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Клон стандартного модуля HTML контент 1.0.0

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About This File

Clone of the standard HTML module.
Someone inexperienced will say "why clone a standard module if it can be duplicated directly in the admin panel", but when the task is not just to copy some text, but to make a custom module, this solution will help more than ever.

For example, you need to make a text module for the main page with the addition of pictures, buttons, etc. In order not to do all this in a standard editor, you simply fill in the HTML clone and edit its contents in the code, and in the editor you only need to display the text. A very painful topic for developers of client stores. The customer can often delete everything that you have made up through the standard editor and swear that everything is done very crookedly.

Here is a short background.)

In fact, a very functional thing with which you can do a lot of useful things, and then display them through layouts.

How to install:
1. Upload the contents of the "upload" folder to the site root.

2. The module will appear in the admin panel under the name "HTML content 2"

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