automatically selects and sends payment details to the customer based on various factors: order amount, customer group, turnover by details for the month and year. The module fully automates the process, freeing you from the need to manually select the appropriate details, and allows you to quickly and accurately send the necessary information to each client.
Module features:
- Custom payment method name
- Selection of detail substitution type — the ability to select details that meet the conditions either in order or randomly.
- Payment instructions display — configure whether to show payment instructions to the customer or simply send them in the email.
- Maximum amount per detail per month
- Maximum amount per detail per year
For each payment detail, the following is available:
- Name (for internal use)
- Multilingual description that will be sent to the customer
- Minimum and maximum amounts for which the detail is available
- Order status when this detail is selected (e.g., "Not paid, Sole Proprietor Petrov")
- Customer group for which the details are available
- Payment method statistics — statistics for each detail for the month and year, helping you monitor the effectiveness and relevance of details. If the payment amount exceeds the limit, those details will not be applied, helping to avoid excess payments.
With SP Auto Bank Switcher, you can significantly simplify the process of selecting payment details, increase the accuracy and speed of order processing, and automate many routine tasks, saving you time and resources.
Example of tasks solved by the module:
Small orders from 100 to 1000 UAH are sent to one Sole Proprietor, orders from 50,000 to 200,000 and "wholesale client" group go to LLC details, for regular customers another Sole Proprietor is used if the monthly limit is not exceeded, and much more. All conditions work together, depending on your imagination.