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PRICE MASTER - Product import/export module, parsing, translation, text generation, catalog editor and much more 1.7.5


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Price Master is a module for OpenCart that is designed to automatically upload (import) products to your online store , as well as export (unload) products from your store . The module supports many sources and data formats for loading and unloading products.

The module has a lot of serious tools built in for working with data: a parser , a translator , text generators based on artificial intelligence , a file generator , a scheduler , markup tools , integration and flexible data customization before uploading to the store.

The module is a comprehensive and all-encompassing solution for working with the product catalog of your online store. It allows you to automate the process of loading and updating products in your store, as well as create price lists and data feeds for uploading to sites and marketplaces .

Previously, such capabilities were available only to programmers , but now, thanks to the Price Master module, you can independently configure and automate the process of loading and updating products in your store.

Once configured, this module is capable of efficiently and automatically processing and maintaining a huge range of products from various suppliers, while requiring minimal human intervention and time.


Briefly about the capabilities of the Price Master module:


  • Allows you to upload data about products, categories, manufacturers, attributes, options, prices, descriptions, images, specifications and much more.
  • Supports multilingual stores .
  • Works with multiple sources and data formats: EXCEL, CSV, XML, WORD, Google Sheets, parsing .
  • Allows you to configure the most complex price lists for download .
  • Allows you to upload data from your online store into a table for further mass editing and data supplementation.
  • Allows you to format data before loading using a large arsenal of tools (formatters).
  • Working with prices and markups on goods using mathematical formatters.
  • Creation of unique articles and SEO links for products.
  • Translation of texts into any language using Google Translate and DeepL translation services.
  • Preview the product before loading.
  • File generator - allows you to create price lists and data feeds of almost any structure for exporting (uploading) goods to any sites and marketplaces .
  • Generate unique texts on any topic and in any language using the Chat GPT formatter and other generation tools.
  • Unique website parser - allows multi-threaded extraction of data from websites in just a few mouse clicks without programming skills.
  • Flexible settings for loading and updating products.
  • Data integration - setting up comparison of product data from the downloaded price list with your store data.
  • Filtering products before loading.
  • Link system - allows you to exchange data between all loaded price lists.
  • Multi-threaded photo loading .
  • Built-in scheduler - allows you to set up automatic loading of price lists according to a schedule and visually observe the distribution of tasks on the timeline.
  • Statistics and download history.
  • Detailed report on loading and processing data from price lists.
  • User-friendly interface - all elements of the module are made as convenient and intuitive as possible.
  • The interface is translated into more than 30 languages .
  • Built-in documentation - all key elements are provided with detailed tooltips leading to the landing page of the documentation.
  • Bulk update of price list files
  • Module update system (when a new version of the module appears, you receive a notification in the store admin panel and can update the module in one click).
  • Video documentation - video documentation for each module element in English, Ukrainian and Russian.
  • Support for Opencart and OcStore versions 2.0 - 3.0.
  • Support PHP 5.6, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, 8.1, 8.2

and much much more...


Sources and formats for downloading data:

  • EXCEL (XLSX, XLS) - with any number of sheets and rows
  • CSV - with any encodings and separators
  • XML - any formats (including YML format for Yandex.Market)
  • WORD (DOCX) - all data from tables in the document will be extracted
  • Google Sheets - any Google Sheets spreadsheets with public access
  • Built-in site parsing tool - the module has a built-in unique tool for extracting data from sites, which allows you to set up data parsing with just a few mouse clicks. A unique interface has been developed for the parsing tool, allowing you to easily set up data parsing from any site for a person without programming knowledge.
  • Uploading data from your online store to a table - the module allows you to upload data from your online store to a table for further processing. This is a very serious opportunity with which you can massively edit your store data and bring your product catalog to the desired form. You can apply all the features of the Price Master module to your store data, such as formatters, filters, a reference system, and much more.


You can upload formats such as EXCEL, CSV, XML, WORD directly from your computer or via a link to a price list that your supplier will provide you with. The advantage of uploading price lists via a link to a file is that you will not need to upload each time. updated price list from your computer, and it will be downloaded automatically from your supplier's server.
In cases where the supplier is unable to provide you with a link to the price list , there is a mass update option for price list files , which allows you to update price lists in a few clicks .

Data markup:

After loading the price list , the module will process the data and display it in a table . After that, you will be able to mark the columns with data and compare them with the fields of your store . The module supports multilingual stores and allows you to mark and load any data about products in many categories and in any language . Markup of nested categories , related options , option photos , and much more is supported...




Preview block:

After marking the data, the module allows you to preview how the products will look in your store before loading them . To do this, simply click on one of the lines in the table, after which the product data from the marked line will be loaded into the catalog and in the preview window you will see the product exactly as it will be loaded from this source.




Data formatting:

One of the main features of the module is the ability to format data before loading using a large arsenal of tools - Formatters . Previously, such capabilities were available only to programmers , but thanks to the Price Master module, you can easily and quickly format product data in the form you need. Configured formatters will process the price list at each load , so when changing the price list or adding new products to it, the price list will be processed according to the previously configured formatters and loaded into your store in the form you need .


Formatters are tools that you can apply to table columns to change their contents before loading . You can apply any number of formatters to a single column to achieve the desired result. Filters can be applied to all formatters to apply them only to certain rows.




Text formatters:

Allows you to change, supplement, extract, duplicate, fill in, etc. data in columns. Thanks to text formatters, you can bring product data into the form and format you need.

Using text formatters you can:

  • Remove or replace extra characters and words in text
  • Extract the data you need from the text (such as brands , characteristics , links , email , etc.)
  • Supplement data (add prefixes and postfixes to data) with the data concatenation formatter
  • Convert data to the desired case (lower, upper, first letter capital) using the replacement formatter
  • Fill empty cells with data from other columns using the fill formatter
  • Split data into multiple columns with the split formatter
  • Pull other data from the table or from other sources using the "Pull data" formatter

and much, much more...

Numeric formatters:

Allows you to perform mathematical operations with numbers in columns. They are useful for working with prices, discounts, markups on goods , for working with exchange rates , and so on.

Using number formatters you can perform operations:

  • Additions
  • Subtractions
  • Multiplications
  • Divisions
  • Roundings
  • Get random numbers (useful for assigning random discounts on products)

HTML formatters:

This is a set of tools for working with HTML code.

With HTML formatters you can:

  • Convert HTML to Plain Text
  • Remove all links from HTML (often suppliers add links in the product description leading to their site - this has a negative effect on your site SEO )
  • Remove YouTube Video from HTML
  • Turn text into a link (used to improve SEO optimization of the site )


Data generation formatters:

Designed to generate missing data about products. You will be able to generate unique texts in any language using artificial intelligence , generate texts using a template , generate SEO links to products and unique articles .


  • Product code generation formatter - it often happens that the supplier's price list does not contain a product code, the generation formatter can create a unique product code for each product based on the price list columns.
  • SEO link generation formatter - allows you to create unique, human-readable links for your products based on text.
  • Chat GPT formatter is a powerful formatter that allows you to use the full power of artificial intelligence from OpenAI , which allows you to create texts on any topic and in any language . With its help, you can create unique product descriptions , create unique meta titles and meta descriptions for products, rephrase texts , extract data from text and much more. The formatter allows you to select a neural model for text generation , and flexibly configure text generation parameters .
  • Text Generation Formatter - allows you to create unique texts based on user-defined templates.


Sheet Breakdown Formatter:

It often happens that the structure of the supplier's price list does not allow you to upload product data. The sheet split formatter allows you to split product data into several sheets to upload them to your store.


Text translation formatter:

Allows you to translate texts into any language using Google and DeepL translation services, both of these services provide a free quota for translating texts up to 500,000 characters per month . Thanks to the translation formatter, you can easily translate all product data into any language and upload it to your store.



Parsing formatter:

This is another unique development that allows you to extract any data from websites and upload it to your store. Using the parsing formatter, you can extract data on products , categories , manufacturers , attributes, options, prices, descriptions, images, characteristics and much more from other websites. To do this, simply specify the link to the page from which you want to extract data and set up the data extraction rules. The formatter has a unique interface that allows you to easily visually select data on the page and set up the rules for extracting it.





Filter formatter:

Allows you to filter the rows in the table by specified conditions. With its help, you can filter the products and leave only those that meet your requirements for further import into your online store .



Reference system:

The reference system is a unique feature of the Price Master module, which allows you to use references to columns and cells from all price lists loaded into the module . You can use references to columns and cells in formatters and in the file generator , which allows you to create complex data formatting rules , create custom tables , and much more.



Data Integration:

After marking, all unique data from the downloaded price list about categories , manufacturers , characteristics , options ... will be loaded into the " Integrations " tab and you will be able to set up a comparison (connection) of product data with your store data.




Download settings:

In the " Upload Settings " tab, you can very flexibly configure the criteria for importing and updating products into your online store catalog .






Generating files:

The file generator in the Price Master module allows you to create price lists and data feeds of almost any structure for your customers and for exporting products to any sites and marketplaces . The file generator is designed in such a way that it automatically generates files using a user-defined template.

To create a file template, you need to fill the template with variables (such as product name, price, description, category, etc.). Variables are available in all languages of your store , meaning you can create price lists and data feeds in any language .

After creating a template, you can use it in all uploaded price lists and generate files in one click . You can also set file generation to automatically upload on a schedule . This way, you will always have up-to-date price lists for uploading to sites and marketplaces .

Supported file formats:

  • EXCEL(Xlsx)
  • CSV
  • XML(YML and any other XML formats)



To customize the template, you need to download the standard EXCEL template file to your computer, style it if necessary, fill it with the necessary variables and upload it back to the module. Price lists in EXCEL format can contain photos of products , which allows you to create beautiful and informative price lists for your customers . You can create any number of columns , style the header and rows of the table at your discretion.




CSV is a simple and lightweight data storage format that consists of rows and columns separated by commas, stands for Comma Separated Values. Many marketplaces accept the CSV format for uploading products. The template for this format is very easy and quick to create, and this is done directly through the module interface.





XML(YML) - almost any structure and for any platforms and marketplaces. The template for the XML format is also created through the module interface. In the XML format, you can create data feeds for exporting your products to Yandex.Market, Google Merchant, Prom.ua, Rozetka, Hotline and many other platforms.




Scheduler, with download statistics :

The Price Master module has a built-in scheduler that allows you to set up automatic downloading of price lists according to a schedule . Through a user-friendly interface, you can very flexibly set up a schedule for downloading price lists and visually observe the distribution of tasks on the timeline.


After loading the price list, the module saves statistics of loading and processing data. In the download history, you can see a detailed report on the number of loaded products, the number of errors and warnings, the start time and the task execution time.



Built-in documentation:

The documentation is built right into the module and all elements are provided with detailed hints , and all key elements of the module are provided with links to the target documentation page. In the documentation you will find detailed instructions on how to use all elements of the module, as well as video documentation in English , Ukrainian and Russian .





Update system:

The Price Master module has a built-in update system that allows you to receive notifications about new versions of the module and update the module in one click .




User-friendly interface:

The entire interface of the module is designed to be as user-friendly and intuitive as possible . All elements of the module are provided with detailed hints that lead to the landing page of the documentation. The interface of the module is translated into more than 30 languages. The module provides the ability to switch the interface language regardless of the language of the administrative panel of your store.


Operating speed:

The module code is optimized for working with large amounts of data . The module works quickly and stably even when loading thousands of products . For less consumption of server resources, the module uses batch data processing , which allows you to load and process data in parts .


Supported versions of Opencart, OcStore, PHP:

The module has been checked and tested on all popular versions of Opencart and OcStore, as well as on all popular versions of PHP.


OpenCart versions:


ocStore versions:


PHP versions:

  • 5.6
  • 7.2
  • 7.3
  • 7.4
  • 8.1
  • 8.2


You can find more detailed information about the module in the documentation .


The first license for the " Price Master " module is issued for 1 year , for one domain name.
The license includes the operation of the module, receiving updates and technical support.
After the license expires, the module will stop working.
Renewal of the license for another year costs 30 USD .
Please read the license agreement before purchasing the module.

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